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Divide and conquer. That is the new recipe for disaster in the US. Get people to think there is a difference between a Republican and a Democrat. Then make them argue about it until they are blue in the face. Obama and Romney's politics are very similar. Dont be fooled by the color of the party. Its all bullshit.


Are you saying there is no difference between the far right and the center right? Are Democrats trying to send government services back to the 19th century? Are Democrats anti-science? Are Democrats declaring war on public mass transit? Do you read about white supremacists holding seminars at Democratic party conferences? etc


Beware of throwing the baby out with the bath water.


I am not saying any of that. What I am saying is the difference between both parties has greatly reduced over the last couple of decades. They both talk a big talk but at the end of the day there voting records show who they are. Big war, bail outs and big government spending can be seen on both sides.


Ron Paul!

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i'm pro vaccination


i'm anti-having my home broken into and being arrested for no apparent reason other than i own an ice axe.


i'm pro-choice...i encourage people to choose who they want to marry regardless of gender. i'm a fan of people reproducing responsibly. i'm strongly in favor of choosing not to judge a book by its cover or people by their skin color.


i'm anti-destroying the environment.



i'm pro keeping more of the my money i earn in my bank account. i'm pro having an economy in which i can find a job. i pro savings and retiring.


who do i vote for?


"none of the above"


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Are you saying there is no difference between the far right and the center right? Are Democrats trying to send government services back to the 19th century? Are Democrats anti-science? Are Democrats declaring war on public mass transit? Do you read about white supremacists holding seminars at Democratic party conferences? etc


Beware of throwing the baby out with the bath water.


I am not saying any of that. What I am saying is the difference between both parties has greatly reduced over the last couple of decades. They both talk a big talk but at the end of the day there voting records show who they are. Big war, bail outs and big government spending can be seen on both sides.


Ron Paul!


In other words, your solution (Ron Paul) is to double down on the deregulation, privatization, and outsourcing that brought us where we are at present. It's complete nonsense to suggest that Paul's brand of unfettered capitalism would produce anything significantly different than what we have today. I really don't understand how voting for a right wing extremist would pry the 2 main parties away from the influence of corporations.


What's wrong with bailouts if they do what we need to get done? The bank bailouts should have been done differently and led to breaking banks into smaller entities, but do you honestly believe we could have risked having many (if not most) financial institutions go belly up?

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i'm pro vaccination


i'm anti-having my home broken into and being arrested for no apparent reason other than i own an ice axe.


i'm pro-choice...i encourage people to choose who they want to marry regardless of gender. i'm a fan of people reproducing responsibly. i'm strongly in favor of choosing not to judge a book by its cover or people by their skin color.


i'm anti-destroying the environment.



i'm pro keeping more of the my money i earn in my bank account. i'm pro having an economy in which i can find a job. i pro savings and retiring.


who do i vote for?


I don't know who you should vote for, but if these are your concerns you shouldn't vote Republican as they are significantly worse than their opposition on almost all the counts you mentioned.

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In other words, your solution (Ron Paul) is to double down on the deregulation, privatization, and outsourcing that brought us where we are at present. It's complete nonsense to suggest that Paul's brand of unfettered capitalism would produce anything significantly different than what we have today.



I hear you. But I also think it is complete nonsense to continue to vote for the same establishment thinking you are going to get a different result. Unless you like where we are at currently. I am willing to try something completely different. Dont hate me for it.

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In other words, your solution (Ron Paul) is to double down on the deregulation, privatization, and outsourcing that brought us where we are at present. It's complete nonsense to suggest that Paul's brand of unfettered capitalism would produce anything significantly different than what we have today.



I hear you. But I also think it is complete nonsense to continue to vote for the same establishment thinking you are going to get a different result. Unless you like where we are at currently. I am willing to try something completely different. Dont hate me for it.


Ron Paul is not "completely different" -- he's more like a concentrated version.

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i'm pro vaccination


i'm anti-having my home broken into and being arrested for no apparent reason other than i own an ice axe.


i'm pro-choice...i encourage people to choose who they want to marry regardless of gender. i'm a fan of people reproducing responsibly. i'm strongly in favor of choosing not to judge a book by its cover or people by their skin color.


i'm anti-destroying the environment.



i'm pro keeping more of the my money i earn in my bank account. i'm pro having an economy in which i can find a job. i pro savings and retiring.


who do i vote for?


I don't know who you should vote for, but if these are your concerns you shouldn't vote Republican as they are significantly worse than their opposition on almost all the counts you mentioned.


Absolutely. It seems that many retirees, red-staters, small-business owners,and middle class from upper to lower, tend to vote Republican because they've been led by decades of Rethuglican hype from Nixon and Goldwater, to Reagan and the Bushes, to believe that the Rethugs will take care of their money. Well, they've taken care of it all right, as in "Here, we can manage that for you much better than you can.." and have consistently cut taxes on the wealthy, starved government regulation on banks and other financial institutions so that it can't do it's job, tilted the playing field continually in favor of the upper 2%-- and as a result now control most of the money. It's been mystifying to me to see how this (formerly--now on it's way down to the bottom) middle stratum has continued to vote, time after time, against their own best social and economic interests.


What many of these people don't seem to understand is that, to the people in power, whether political or corporate--(and these are often one and the same--witness Romney) the "little people" are simply not even on their radar. They hardly even exist in any significant degree other than as an amorphous "base".


Furthermore, the working class has actually begun to be demonized by the anti-union, anti public-service workers,anti-public school, anti-teacher, anti worker's rights propaganda of the Tea Party, Limbaugh, Grover Norquist, Ron Paul and the Republican governors in Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, etc. Working people and the former middle class, have now taken the place of Clinton's "welfare queens" in the conservative mythology. Who would ever have thought, even 10 or 15 years ago, that the very people who have been the backbone of the American economy and stable community life, would be hated, vilified, and attacked for wanting some measure of consumer protection, workplace safety, financial security and a reasonable retirement after faithfully punching a time clock for 40 or 50 years, serving the corporate chain gang?


I'm not saying the Democrats have been innocent in all this. Clinton's NAFTA and GATT, the continuing complicity in butchering things like truly meaningful health care reform (Nancy Pelosi's "Single payer is off the table"--thanks a lot, bitch), unstinting support of two needless wars( and watch out, because they're pounding the war drums again for Iran) and going along with the tax cuts for the rich, have been disastrous for the vast majority of working class Americans. Democrats have been drinking the Koolaid for a long time now.


However, there is still a small constituency of realistic and truly compassionate Democrats along the line of Barney Frank, Robert Byrd, Kucinich and others who represent what the Democratic party USED to stand for, and FIGHT for. And Obama does seem to be waking up a little, realizing that there's no compromising or playing nice with Republicans.


So there may yet be some small hope that total collapse can somehow be avoided. Democrats offer no guarantees. But to vote Republican is, without question, to simply assure that you will wind up penniless and homeless just that much more quickly. :anger::mad::provoke::mistat:

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But I also think it is complete nonsense to continue to vote for the same establishment thinking you are going to get a different result.


I can see why you'd vote for Paul--IN THE GOP PRIMARY--but not for the reason

you give.


Sheesh! What impeccable logic.



What reason am I giving?

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Well I'll put it this way: which party establishment do you support in a GOP primary?


Paul's been in Washington forever, he just has a diffy style, but it's the same big government is controlling your life BS we see in every GOP platform.


Put another way, he's the current face of the same old evangelical/corporate establishment we saw with the Tea Party, Palin, W, Quayle, etc. etc.



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Yeah you will have the guy who is a complete idiot!


I remember Ron Paul speaking in 1988 and thinking where the hell did they find the freak.


His whole schtick is being 'that guy', who will take the far extreme of an issue not because it makes any sense whatsoever, but simply because it is the far extreme. There is certainly a role for such a person in a deliberative body like either house of Congress, but in no way should such a person be the sole executive power.


Or put another way, it's not quite a village unless there's an idiot, just not with the idiot as the mayor.

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I hear you. But I also think it is complete nonsense to continue to vote for the same establishment thinking you are going to get a different result. Unless you like where we are at currently. I am willing to try something completely different. Dont hate me for it.


I don't like where we are at but I would like a great depression even less. Isn't Paul's solution to the economic crisis to "let it burn"? You are aware of what it'd mean for many Americans? How can you justify that?



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I don't like where we are at but I would like a great depression even less. Isn't Paul's solution to the economic crisis to "let it burn"? You are aware of what it'd mean for many Americans? How can you justify that?



I dont like the idea of the government bailing out a company because it made bad business decisions. At any level. That means they took from me and my children and my children s children to pay for bad decisions making. If by "let it burn" you mean to let it fail.....yes, let it fail. Its called capitalism and when it works it works. Let the market decide. I dont like the government make the decisions on winners and losers.

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