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Be Like Lance


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I've said it before and I'll say it again: Lance Armstrong makes most climbers look like total king-size wussies! (For those of you not following the Tour de France, he won his third in a row yesterday, just a few years after being booted off his Euro-team for committing the offence of getting cancer which not only affected his private bits, but had spread to his lungs and brain!) He and his competitors raced in 20 stages, most of which were more than the equivalent of peddling at full speed from Seattle to Leavenworth over Steven's Pass EVERY DAY!!!

What's the point? I can grab infinitely more inspiration from a super-strong heroic guy on a bike like that than from a dozen hang-doggin', beta-miming, pre-placed quickdraw clippin', three-week-long rehersin', yogurt-for-dinner suckin', "5.14d" sport-primates. And so can you. Choose your heroes carefully. Very few of mine have much if anything to do with mountaineering but I can draw on their excellence, nonetheless, to encourage me to want to excel in climbing and other pursuits.

That's just my opinion, spray-fiends.

aloha, Dwayner

P.S. Lance Armstrong makes most climbers look like total king-size wussies!


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I heard they removed 15 golf ball sized tumors from old Lance. That accounted for a loss of almost 8kg!!

I also hear heavy use of steroids, HGH and other performance enhancers increases your susceptibility to cancer.... hmmmmm. Every rider on that tour is doped to the fucking gills with every drug they can get away with too. So who should we cheer for - Lance or his team of biochemists??

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Originally posted by Dru:

I heard they removed 15 golf ball sized tumors from old Lance. That accounted for a loss of almost 8kg!!

I also hear heavy use of steroids, HGH and other performance enhancers increases your susceptibility to cancer.... hmmmmm. Every rider on that tour is doped to the fucking gills with every drug they can get away with too. So who should we cheer for - Lance or his team of biochemists??

Heh Dru,

What proof do you base this drug accusation on? Or was your drug remark just joke fodder?

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I base my comments on "tell all" stories in the media from various ex-Tour Athletes which have been extensively reported on in the world media, on heavy use of drugs by Tour athletes. Look at the scandals of a few years ago which were not based on doping trests but on the inadvertent discovery of a doctor with a car full of drugs accompanying a French team. It is a long tradition - people were dying of speed overdoses on the Tour 50 years or more ago.

A recent study of Olympic athletes found that, if offered a drug that would guarantee victory, but would kill them in 10 years, over 50% of them would take it.

Personally, I think drug use is up to the athlete, I don't see it as any more of a problem than using Oxygen on Everest... (thumbs that last comment WAS a joke)

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If you watched "Le Tour", on OLN, they had a great commercial. It showed Lance about to get blood sucked out of his arm for a drug test. The voice-over is Lance himself:

"People always want to know what I'm on. What am I on? I'm on my bike...six hours a day!"

After a variety of scandals, these guys are regularly tested.

Suggesting that people are using drugs for athletic enhancement, i.e. cheating, is a very serious accusation. If they find any drug residues in Lance, it's probably residual nasty stuff from large doses of chemotherapy, and not from the banned substances. Give the guy a break! No need to disparage his victory by making that stuff up!

- Dwayner

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Not to side with anyone here... but, I'm sure that drug makers are always one-up on the drug testers. Look at body builders who are always tested. There's no humanly possible way to get as big as they do without drug enhancement. Yet they rarely get caught because there's always another drug to "cover over" the testing.


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Yeah, they take 1 year to develop a new drug that there is no test for then everyone uses it for 6 months until someone invents a test for it.... and then there's stuff like those guys who get their own blood siphoned oput and superoxygenated then re-transfused back into their bodies.... and all sorts of weird voodoo shit. I'm glad the only sport I compete at is posting to cascadeclimbers.com, where the only performance enhancing drugs are recreational in nature...

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Why can't some of you people just enjoy the fact that a great athlete pulled off a magnificent triumph? I see this disturbing trend often in mountaineering...lots of distrust and skepticism of other's accomplishments. What does that have to say about the critic? Where's the specific evidence? If I had to go by what I read on this board, I could come up with some pretty dysfunctional speculation about the climbing "community" in general. It used to be that false accusations had serious consequences. I guess that's just not the case anymore? Face it. Lance earned it and is a far better athlete than most of us will ever, ever be, even if we were doped up on super-enhancers.

- Dwayner, shakin' his head sideways.

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Yeah, he won the TDF again, quite an amazing feat, BUT, there are many amazing athletes in the world.

As far as making climbers look like wussies, HA! who are you to make such a bold claim. There is no doubt he is a great biker, but come on, we are talking about road biking! You dare to even think to compare this to climbing or climbers, we are nothing alike (although I won't speak for all climbers). If you are comparing aerobic conditioning, you are probably right. I respect what you criticize, having the focus to work on a hard climb, be it sport or otherwise is something to respect, most of us don't have that kind of focus and dedication.

I think you need to think a bit more before you post. When I think of some of the great climbers of past and present, it makes me think all others are mere mortals, including your hero!

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Originally posted by dane:

As far as making climbers look like wussies, HA! who are you to make such a bold claim.]

I am "Dwayner" and am entitled to my own opinion. Who the heck are you?


You dare to even think to compare this to climbing or climbers, we are nothing alike (although I won't speak for all climbers).

Not intended to be a bold or daring statement, just an opinion, which I stand by.


I think you need to think a bit more before you post. When I think of some of the great climbers of past and present, it makes me think all others are mere mortals, including your hero!

I thought plenty about it. I've been climbing for almost 3 decades. Guys like Lance Armstrong should be pointed out to climbers as an example of athletic excellence. He's in the news, I'm pointing it out. Have a nice day.

- Dwayner


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