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So the Mrs really wants to go see Avitar this weekend. I think we have been to 2 movies at the theater in the past 8 years. All I've heard here is it really sucks. I did not read this whole thread but what is the majority opinion on this flick. Worth the $25 it's gonna end up costing for the two of us?


It's worth the $25 to do something your wife really wants to do, ya cheapskate.

If I weren't so broke now, the $ would not be an issue. Less about the $ as it is wasting 3 hours on a crappy movie.


Most of us are in the same $$$ boat right about now, but look at it this way: an acid trip in a tropical rain forest would be more expensive. Plus, is there a better way to blow money than on a woman?

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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So the Mrs really wants to go see Avitar this weekend. I think we have been to 2 movies at the theater in the past 8 years. All I've heard here is it really sucks. I did not read this whole thread but what is the majority opinion on this flick. Worth the $25 it's gonna end up costing for the two of us?


Dave. Do you like Sci-fi? If so....you should enjoy this movie.

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DOOD, stick to bravery and leave the science to grownups:

Extrasolar Planets


Almost all of these are gas giants, many within the frost line, and most orbit main sequence stars. Why: big planets orbiting close to stars are easier to detect, and surveys have concentrated on main sequence stars.



Waste of time. The guy can't even interpret a simple, unambiguous table of data. Just not gonna happen here.


Conservative Brain Syndrome . There's medication for it: lots and lots of painkillers to render the removal of the broom handle from one's ass less painful.



Here's a simpleton's version for you, since it's likely that you had never heard of this concept before yesterday. Leave it to TTK to turn a tongue-in-cheek critique of a sci-fi movie into a quest for ego gratification.




As for your chart, well, there is an explanation that isn't quite settled. Let's see if you can figure it out on your own--if you're not too busy with those ridiculous light bulb sculptures. :rolleyes:

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DOOD, stick to bravery and leave the science to grownups:

Extrasolar Planets


Almost all of these are gas giants, many within the frost line, and most orbit main sequence stars. Why: big planets orbiting close to stars are easier to detect, and surveys have concentrated on main sequence stars.



Waste of time. The guy can't even interpret a simple, unambiguous table of data. Just not gonna happen here.


Conservative Brain Syndrome . There's medication for it: lots and lots of painkillers to render the removal of the broom handle from one's ass less painful.



Here's a simpleton's version for you, since it's likely that you had never heard of this concept before yesterday. Leave it to TTK to turn a tongue-in-cheek critique of a sci-fi movie into a quest for ego gratification.




As for your chart, well, there is an explanation that isn't quite settled. Let's see if you can figure it out on your own--if you're not too busy with those ridiculous light bulb sculptures. :rolleyes:


Here's a hint for you: magnetic field.



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So the Mrs really wants to go see Avitar this weekend. I think we have been to 2 movies at the theater in the past 8 years. All I've heard here is it really sucks. I did not read this whole thread but what is the majority opinion on this flick. Worth the $25 it's gonna end up costing for the two of us?


Dave. Do you like Sci-fi? If so....you should enjoy this movie.

That depends... Yes, I do, so long as it is not the type geared toward 13 year old kids. The weather was too nice to be stuck in a theater anyway. Maybe will go see it next weekend...
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