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"A little mistake"


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"He's a brilliant guy, and he made a little mistake 32 years ago. What a shame for Switzerland," said photographer Otto Weisser, a friend of Polanski.


So, to the fathers in the group; is drugging and raping a 13 year old a "little mistake".



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Geimer is among those calling for the case to be tossed out. She filed court papers in January saying, "I am no longer a 13-year-old child. I have dealt with the difficulties of being a victim."


Geimer, now 45, married and a mother of three, sued Polanski and received an undisclosed settlement.


money talks...


but the old perv should still rot...

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Anyone with any real interest in this case ought to watch this recent documentary.



exactly - pesonally i coudl give a crap about this guy and the family he got caught up in this w/ were totally creepy too - child rape is too emotional an issue to have a rational conversation about, but the short version is that dude doesn't appear to be a sicko who makes a habit of going after little girls

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has he raped any kids in the ensuing 32 years?


Have any of the aging octagenarian Nazis killed anyone in the ensuing 64 years?



Interestingly enough, Susan Atkins, the murderer of Polanski's wife just died in prison. She was denied parole multiple times, included most recently when she asked to be released on humantarian grounds due to her terminal cancer. I wonder where Polanski stood on her parole...

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I wonder where Polanski stood on her parole...

apples and oranges - is murdering a pregnant lady the same crime as having consensual (though the term is debatable w/ a 13 year old i'll warrant you) sex w/ a teenager?


chinatown sucked - rosemary's baby too, how the fuck was that scary? if you're gonna jail him for anything, how about for making shitty movies? oh yeah, and for being french. :)

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chinatown sucked - rosemary's baby too, how the fuck was that scary? if you're gonna jail him for anything, how about for making shitty movies? oh yeah, and for being french. :)


Chinatown is a great movie.


Sex with a 13-year old can not be consensual - by LAW you dipshit.


you're a hard man not to want to make hate-speech at :)


seriously, have you watched the documentary mentioned above, or are you just totally talking out of your ass?


i guess i'm the only one who sees murdering a pregant women vs. having sex w/ a teenager as being fundementally different - like i said, i hardly like the guy or his work or am defending his dipshit action - he deserved to have his balls slammed a couple times in a drawer and spend a few years thinking about it in the bad place


in the end it's all crocidile tears from our society anyhow - young girls have been so completly turned into sex objects by popular culture its seems hard to comprehend the incredulity folks express when nasty shit like this happens


at any rate, i have no :cry: to shed for senor polanski

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