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More Police State from the State


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If you think that all media is 100% believable, you're wrong. If you think that all media is 100% unbelievable, you're also wrong.


Who the F thinks this way?


You do. To exemplify your problems you forgot the :pagetop: symbol in your post.


Thanks for telling how I think..... :/

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Hmmm. Such as the website you linked to that started this circular logic discussion?


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I have no evidence you think at all.


People on this site seem to often confuse attacking another and calling them names intelligent. Yet it isn't. In fact, Kevin's posts are more challenging and interesting than yours on this thread. As you haven't exhibited any intelligence yourself why not just sit right there on the bench with the bone? Opps, nevermind: as Kevin has been significantly more interesting and intelligent than you, he'll be elsewhere.




I'd stay in the middle if I were you, trust me on that.

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I have no evidence you think at all.


People on this site seem to often confuse attacking another and calling them names intelligent. Yet it isn't. In fact, Kevin's posts are more challenging and interesting than yours on this thread. As you haven't exhibited any intelligence yourself why not just sit right there on the bench with the bone? Opps, nevermind: as Kevin has been significantly more interesting and intelligent than you, he'll be elsewhere.




I'd stay in the middle if I were you, trust me on that.


BS. the video i posted was way more interesting than anything said so far in the turd of a thread.

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As a frequent flyer I'd just like to say eeeeeek! its painful and shocking enough to travel. i don't need a hospital bracelet added to the mix. what do they do if my luggage ends up someplace w/o me? that has happened is usually not my fault. WTF???


on serious note: i find this to be horrible invasion of my privacy rights. we have gone so far beyond what's reasonable it drives me nuts. why don't they just implant the microchip and attach the shock collar and be done w/it? civil liberties be damned

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