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More Demolib hypocrisy from B-HO


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Because there is an unintended consequence of ending DADT so abruptly.


Really? Please explain.


Because there is no plan in place to make the change. Everything from UCMJ to TRADOC has to change in a day. Where do you plan to billet the new "out" troops? What are the new training procedures? How will deployments be run? What are the new UCMJ rules/laws?



Yes, I'm sure the 'administrative costs' of ending slavery was a great argument for keepin Toby down on the plantation in its time LOL.


Spoken like a true, 'well meaning' bigot!

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Because there is an unintended consequence of ending DADT so abruptly.


Really? Please explain.


Because there is no plan in place to make the change. Everything from UCMJ to TRADOC has to change in a day. Where do you plan to billet the new "out" troops? What are the new training procedures? How will deployments be run? What are the new UCMJ rules/laws?



Yes, I'm sure the 'administrative costs' of ending slavery was a great argument for keepin Toby down on the plantation in its time LOL.


Spoken like a true, 'well meaning' bigot!


Enter the apologist who wants to sweep aside the fact that his idol helped create DADT and force it on the military. You act as though the only victim in this is the gays, how about the men and women of the military who are left holding the bag after the failed legislation it never asked for nor wanted?


You want gays in the military in a day? Fine, you got it but you afford commanders no time to consider the health and welfare of the soldiers they are tasked to lead.



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Failure of the exec and legislative branches? Happens all the time, Fucko. That's what courts are FOR. So it causes some long needed scrambling because no one got off their asses to take care of business?


What the fuck does your pea brain think 'checks and balances' means? Now STFU and get used to the sound of our system doing exactly what it should.

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Failure of the exec and legislative branches? Happens all the time, Fucko. That's what courts are FOR. So it causes some long needed scrambling because no one got off their asses to take care of business?


What the fuck does your pea brain think 'checks and balances' means? Now STFU and get used to the sound of our system doing exactly what it should.


I'll await your next fit of whining when a court ruling doesn't suit your fancy. Should we talk about McDonald Vs. Chicago where "your side" sought to restrict a black man from defending his own home or property with a firearm? Spare me your sanctimony.



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You want gays in the military in a day? Fine, you got it but you afford commanders no time to consider the health and welfare of the soldiers they are tasked to lead.



We've already GOT gays in the military, and they're already BEING led.

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