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thanks to all the military serving personnel


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Just wanted to say thanks to all the soldiers out there, especially the ones that have had to spend any time in some hot and hostile desert. I can not imagine how bad it is over there.


For the guys who are currently serving in iraq and afghanistan, hopefully you will be back home sending routes and getting up peaks soon.


Once again, thank you


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Yes, thank you for your service to our country. I very much appreciate your sacrifices for our freedom; it truly means a lot to me and my family.


This Pacific front collection is from the Denver Post...it's quite impressive.




Thank you again.

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As a vet, let me say that I appreciate the well-intentioned expressions of gratitude made here. But if anyone is naive enough to think that what's happening in Iraq and Afghanistan is in any way connected with promoting "freedom," he should immediately switch off the Fox channel and do a little honest investigation...

The U.S. hasn't been involved in a morally-defensible conflict since WWII.

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I too am a vet and while I don't necesarily agree with the the wars we are involved in I do believe that we should support our troops. After all, they are putting their asses on the line for many different reasons. Some gave more than me, and some gave everything. But for my part, in some small way I can be proud and stand among my peers the Veterans and Servicemen and women of the US Armed Forces. For whatever span we stood together against the forces of this world that would strip Democracy and Freedom from us and said to them ..."Not on my watch". This is a day to honor you, and I for one salute you.

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As a vet, let me say that I appreciate the well-intentioned expressions of gratitude made here. But if anyone is naive enough to think that what's happening in Iraq and Afghanistan is in any way connected with promoting "freedom," he should immediately switch off the Fox channel and do a little honest investigation...

The U.S. hasn't been involved in a morally-defensible conflict since WWII.





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As a vet, let me say that I appreciate the well-intentioned expressions of gratitude made here. But if anyone is naive enough to think that what's happening in Iraq and Afghanistan is in any way connected with promoting "freedom," he should immediately switch off the Fox channel and do a little honest investigation...

The U.S. hasn't been involved in a morally-defensible conflict since WWII.


no one here has made any comment in support of the reasons why we are in Iraq and Afghanistan. Just giving the thanks to the men and women who are serving the country, especially those in harms way. I think the vast majority of folks here on cc.com are not in favor of either war but still greatly appreciate the work of the men and women out there. Lets not make this thread into something ugly.

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Going to spray in a moment or 2 I'm sure.


BTW, I was out Memorial Day climbing with a guy young enough to be my son. Great guy. He hauled his pistol out to shoot (I didn't bring mine as I don't want to leave a bunch of lead around the woods in the watershed for folks to drink, the gun club I belong to mines the berms and recycles the spent rounds). Somewhere in there as we are walking back to the car, having had just an awesome day and done a great new route and shot as well, I mention something about all the rounds I'd fired off when I was in the army (who'd claim it was their idea to give all these teenagers machineguns and lots and lots of bullets). He says "Thank you for your service". I'm like WTF? No one had ever said it to me, and I didn't ever really think it was really a thankable thing. I said " why are you thanking me, I didn't get shot"......


Anyway, there are some kick assed dudes out there in the service, and some of us whom were or are slackers. Us slackers know who we are....but to you kick assed guys and you guys who didn't make it back to hear the words too: a late thanks.

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