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Regressive Alert! Euroland and NYT!!!!


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I will make the rules. I will control the fungibles. And rule #1 will be: whoever has the most fungibles will make the most rules.



Rules? OK....They say that China has been hoarding all that shit with the money we're sending them - borrowing to pay for wars and public employees. Of course, the Chinese would also have executed a couple of you for incorrect thinking and turned off the internet for the rest by now though. The real workers paradise, where jb could finally be free of all those mean nasty corporations....and be either reeducated or executed for his whining and complaining. But at least they are "progressive".




ps, this Tibetian kid wants his country back.

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IMO it's because he knows that neoliberals are winning and he is dancing on our collective grave (he has no problem with that kind of collectivism).

Wrong anaology. Greece is what lies at the bottom of the grave that the western entitlement state has dug for itself. There is no escape for Greece. I'm merely suggesting that we might want to stop digging before we join them there.


Greece with 40% of its GDP generated in the parallel/underground economy is a western entitlement state? I'd say that Greece is more like the neoliberal nations that have most of their economies in the parallel casino economy (you know, as in dubious swaps and bets not traded publicly))


Well no kidding. Imagine, an over burdening tax system that creates incentive to pay bribes instead of the actual taxes. You don't see the failure?


The producers are tired of paying for the recipients. Greece is doomed with their current system.



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Back to California


Per capita State spending adjusted for inflation decreased ~17% over the last decade. So spending per capita went down while the Groperator eliminated a 60 year old car license fee worth several billions of revenue (yet gave the money to cities as if the tax were still in place). The only part of the budget that increased over that period is the prison budget (it doubled to ~$9 billions) thanks to the conservative 3 strikes law.


It seems pretty clear to me that spending isn't the major cause of California's deficit.

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the Greek entitlement state



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"One form or another" will never go, man. Gotta get unified on this thing! Short, simple, digestible slogans and archetypes work! Just think of all the great ones these same people have provided us over the years: Drill, Baby, Drill, Welfare Queens, the Red Menace, Axis of Evil, Support the Troops, Economic Freedom, Intelligent Design, Femi-Nazi, Weapons of Mass Destruction, etc. The key is to plant the seed before the underlying ideas are debunked for the complete horseshit that they are! All aboard!

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"One form or another" will never go, man. Gotta get unified on this thing! Short, simple, digestible slogans and archetypes work! Just think of all the great ones these same people have provided us over the years: Drill, Baby, Drill, Welfare Queens, the Red Menace, Axis of Evil, Support the Troops, Economic Freedom, Intelligent Design, Femi-Nazi, Weapons of Mass Destruction, etc. The key is to plant the seed before the underlying ideas are debunked for the complete horseshit that they are! All aboard!


Right, their pour billions in think tanks to come up with regressive propaganda: "nanny state", "big government", "tax relief", "death tax", "free market", ... and to think it is otherwise well accepted that "taxes are the price to pay to live in a civilized society"

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"One form or another" will never go, man. Gotta get unified on this thing! Short, simple, digestible slogans and archetypes work! Just think of all the great ones these same people have provided us over the years: Drill, Baby, Drill, Welfare Queens, the Red Menace, Axis of Evil, Support the Troops, Economic Freedom, Intelligent Design, Femi-Nazi, Weapons of Mass Destruction, etc. The key is to plant the seed before the underlying ideas are debunked for the complete horseshit that they are! All aboard!


Right, their pour billions in think tanks to come up with regressive propaganda: "nanny state", "big government", "tax relief", "death tax", "free market", ... and to think it is otherwise well accepted that "taxes are the price to pay to live in a civilized society"


Future etymologists will have a field day tracing the origins of these linguistic turd-nuggets through the think tank/public relations firm nexus.

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Right, their pour billions in think tanks to come up with regressive propaganda: "nanny state", "big government", "tax relief", "death tax", "free market", ... and to think it is otherwise well accepted that "taxes are the price to pay to live in a civilized society"

Future etymologists will have a field day tracing the origins of these linguistic turd-nuggets through the think tank/public relations firm nexus.


although there was already plenty of propaganda around to analyze, Orwell could see well into the future (despite Luntz's best effort to make 'Orwellian' a positive attribute)

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