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  pink said:
  JosephH said:
Is baseball still considered a sport?


was it ever?


"There's a story, a funny story, about me sitting in a restaurant. I'm eating this big meal and maybe having a couple of beers and smoking a cigarette. A woman comes by the table. She recognizes me and she's shocked because it seems like I should be in training or something. She's getting all over me, saying that a professional athlete should take better care of himself. I lean back and I say to her, "I ain't an athlete, lady. I'm a baseball player."

--John Kruk, 10 Seasons .300 BA .397 OBP .446 SLG



I went to a Mariners game once.

About 30 minutes in I was wondering how much longer it was going to last.

It last 4 hours.

I was not arrested.


baseball rocks - standing in centerfield for hours on end, chewing endless mouthfuls of sunflower seeds like some bipedal ground hog and hurling endless insults not at the other team but at your own dumb-ass, mostly retarded pitcher who JUST CAN'T PUT THE BALL OVER THE FUCKING PLATE is a glorious way to spend a spring afternoon (bench clearing brawls where the recently released from the juvie members of your team can be seen streaming towards the far side, helmeted and bats in hand, ain't exactly unentertaining niether :) )


as for enjoying a game in person, it is a barrier to non-hedonists i'll admit- for chrissakes, how can you not like a game where you can get falling down drunk, puke all over your benchmates, passout, sleep off the hangover while dreaming about laaarge women and wake a new man only to find that concievably NOTHING has changed in the game? :)

Posted (edited)

what'eva, oh-uber-jaded one :P


as a kid, baeball was my favorite sport to play - simple as that - i liked throwing a ball as far as i could, i liked smacking the shit out of something w/ a giant bat, i liked catching a ball that had flown 300 feet through the air by the time i got to it, i liked the mano-y-mano gladiatorial thing about facing off a guy just a few feet away hurling a rock at me skull and having to have the balls to not bail out everytime he let it go


i'm w/ you on the watching of sports on t.v. though - i don't watch any sports anymore, w/ the occassional exception at a party or something - climbing is my new favorite sport, and i've always preferred getting laid to watching porn :)

Edited by ivan

Jade is a beautiful stone.


I throw like a girl, and that is an insult to girls everywhere. Furthermore, every time a try to throw like a girl I pull something in my elbow. Plus, I just don't like to stand around waiting for something to happen. I want to be actively taunting The Furies for something to happen. I can remember playing softball drunk on vodka stolen from my buddy's dad's Mexican restaurant during high school PE and I was STILL bored. Finally, I hate white trash, so it would follow that I hate a sport played by white trash, except when they're Dominican. I prefer sports played by elite athletes, like polo, or basketball.

Posted (edited)

i liked baseball 'cuz there were few rules - basketball, by comparison, pissed me 'cuz it was rare the game i didn't foul out by the 3rd quarter :)


i usually was playing baseball in the south or on an army base, so it was usually only half-honkey

Edited by ivan
  tvashtarkatena said:
Baseball isn't so much a sport as a ceremonial ritual for the masses to reconnect with common, iconic American narratives.




Yeah, whatever.

Posted (edited)

Thank God for basketball; the last thing we need is more overcrowding in our prisons.


I actually hate basketball, too; it was me dear ole Da's favorite sport and I was his favorite opponent. Plus, I can't dribble for shit. Plus, I'm short. And I can't jump. Or shoot.


In fact, that only sports I like that involve spheres smaller than planet earth are squash and raquetball. Like baseball, you get to hit things (occasionally burning one into your partners backside) but unlike baseball, you get to hit them more often than once an inning.


I like climbing because you're half a rope length from the nearest Angry Hairless Monkey on average.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
  ivan said:
what'eva, oh-uber-jaded one :P


as a kid, baeball was my favorite sport to play - simple as that - i liked throwing a ball as far as i could, i liked smacking the shit out of something w/ a giant bat, i liked catching a ball that had flown 300 feet through the air by the time i got to it, i liked the mano-y-mano gladiatorial thing about facing off a guy just a few feet away hurling a rock at me skull and having to have the balls to not bail out everytime he let it go


i'm w/ you on the watching of sports on t.v. though - i don't watch any sports anymore, w/ the occassional exception at a party or something - climbing is my new favorite sport, and i've always preferred getting laid to watching porn :)


how about getting laid while watching porn or getting laid cause u threw one in to begin with... i like ur trip reports ivan but i don't really get a boner after i read one :wave:


I played baseball for awhile.

Took one in the nose at first base. That bled enough to freak people out.

Then a cross town rival hit a home run and my coach told me to play a little more to the left the next time he came up. I turned to a teammate and said "that sonofabitch can hit anywhere he wants it." And the coach thought I said something derogitory about him. He ended my baseball career.

Shortly thereafter I took up drinking and smokin rag-weed.

I blame it on baseball.

  ivan said:
fuck i hating the fucking fuck yankees - i'm w/ u pink - they are the gross physical expression of everything fucked up w/ america - the perfect team name for a monstrosity - i coulda put osama's pic up on my wall if he'd gone after yankee stadium instead (well, minus the civilian collateral damage i reckon :) )

There is nothing natural about anyone on that team - they're all pumped full of steroids. Those fuckers - not an honest athlete anywhere in their clubhouse!!!

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