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Occupy Irrationality


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It's called "True News." That's how you know you can trust it.


Better than Fox News.


Yeah, but that's a low bar. :D


So where do you get your news from? Serious question Rob. Lets see if you can answer it without sarcasm. I bet you will not be able too.


do you want to know where I get my news, or my editorials? The link above was not actually news. Do you know the difference?


News is easy to get on the internet, so I don't just have one source. Do you? But for general perusing (i.e. goofing off at work) I mostly use Google's news aggregate, because it offers a pretty good cross-section of both major and minor publishers and I can just randomly find stories that interest me.


But for detailed stories on particular interests of mine, I mostly use internet search engines to find articles that interest me, regardless of publishers, and then I make my own decisions on the perceived accuracy of the report based on many factors (it's called critical thinking). I don't have favorite publishers because I think none of them are perfect and most are bad. That's why I make my decisions on a case-by-case basis.


Editorials are a little different, since they are not unbiased (by definition) and so there are many editorials I don't read because I know they'd just piss me off (i.e. I don't get Rush's special content he offers on his website). With editorials, I find the author is more important than the publisher since they are usually written by people not actually employed by the publisher in the first place (unlike journalists who report on news). Therefore, my interest in editorials is mostly driven by my personal tastes, and not by whoever happened to publish it -- so again it's mainly a case-by-case thing.


I certainly don't have any publisher that I just take at his word, or that I like more than any other. It's all mostly hit or miss.


But, of all of these internet sources, I would consider most of the "youtube only" sources to be the most immature and unprofessional pieces of journalism out there. That's just from my personal experience -- there are exceptions, of course. But in general their coverage of the "news" is highly slanted and editorialized, which I view as badly as I view Fox.



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It's called "True News." That's how you know you can trust it.


There is a direct link between deregulation of the financial sector and trillions in bad assets owned by financial institutions that are at the core of a once in a century economic crisis yet trust libertarian nincompoops to claim that re-regulating is a bad idea. Same turds who claim their beliefs are evidence based :rolleyes:

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But for detailed stories on particular interests of mine, I mostly use internet search engines to find articles that interest me, regardless of publishers, and then I make my own decisions on the perceived accuracy of the report based on many factors (it's called critical thinking).


Me too.

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Hahaha, Wow. I found a perfect quote for Robbie:

"A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle." - Benjamin Franklin


:lmao: at least I have the balls to post my opinions under my real username, rather than creating an anonymous avatar like a cowardly pussy. Have you always been such a pussy, or is this a new development?


I wish the board revealed posting IPs so we could see who you really are. My money is on kevbone or bill, cause they're both retarded, too. Or kimmo. Tough call.

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My first and last review of the video involved looking at the length of the program. Once I saw 28:15 I decided it was a waist of my time. Not that I don't waist time but come on :noway:


I'm sure there's a ton of stuff in the wacko category of YouTube with lengths of 2:00 ;)

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Wow. Y'all are hilarious.

If by "the cult", you mean "my ideas", then yes, I'm a member of the club. :D


And if by "intelligent" you mean "attacking at the person behind the logical arguments being proposed",

then many of y'all are very "intelligent".


If you are wise, then you will address the information itself, and not just the messenger. :rolleyes:


Anyone want to have a civil debate in person?

I live in Portland, OR and I'm willing to debate someone who sees himself as a superhero.

Only condition is that it is recorded with a video camera and posted on this forum afterwords.

Kevbone can even record it, and I'll supply the camera.


So how about it Rob - you got the balls for a civil, in-person debate? Or is the keyboard more comforting?

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