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Limbaugh can't take the truth about Obama tax cuts


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The worse part of this exchange is that it validates the regressive talking point that federal tax cuts are the thing to do today. Tax cuts provide no return whatsoever on investment to the economy, and in the case of cuts for the wealthy, it's actually a loss because they mostly don't reinvest (not here anyway), especially in this climate. Don't get me wrong, it's always a good thing to show that Limbaugh is a big fat liar but I'd much rather hear Democrats say they also created jobs (instead of just saved jobs) by investing in infrastructure, the green economy, etc ... through an effective stimulus package rather than provided piddling tax savings across the board.


Here is a table of returns on investment according to Moody Analytics: Stimulus versus tax cut

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You don't want to go there, really. I'll put up the amount of time I spend in my Senators' offices and in my Congressman's office,and working with NGOs with anyone who has a day job.


But - after careful consideration I've decided the only thing that matters is having a broadband connection to keep a well-informed citizenry.

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I do want to go there.


How much measurable progress have your efforts produced? I'm just referring to the topic at hand, BTW, which is...the media sucks, there are no good news outlets anymore, non-profits should not be able to make movies with a political message, and Rush Limbaugh is an asshole, as far as I can tell.


What are the goals of these efforts? Reverse/prevent media consolidation? Requiring media to be fair and balanced? Prevent 3rd parties uncoordinated with any campaign from issuing a public political message? Gag non-profits who wish to issue a political message?


I'm always at a loss as to how the problems with our 'media' will be corrected in manner that is even remotely constitutional.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Funny how, when I ask progressives specific questions as to the effectiveness of their efforts, I always get one of the following:


1) A snide remark about how I've defected to the Right or some out of context misinterpretation of a previous statement

2) A dodge

3) No answer at all


Obviously a hot button issue for you. Your opinion seems to be that with our current state of open media that there's no reason to be concerned of the continued trend of corporate money dominiating all sorts of media. I never accused anyone of jumping in the rightwing cesspoll. Just that I consider this opinion niave at best.


And your insinuation that I'm just a whiner and not doing anyting else. Well, I don't need to show you my resume - . You can tell us how wonderfully effective your lobbying efforts have been. And I want charts.

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Funny how, when I ask progressives specific questions as to the effectiveness of their efforts, I always get one of the following:


1) A snide remark about how I've defected to the Right or some out of context misinterpretation of a previous statement

2) A dodge

3) No answer at all


Obviously a hot button issue for you. Your opinion seems to be that with our current state of open media that there's no reason to be concerned of the continued trend of corporate money dominiating all sorts of media. I never accused anyone of jumping in the rightwing cesspoll. Just that I consider this opinion niave at best.


And your insinuation that I'm just a whiner and not doing anyting else. Well, I don't need to show you my resume - . You can tell us how wonderfully effective your lobbying efforts have been. And I want charts.


Nope, none of the above, but thanks for doing my thinking and issuing statements on my behalf, Mr. Free Press. Certainly no hypocrisy there LOL.

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Oh, and BTW, I've personally raise over $60,000 for the organization for which I'm also a board member, and given over 75 public talks all over the state on topics ranging from torture to drug policy reform for that organization as well. As for the organization's list of successes, I'm sure the Free Internets might yield that pretty quickly.

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Yup...did'nt expect a real answer to any of my questions.


Donation amount = $0.



Like wise dude. I'm sure you've personally assisted in moving the Gibralter of democracy further to the left while deriding the efforts of us who manage to lobby and volunteer while holding down a job and family responsibilities. Do you want a step ladder to assist in the dismount off that horse? Back to work for me. But thanks. I feel inspired now that I know you're there working for us.

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