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right, cause making fun of racists is racist. Lacking any further insight in your responses I'm left to assume you tacitly approve of the racists that stand in your ranks and call themselves conservatives. Convince me otherwise!


This is the tactic of your liberal friends:

ignore any legitimate debate, call your opponent a racist, and refuse to acknowledge that a difference of opinon NOT based on race is legimate. J_B just did it today - you can not disagree with his position without being a racist, "talking code".


I have no doubt whatsoever that listing first a perceived affront to the queen of england (wtf?), then Obama's supposed love for latin american left wingers and middle east muslims is done pusposefully to incite racism within the conservative base


And while you are at it, drop a few racial slurs, attribute them to your opponent (irrespective of his never using them) - for "illustrative purposes", of course.


bullshit. serenity didn't write that crap ( I got ~300 google hits of his post, verbatim)and my criticism wasn't necessarily directed at him except for posting the stuff here (although I am guessing he is one of the poster who held racist rhetoric [anti-arab] when he posted under a different handle)

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It's common knowledge that fear mongering about "the boy from the hood now in control of the white house" has been method number one to rally the faithful.


Here you go Seagal: you can not disagree with Obama w/o being a racist. For "illustrative purposes" J_B uses the term "boy from the hood". Who has EVER used that term in cc.com? FW? Me? T_rutl? Peter Puget? None of us hhas. It's a bullshit fabrication from J_B's twisted libtard mind - par for the course from him.


quit lying. I didn't imply you used that terminology but loosely interpreted the tea-party signs I posted above. On the other hand, your continued denial that racism has been extensively used by retard radio/cable is very suspect.

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There was Prole's recent Jew-bashing, and TTK's use of myriad epithets. I guess you must have had your head turned while coughing again...


Gotta love that commie denial. :rolleyes:

funny, the only thing that could make tvash hate you LESS would be if you were black, or gay, or a woman



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no, I cannot recall any of you using racial slurs here. But what passes as the "mainstream" opposition to Obama (I.e. Conservatism) seems to have no problem standing alongside obvious racists such as those depicted in the photos above and proclaiming an identical and unified message. And the silence of all of you when asked about it is puzzling at best. Are you ok with an alliance with those who still hold fast to the principle that this is a "white Christian nation" simply because your political and social views merge outside of the race issue and the greater good is served?


Frankly, I've been out of town and didn't hear about the gathering until this morning. I would point out that while conservatives make at least modest efforts to distance themselves from their own fringe, liberals typically embrace theirs wholeheartedly. Take a look at Obama's "czars" and tell me the fringe isn't running the administration. Van Jones? When did we start letting avowed communists run entire departments sans congressional approval? Oops! I guess we forgot to check his resume. How many more are there? How many "kook-fringe" Democrats are in the House of Reps versus Republicans? Hell, it's nuttier than Freemont over there.

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There was Prole's recent Jew-bashing, and TTK's use of myriad epithets. I guess you must have had your head turned while coughing again...


Gotta love that commie denial. :rolleyes:

funny, the only thing that could make tvash hate you LESS would be if you were black, or gay, or a woman



I'm not really interested in currying the favor of an angry and overweight nerd whose body odor smells of psychotropic medications. But do I hate TTK? No. But since you mention it; what if I were Jewish--or Christian?

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accusing liberals of being racists is strikingly reminscent of conservatives in 2004 accusing john kerry of being a war coward - spew enough insane shit into the ionosphere and viola, your opponents strengths are stripped of him


so are we just assuming blacks and other minorities were stupid when they voted for the "true" racist party in overwhelmingly disproportionate #s? that wouldn't be ironic at all.

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Frankly, I've been out of town and didn't hear about the gathering until this morning. I would point out that while conservatives make at least modest efforts to distance themselves from their own fringe,


If it were true right wing extremists like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, etc ... wouldn't set the republican agenda every day in the media.



liberals typically embrace theirs wholeheartedly. Take a look at Obama's "czars" and tell me the fringe isn't running the administration. Van Jones? When did we start letting avowed communists run entire departments sans congressional approval? Oops! I guess we forgot to check his resume. How many more are there? How many "kook-fringe" Democrats are in the House of Reps versus Republicans? Hell, it's nuttier than Freemont over there.



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accusing liberals of being racists is strikingly reminscent of conservatives in 2004 accusing john kerry of being a war coward - spew enough insane shit into the ionosphere and viola, your opponents strengths are stripped of him


so are we just assuming blacks and other minorities were stupid when they voted for the "true" racist party in overwhelmingly disproportionate #s? that wouldn't be ironic at all.


Not at all. But I think you're mistaken if you believe blacks like the liberal patronizing version of racism any more than the redneck kind. Why do over 90 percent of blacks vote for Democrats? Why do the vast majority of Jews vote for Democrats? Why do Hispanic whites split more evenly? Don't know, but I'll bet it has less to do with reality than traditional fictions.

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Why do over 90 percent of blacks vote for Democrats?

kanye west would be happy to tell you :)


i seem to recall it might have had something to do with the democratic party being for the civil rights movement when the repubs were bitterly opposed to it...the republican party later aggrresively calling for every drug dealer (black man in the projects) to be locked up the rest of his life while cutting social services for po'folk and taxes for whitey probably helped too

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"George Bush hates black people"-Kanye


Thats my boy!

but we wouldn't say nigga 'round him either though eh? :grin:


actually i think white folk who bought the fear of a black planet LP back in '89 might qualify for a conditional nigga-slanging right, regardless of poltical label :P


speaking of which, i'm sure chuck d's gotta have a blog somewhere and he no doubt can render kanye's sentiments a wee bit more eloquently

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accusing liberals of being racists is strikingly reminscent of conservatives in 2004 accusing john kerry of being a war coward - spew enough insane shit into the ionosphere and viola, your opponents strengths are stripped of him


so are we just assuming blacks and other minorities were stupid when they voted for the "true" racist party in overwhelmingly disproportionate #s? that wouldn't be ironic at all.


Not at all. But I think you're mistaken if you believe blacks like the liberal patronizing version of racism any more than the redneck kind. Why do over 90 percent of blacks vote for Democrats? Why do the vast majority of Jews vote for Democrats? Why do Hispanic whites split more evenly? Don't know, but I'll bet it has less to do with reality than traditional fictions.

So you don't think it could possibly be because they read the papers and understand what is going on?

Of course you don't. That would be unrepublicon of you. Every good republcon knows that minorities ain't smart.

But they ain't racist!

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no, I cannot recall any of you using racial slurs here. But what passes as the "mainstream" opposition to Obama (I.e. Conservatism) seems to have no problem standing alongside obvious racists such as those depicted in the photos above and proclaiming an identical and unified message. And the silence of all of you when asked about it is puzzling at best. Are you ok with an alliance with those who still hold fast to the principle that this is a "white Christian nation" simply because your political and social views merge outside of the race issue and the greater good is served?


That's just a way to change the debate. Instead of simply arguing the issue, smear your opponent, then demand your opponents talks about whether his "side" includes racists, and force the debate into disavowing these fringe elements. I could do the same for lefties too. Do I support racists who vote Republican? No. I wouldn't assume they - folks like the Ku Klux Klan - all vote Republican. I'm sure quite a few don't vote at all, or write in the name of their grand wizard (maybe Robert Byrd, for example ;-) ). You do know that there are more than 2 parties on ballots, after all, and typically these candidates are very much fringe.

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Why do over 90 percent of blacks vote for Democrats?

kanye west would be happy to tell you :)


i seem to recall it might have had something to do with the democratic party being for the civil rights movement when the repubs were bitterly opposed to it...the republican party later aggrresively calling for every drug dealer (black man in the projects) to be locked up the rest of his life while cutting social services for po'folk and taxes for whitey probably helped too


Little known fact: when the republican Richard Nixon took office 70 percent of schools in the south were still segregated. Since I was in High school myself then, it seems like recent history. It was Nixon and his secretary of state, John Mitchell, who really finished tossing out the old south.


That one thing being in his favor and being said: Nixon was a power hungry asswipe may he rot in hell for eternity.


The fact that a decent political argument on the facts themselves can't stand alone anymore without an immediate racism debate flaring indicates to me that many of our countrymen and ourselves are still widely deceiving ourselves that race issues are/were solved and behind us. After all, we have a Black President. Done! Fixed! Over! Ta DA!!!



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that race issues are/were solved and behind us. After all, we have a Black President. Done! Fixed! Over! Ta DA!!!


Actually it says a hell of a lot. My gripes with Obama are about his overspending and political philosophy. If he showed a little more restraint he could do great things. As it is, he's headed for mediocrity.



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The fact that a decent political argument on the facts themselves


a decent political argument on the basis of a list that starts with a supposed offense to the queen of england and a bow to the King of Saudi Arabia? are you joking?


can't stand alone anymore without an immediate racism debate flaring indicates to me that many of our countrymen and ourselves are still widely deceiving ourselves that race issues are/were solved and behind us. After all, we have a Black President. Done! Fixed! Over! Ta DA!!!


I was hoping that it didn't need to be said because it is obvious but electing a president in itself doesn't say anything about those who didn't vote for him (many of whom showed what they thought of a black president during the campaign) and "happen" to use a significant part of the national media to foment protests also fueled by racism.

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