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so it seems to me in the last few days that i have apparently offended many people and probably some posters to this board too.....

but seriouly i don't like to make excuses for my actions cause i am responsible for my actions regardless wether they are correct or incorrect....

but with the additional stress of work related issues(which insome sick twited way i like), insomnia and some just general b.s.(can't explain) it seems that i have turned into some sort of asshole. unfortunate as it seems it has happend i am now a real live office stiff....pale complexion, weaking muscles and a nasally wheeze from the recycles air......god help me.

so with the real people i have offended i have already started to take corrective actions(not backstepping cause you always trip up) and to the internet people that seemed to have taken offense to my useless drivel....as a canadian would say "suury"

off to court!!!! mad.gif" border="0

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This is RURP.

I read what Erik writes and I do not think Erik needs to apologize in this Land of Great Spray and Misinformation. I do not know Erik but I can tell that he is a thoughtful guy.

Go out and climb Big Walls, Mr. Erik!

RURP has spoken.

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I just got off the phone with our hosting company, told them to look out for seal team 6 dropping out of nightstalkers and some really angry dude hot boxing in a humvee. There is a tech support girl there, I think her name is Tracy, sounds kinda cute on the phone so could you maybe spare her?

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harsh tokes bro's i started this as a nice thread.....now look what you have done to my apology to the people of the world!!!!

i am going to lock this bullshit and my comments still stand as for the stuff here i dunno?!?!!?!

confused.gif" border="0

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OK WHO pulled the super cool death threats thread? It was just starting to get fun! I am so sick of all the whining pussies that post here. This is seriously the only board out of many that tries to cater to the sensitive types. Must be the Seattle air or something. Seriously just look at some of the other boards and you'll see what I mean.

Stop being mean Captain Caveman! Stop Spraying Dru! You are really offensive RURP! Use your real name...brush your teeth...how many cams will I need for that crack....blah blah blah blah!

Climbing community? BITE ME!

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