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Barak Obama gay oral sex allegations


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Since the "libtrust" of the CC.blogisphere is so riled up over the accusations that Republican candidate Cain should be 86ed and not elected due to sexual allegations, I thought this should be pitched out as well. Not that there is anything wrong with gay oral sex and Cocaine use. Obama is a decent looking guy, better looking than Cain. Didn't keep the guy from getting elected the first time, should it disqualify him from still being President? If so, how do you feel about Cain now? I don't care either way, but I don't think I could listen to Cain talk for 4 years, let alone believe that he could handle the nuances of being the President: at least Obama is at least well spoken. For a bi-guy I mean. :grin:


Perhaps whom ever is going to be elected, they'll have "head in crotch" syndrome. It just differs if it's straight or gay.


"On May 31, 2008 Larry Sinclair stood face to face with Mrs. Van Susteren and told her he would answer any and all questions she cared to ask concerning his 2008 allegations that he performed oral sex on Barack Obama twice in Chicago in 1999 as well as used cocaine with the then IL State Senator. Van Susteren then asked Mr. Sinclair to give her a number where he could be reached and Sinclair handed Van Susteren his cell number as well as the number of his DC area Hotel. Rather than question Mr. Sinclair, Van Susteren chose to refer to Politico.com’s Ben Smith June 18, 2008 article as justification for having not interviewed Mr. Sinclair."


Anyone interested or in disbelief should also google "Wayne Madsen Report", the updated similar allegation that both Obama and his buddy and former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel are long-time members of a gay man’s club in Chicago.


Seriously, you Dems are all a twitter over the Cain thing.....get on it all if it's so damned important to you all. Let's see if this version of "teabagging" interests any of you.


Ta ta! :ass:




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so bill, where does this blog "conservatives who love america" fit in as far as credibility? how would you compare them to the "lame stream media...aka libturds who want to destroy america" outlets (all of them) providing multiple reports (4) of Cain being accused (not yet convicted) of non-consensual advances?


so what does the "libturd trust" think? i'm not sure. what does the conservatard trust think? DO YOU THINK ITS TRUE??? Because if so, that is all that matters.


And would you suckle on Obama's dingus? He is handsome, and what if you appointed you a special position????


Lastly Google "Santorum" and you'll find the value of the information you have provided us today. Until its reported from "reputable" outlet that is. Then we can start a 500 post thread discuss the tawdry details.

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