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is there an example of an economic downturn anywhere when regressives on bully pulpits haven't cultivated divisiveness through hate speech?


Revealing political corruption and expressing vehement disagreement with policy is now hate speech? Stop wiping your ass with the first amendment, ya little B-ham commie prick.


If you think that denying it will prevent your paying the political price for your lies and hate-mongering, you have something coming because we won't take it lying down. As a matter of fact, now that you have been exposed and it has made the national news some conservatives feel they have to take their distances from the hate-mongers with a pulpit:






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well, all your interventions on this topic indicate that you don't have any issues with the hate speech on cable and radio. You don't have to hold hate-mongering speech in these pages to make you an accomplice of what's going on in the media. What you have coming is even greater political irrelevance, if that is possible.

Edited by j_b
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well, all your interventions on this topic indicate that you don't have any issues with the hate speech on cable and radio. You don't have to hold hate-mongering speech in these pages to make you an accomplice of what's going on in the media. What you have coming is even greater political irrelevance, if that is possible.

You still haven't produced any specific examples of hate speech from talk radio hosts. As I've said here before, I don't know much about Glen Beck, but his Obama-is-a-racist comment--while probably untrue and distasteful to most--is certainly not hate speech. Limbaugh's kids-on-the-bus comment? Stupid, but not hate speech. Now I do recall that Don Imus girls basketball team comment a couple years back. That was hate speech--but is unrelated to this discussion and, in any event, he was appropriately drubbed off the air--by the market.


So again, I ask you for specific examples of talk radio hate speech as they may relate to Obama, or his policies, or his initiatives.

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It's so common that you only need to point a search engine in the right direction and you'll find 100's of example. Just a couple of examples that come to mind: Limbaugh systematically dehumanized Dr. Tyler, every day for years, until he was murdered by an anti-choice nut-job.


Here is an academic study that didn't even consider Limbaugh and Beck, the most common offenders in that respect:

"Chon Noriega, PhD, and Francisco Javier Iribarren, MSW-PsyD, just completed a pilot study on hate speech and commercial talk radio at UCLA. Their study used the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's (NTIA) definition of hate speech and sought to develop a way to quantifiably measure the occurrence of hate speech in commercial talk radio.


The researchers asked themselves what role, if any, the media plays in the persistence of hate speech and hate crimes. The pilot focused on three radio programs: The Lou Dobbs Show, The Savage Nation, and The John & Ken Show.


Noriega and Iribarren concluded, "The preliminary analysis reveals a systematic and extensive use of false facts, flawed argumentation, divisive language, and dehumanizing metaphors that are directed toward specific vulnerable groups. Thus far, the data show a recurring rhetorical pattern in which vulnerable groups were identified as antithetical to the core values attributed by the host to himself, his audience, and the nation. These groups were then linked to social institutions that were presented as complicit. In effect, target groups are characterized as a direct threat to the listeners' way of life."



Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kety-esquivel/ucla-study-hate-speech-on_b_166131.html

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"Would you kill someone for that?...I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore...I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it,...No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong? I stopped wearing my What Would Jesus — band — Do, and I've lost all sense of right and wrong now. I used to be able to say, 'Yeah, I'd kill Michael Moore,' and then I'd see the little band: What Would Jesus Do? And then I'd realize, 'Oh, you wouldn't kill Michael Moore. Or at least you wouldn't choke him to death.' And you know, well, I'm not sure."


* The Glenn Beck Program, May 17, 2005

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I feel sorry for all you fuckers who spend so much time bickering and squabbling about shit over which you have absolutely no control.

It's got an almost neurotic quality to it; like big cats pacing their cages.


It's pathetic, really.


No shit, bro! I'm going to get back to the shit I can do something about!




Whitening my teeth!

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So again, I ask you for specific examples of talk radio hate speech as they may relate to Obama, or his policies, or his initiatives.


Actually, tune in to Savage any time. Guaranteed at some point in the first hour you'll hear him refer to someone or some group as "vermin" (a term Nazis preferred for Juden, uncoincidentally), and/or "scum", "filth", or "degenerates".


I'm getting the impression that your definition of hate speech requires specific use of epithets, lacking that, anything goes apparently?




I'm not making that one up- Savage said that explicitly on more than one occasion. Is that just political commentary?


How about Rush's repeated proud playing of "Barack the Magic Negro"? Oh right, that was just satire, unlike the racist liberal satire on here!


Well, as Beck says to his millions of listeners each day- "do whatever you have to do to stop Obama- just don't pick up a gun- I mean god forbid it should need to come to that!"


Now that's entertainment!



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So again, I ask you for specific examples of talk radio hate speech as they may relate to Obama, or his policies, or his initiatives.



I'm getting the impression that your definition of hate speech requires specific use of epithets, lacking that, anything goes apparently?




Or the incitement of violence against an individual or group. I get the impression that you prefer a government/censorship remedy to your erroneous perceptions. Yet another example of why liberals aren't really all that liberal these days. Well, at least since GW left office. :rolleyes:

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Or the incitement of violence against an individual or group. I get the impression that you prefer a government/censorship remedy to your erroneous perceptions.


I advocate no violence whatsoever, nor gov't censorship. On the other hand, I advocate that these propaganda ministers who have virtually complete control over one of our two viable political parties be held accountable for their distorted vitriol- by anyone and everyone speaking their minds. The truth hurts, and as long as those of us with a conscience have the wherewithall to call them out, I am confident that in time this sad chapter in our nations history will pass and a reasoned representation of both liberal and conservative values can exert positive influence on our society.


Then again, since news has been morphed into entertainment and now is offered by a choice of channels designed to serve it according to one's political preferences and what one wishes to hear, I guess I doubt it!



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So again, I ask you for specific examples of talk radio hate speech as they may relate to Obama, or his policies, or his initiatives.
I'm getting the impression that your definition of hate speech requires specific use of epithets, lacking that, anything goes apparently?

Or the incitement of violence against an individual or group...


An interesting article on the subject of incitement:


...The idea of encouraging violent action without actually giving overt directions was pioneered in America by the Ku Klux Klan. Recent adoptees include Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, the Unabomber (Theodore Kaczynski), and anti-abortion extremist Eric Rudolph. More recently, Islamic jihadists and groups like the Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front have also embraced the tactic.


"If you go back to the original leaderless-resistance ideology ... the idea is you have two separate worlds, where above ground you have the organs of information that provide motivation and radicalization, but it has no direct contact at all with the guys doing illegal activity," says Scott Stewart, an analyst with STRATFOR, a global intelligence company in Austin, Texas.


"The idea is to operate within the confines of the First Amendment and use those freedoms to radicalize and point the illegal actors in the second camp," he adds.


Von Brunn, a World War II PT-boat captain, appears to be a textbook example.


The problem is understanding the radicalization process and at what point ideology clicks to spawn an actual operation, counterterrorism experts say. Isolating the "organs of information" that spark violent behavior is a complex task that is extremely difficult in a society governed by the First Amendment and civil liberty protections.


"Somebody yells, 'Kill the umpire!' in the first inning, and then somebody else kills the umpire in the ninth inning. You indict the guy in the ninth inning, but what about the guy who yelled in the first place?" asks Steven Emerson, the author of "Jihad, Inc."


--from Holocaust Museum Shooting: A Spike in Domestic Extremism?


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good article link and it's conclusion is obvious - yeah, you can't have the freedom of speech and not have jackasses capable of inciting others to violence w/ impunity - just one of the thousands of annoyances of daily life - in the meantime, use what peaceful means you have at your disposal - boycott rush or whoever's shows and pressure their funding sources to get out - imus came up earlier as an example of liberal hate-speech - not that i listen to the guy, but i seem to recall he lost his gig, at least for awhile

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good article link and it's conclusion is obvious - yeah, you can't have the freedom of speech and not have jackasses capable of inciting others to violence w/ impunity - just one of the thousands of annoyances of daily life- in the meantime, use what peaceful means you have at your disposal - boycott rush or whoever's shows and pressure their funding sources to get out - imus came up earlier as an example of liberal hate-speech - not that i listen to the guy, but i seem to recall he lost his gig, at least for awhile


Wait, so despite the subject of the article (a marked rise in domestic terrorism on the part of the American Right), you use this as an opportunity to admonish those who are opposed to the incitement of violence not to use violence. Wake and bake is clearly not doing you much good.

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