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I wish I lived in the Cascades :(


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I'm reading all this stuff...so many mountains, so much to climb...shit, i could spend all my life in Washington State and not climb 5% of what there is to climb. I'm so jealous of all of you Northwesterners...


well, New England ain't so bad either i guess, we got our rock in summer and ice in winter, but its just all so small - once you've been around some, it's basically all the same stuff over and over again. Same mountains, same drive every weekend, same trails...


you people are really lucky - i've been to the cascades a number of times and they are totally boundless...

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Actually, russki182, the best place to move to up here in the Great Pacific Northwest is a small town called, 'Vagina,' in the provincence of Saskatchewan, Canada. I'm told that its a really good place to live. Look up a guy named Dru when you get up there. Otherwise, move to Seattle like everyone else in the whole fuck'in world . Your truely, Dennis

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Originally posted by russki82:

...you people are really lucky - i've been to the cascades a number of times and they are totally boundless...

It ain't all good, we have to make hard decisions all the time; which one to climb, how can I combine a couple or 3 in one weekend, etc. There is serious stress living around here.


Then, just when you think you have it all figured out, someone takes you to Cascade Pass for the first time and WHAM! major reprioritization of the tick list is needed. It's not a bed of roses around here by any means, you should stay out east, (and everyone else should stay away from Cascade Pass 'cause you could die without a GPS)

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I moved to Eugene, Oregon from Oak Ridge, Tennessee four years ago. However, God did not bless Western Oregon with a lot of solid climbable rock. (When I lived in the Oak Ridge/Knoxville area there was a BUTTLOAD of climbable rock (sandstone and limestone) nearby-Obed/Clear Creek, Black Mountain, Devil's Race Track, Look Rock, Big South Fork, etc, etc) However, God was much kinder to Washington state and California. Even though I am in Eugene away from all the cool granite, I don't regret the move one bit - it was one of the best things I ever did.


However if you do decide to move, you might want to relocate to Washingto state closer to granite and those crazy cannucks that are across the border.

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NO! Don't come here. It really sucks. Yeah, there are a lot of peaks, but most of them really suck. Besides, all of the good peaks have lines and reservation systems, and you have to pay to park at all of the trailheads. And it rains 11 months out of the year, and everyone here is from California. The unemployment rate is outrageous, and all of the big industries are leaving town. If you come, you are setting yourself up for rained-out climbs, no work, dark weather, and almost guaranteed suicide within six months. It would be best to stay clear away.

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