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i think the real issue here is that the liberal government likes to REWARD INACTIVITY so i decided to quit my job, get my marijuana card, have eight kids and play video games all day, and let all the hard working folks pick up my tab :wave:


man larry, i don't THINK pink was trying to call you out! :)


it would be nice to hear what the man has to say to your post though, old boy. i know a # of older folks who've been unable to get a job anywhere after months and years of looking...


Shirley you jest joker. I have the card but probably won't re-up. I'm not touching the eight kids thing. I won't include video games because I stink at them. As far as hard working, talking about labor here, most of that is subsistence wages; so I hope you at least enjoy it.


Supposedly hunter-gathers only worked 3 hours per day and did the wild thing a lot.


I am interested in the statistical breakdown of the under and unemployed people by age though--anyone got it.

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i totally want to help, and i decided to help you get a job this summer so you have a little more to contribute as well ;)

ain't that the truth! :) ole'gregoire's proposed budget for next year will take 5k$ from me if it goes through :(


if all animals were equal, why can't they all taste like bacon?



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Actually, hunter gatherers lived five years longer and were 5 inches taller, on average, than the first agrarians, who were relatively poorly nourished and overworked. Paleolithic folks were within a couple of inches of being as tall as we are today. With their lower population densities, nomadic lifestyle, diversified diets, healthier bodies, and egalitarian ethos, they were less at risk of disease and malnutrition, or famine than early farmers.


War is largely an expensive, surplus intensive luxury that most paleolithic folks avoided most of the time out of sheer necessity.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Sounds like someone has read Guns, Germs and Steel. :)


Some scientists argue it's more complicated than that. In fact, some anthropologists are finding evidence that disease may have caused the temporary shrinking of humans, not farming.


Anyway, have you read this article?




While many scientists now agree with Prof Diamond that agriculture did lead to an increase in malnutrition, inequality and warfare, some, like Dr Stock, are challenging such a cut-and-dried assertion. Life as a hunter-gatherer, for example, may not have been quite as idyllic as anthropologists initially portrayed. "Anthropologists in the Sixties and early Seventies described humans as 'Man the Hunter', bringing back meat for the women and children, and there was an academic backlash against this," explains Dr Stock. "Hunter-gatherers became the original flower children. There was a romanticised view of indigenous cultures who were egalitarian and in touch with nature."


In fact, for many, life was probably "nasty, brutish and short", no matter how interesting the range of fruit and vegetables on offer. Dr Migliano has shown that the average life expectancy for a pygmy in the Philippines was 19. This meant that by the age of 14, most girls had already had at least one child. Other research has shown that, in hunter-gatherer societies, 15 per cent of young men are murdered: Prof Richard Wrangham, of Harvard University, has calculated that in spite of two world wars, fewer people die violently today than before the advent of agriculture.


Regardless, I guess conversations about paleolithic man's habits and ethos will always have a certain amount of conjecture about them, either way.


How did we get on this subject? :crazy:

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Fuck it, it's only money, can't we just keep printing more? What ya whining on? Why can't we keep selling bonds to ourselves and the Chinese? The debt is only debtiv.gif and increasing 4,160,000,000.00 a DAY! Why can't we keep spending like drunken sailors and let Larrys (and all of our) kids worry over it? GOOD LIFE! WHHHOO HOOO!

Haters and jack booted thugs: ALL OF YOU! (OK, only some of you:-)

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Supposedly hunter-gathers only worked 3 hours per day and did the wild thing a lot.


they also existed in a state of essentially continous warfare w/ their neighbors :)


thank you, never thought the hunter-gatherer life was very desirable; however, consistently working (labor) 3 hours/day seems to be a good number for me as far as productivity quotas. Although there are some studies that claim old duffers productivity doesn't go down with age; not sure what there doing.


As far as essentially continuous warfare it seems we're pretty good at that as a country; but United in it?

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i just wish my income was going up along with my insurance, then this would be no big deal. my insurance went up about $130 last year, this is not the usual trend. other wise my insurance would be about $1100 a month right now. now where's my play station and pipe ;)

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Worrying and spray are the things I do best with my time BC; dog knows I don't spend it laboring. Spray keeps me out of trouble when I can't climb due to infirmity. Besides, I'm too bourgeoisie in spirit to work all the time anymore.


Clinton getting tough with China because they won't devalue the US dollar. I think it's just smoke. I know I'm repeating myself but they hold too many of our dollars to devalue them. Don't think any US financial institution would do it given the same situation.


China just has the drop on us as far as capitalism and this upsets some people. The commies are beating us at our own game with a little help from their freedom loving corporate friends. Some of the commie proletariats are even complaining of the inequalities of capitalism, but we never really here much about it. Yawn. Scratch. Sniff. Belch. Far..

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