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Government IS Force, Violence, and Murder.


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shouldn't you be out battling evil? :)

Shouldn't you be out climbing?

on the way even now after an early morning sesh of harry potter legoes w/ the wee'uns! :)

Lucky you. My wee'uns Harry Potter legoes are still in the box beneath the tree. BECAUSE THEY AREN'T HERE YET TO OPEN THEM!!!

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Anything I could make more clear for anyone?
The video you posted presents a convincing argument that people like you are pathologically retarded on the topic of government and related issues. Evidently, that point was lost on you. But at once you deserve congratulations for having proven your idiocy here with remarkable brevity -- and with a clarity you are not likely to surpass anytime soon.


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"The Government" is just a bunch of folks. Get rid of 'em and a Bunch of Other Folks will rush in to fill the void...only this time without any representation, basic rights, or checks and balances.


Basically, People Suck. That's why we have government.


It's also hard to build a spaceship to Pluto with only your neighbor's spare time and money to work with, and that shit is FKN COOL.



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Thank you very much. :D


Anyone want to post something with some substance?

I respond very well to reason and evidence.

Degeneracy... Not so much.






please list those governments in history that have not used force, violence, meanness, badfaith, poor manners, poorer judgement and murder.


the lichtensteinians of 2011 mayhaps?

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Thank you very much. :D


Anyone want to post something with some substance?

I respond very well to reason and evidence.

Degeneracy... Not so much.






please list those governments in history that have not used force, violence, meanness, badfaith, poor manners, poorer judgement and murder.


the lichtensteinians of 2011 mayhaps?


I'd rather be one of the stick figures on the left with the lower lipstick marks.

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Thank you very much. :D


Anyone want to post something with some substance?

I respond very well to reason and evidence.

Degeneracy... Not so much.








please list those governments in history that have not used force, violence, meanness, badfaith, poor manners, poorer judgement and murder.


the lichtensteinians of 2011 mayhaps?

The Founding Fathers had a perfect government, but only for one space time singularity, before the Libruls weighed in and fucked it all up.


God this wetter's bad.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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I cannot think of a single government that has not used the traditional, immoral, and ignorant methods for governing.


For just a moment, Government = "Slavery":


-There will always be those moral, virtuous few that put forward the idea that we should "end slavery!" because it's immoral.

-"It's wrong, and therefore it should be ENDED.", they say, "Slave owners BEAT their slaves. This should end!"

-But then, in come the slave owners and they all cry out "But then who will work on my plantations?!?!" as they frown.

-The ethical, forward-benefit-oriented-thinkers will then talk about how "It doesn't matter! It's simply WRONG to have slaves!"

-The slave owners will obsessively hold on to their current system out of fear and greed. This is all they know.

-The Liberators know slavery is wrong. So they live with virtue, and help others to experience "Reason = Virtue = Happiness."


Does anyone have any evidence to the contrary?


(AND on another note:

Many governments are supported in treating the effects, and not the causes of harm.

Many people tend to live in fear of confronting the real issue(s) / source(s) of "evil".

Maybe try addressing the real issues, and not superficial ones.)

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I cannot think of a single government that has not used the traditional, immoral, and ignorant methods for governing.


so you're problem is w/ nature - not that i'd disagree - life sucks - if there's a god, when it's all said n' done there might should be an inquest or a hearing or something - i'd be willing to testify for the prosecution - in the meantime i've bought several helmets.

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I'm guessing that no one has explained to the lad that ya got governments and you have "governments"....


We have the former.....generally and fortunately. Until Jesus comes back, pulls everyone up to heaven by their topknots and then multiplies, perfection isn't available. However, there is black, there is white, there is grey.


We got grey... some black and white. If it wuz a rainbow, it would have a small pot of gold under one end. ... pot_of_gold_at_the_end_of_the_rainbow_0515-1102-1806-1440_SMU.jpg and some chocolate cupcakes too. No one is going hungry, unless they want too. Choices are available.

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Anyone want to post something with some substance?.


See if this moves the discussion along. PS, it's the comments you have to read, hilarious.




Classic anti-science demagoguery by know-nothing right-wingers. The money spent on that research will not only provide answers as to how we affect the marine environment we depend on for resources but it is much better economic stimulus than tax cuts for the 1% (or the 99% for that matter).

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