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go republifucks go!


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Whats to spin? There's no "ahhh hahhh, gotya" here. Repubs have traditionally seen more support from business and the Dems from Unions. It's an ideological divide. Furthermore, as polical numbers change, so do contributions. It did for repubs when the Bush poll numbers sunk as well. Sometimes we see them chris and cross. Like Obama got a lot of big business support for his election, possibly due to a Bush rejection on the part of rational people in cluding business's so did Clinton. For instance, Archer Daniel Midlands was both Bush 1 AND Clintons biggest donor I think I remember.


That's just how it usually shakes out Bob.

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Bill, the problem is when you privatize the profit and socialize the loss- that's what's happening right now. they are trying to buy enough votes to send the financial regulatory reform down the drain. and that's a communism plain and simple- regardless of how loud you scream you are an anti-communist.

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Bill, the problem is when you privatize the profit and socialize the loss- that's what's happening right now. they are trying to buy enough votes to send the financial regulatory reform down the drain. and that's a communism plain and simple- regardless of how loud you scream you are an anti-communist.


So you're against Obama care?



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So you're against Obama care?

Absolutely. Like a pretty thong on the suppurating, syphilitic cunt that is the insurance industry, it really doesn't address or solve the problem - the only way of doing that is with basic universal coverage and a single-payer clearinghouse.

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Bill, the problem is when you privatize the profit and socialize the loss- that's what's happening right now. they are trying to buy enough votes to send the financial regulatory reform down the drain. and that's a communism plain and simple- regardless of how loud you scream you are an anti-communist.


I'm with you on this one Bob, thanks for clarifying your point. In fact, they say that's what happened with the recent bank bailout. We (the suckers/taxpayers) loaned the banks money at zero percent interest that we had borrowed from China and they turned around and shopped it to Europe and were getting up to 5% return on free (to them) money. The CEOS and investors are walking home with huge bonus's from out of our pocket. Unfortunately, we paid interest when we borrowed it (from the Chinese and others) and of course "We The People" still owe it.


What can we do? Saying don't vote repub or democrat on it won't work as this one was done by the Democrats. Goldman Sachs, Citibank and JP Morgan all were top 10 donors of President Obamas.




"You load sixteen tons, what do you get?

Another day older and deeper in debt.

Saint Peter, don't you call me, 'cause I can't go;

I owe my soul to the company store."


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What can we do? Saying don't vote repub or democrat on it won't work as this one was done by the Democrats. Goldman Sachs, Citibank and JP Morgan all were top 10 donors of President Obamas.

Whoa there Bill. Let's be clear that the Lehman Bros. decision and TARP belong to W's crew. Just like the two wars, Obama and his crew inherited the mess. Now you can quibble about how they have subsequently handled the situation. But donations or no, this particular aspect of the overall fiasco is W's baby.


The 'bailout' part Obama owns is Geithner's plan to use remaining TARP funds to buy toxic assets from banks. His 'Public-Private Investment Program' (P-PIP) is in my view a giveaway to the very sharks who fueled this problem and a bad idea in that it rewards bad behavior and simply wallpapers over the problem; their argument is it's necessary to 'reduce volatility in the banking sector' and, over time, we'll break even or make money on those assets.


But both the overall funding being used and the wide discretion being employed were both established by W's crew.


On December 19, 2008, President Bush used his executive authority to declare that TARP funds may be spent on any program he personally deems necessary to avert the financial crisis. This has allowed President Bush to extend the use of TARP funds to support the auto industry...



Remind me which president bought two auto manufacturers and a few banks?

See above - it was the moron you voted for twice, that's who...

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we need more public bailouts!

spin this kkk and fw


you're a stupid, suppurating, syphilitic cunt :wave:


Grow up friend. You should try responding without calling anyone names. Just a thought. Take care and have a great day!


Give me a break. Name calling is GGK's modus operandi. Look at the title of his thread - case in point.


The fight starts when you hit back. Thanks and have a great day! :wave:

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Whoa there Bill. Let's be clear that the Lehman Bros. decision and TARP belong to W's crew.


I agree with you on that, and I've said that before. As Bush handed the ball to the current group (admittedly at the last moment) and the Democratic group ran with it, I didn't say it again here in response to Bob as the context of my post was that both the republicans and democrats appear to have the same game plan on this subject.


As far as Samesame and wasting money goes, one of President Obamas biggest campaign pledges was to get us out of Iraq. I heard several versions of this, the most shocking was that he would have us totally out in like 4 months after he was elected. Gradually and quietly, he added time to that promise. I suspect that his current plan of leaving 50,000 troops in there until we are damn good and ready to pull them out would have been the exact one that John McCain was publicly admitting too during the election.


I'm not saying this is Obamas fault or that it's the wrong thing to do at this late stage of the game, it's probably the best option. Bush and crew pushed us into that with an unusual unreserved zealotry rarely seen, and we have a lot of money invested in that shit hole due strictly to the repubs, but regardless: it appears currently as samesame business as usual.




Oh, and please, no one misconstrue this to mean I'd prefer McCain to Obama. I think we are much better off with Barak, especially if the pressure of being pres had caused a McCain heart attack and Palin had succeeded him. The man showed horrible judgment in choosing her for his running mate. It is interesting that the big picture policies (excluding health care) are often so similar.

Edited by billcoe
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Don't get me wrong either, I knew Obama's Illinois everything-is-a-compromise roots, his lets-not-get-too-far-out-there pragmatism, and his concern for the polls would trump all the campaign talk. I was for Hillary personally, she wouldn't have wasted two years trying to talk the republicans to death, she'd have been beating them with a club right out of the gate. Obama choosing Geithner is all you needed to know about where he was headed.

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