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2nd Amendment restored in National Parks


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I think I liked it better around here when Fairweather shut the fuck up after he made a fool of himself predicting McCain in a landslide, only to learn what a loser he is after his man got his head handed to him by Obama. Seems like he's back for more abuse from his betters.

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Stop the presses, Feck skis once a month! :rolleyes: I guess those other 29 or thirty days you're back to suckin' THC into your lungs and fortified beer down your gullet?


I bet, other than what you read in the Muir on Saturday thread, you know little about Feck's habits. The twelve month's of skiing quest is as worthy as any around here -- and maybe more so than the tutu ascent of Mailbox Peak.

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I imagine Rush gets more exercise than you.


I've ridden, skied, hiked, or climbed every weekend but 5 this year--on top of working 50 hours/wk and night classes at UWT. Any time you care to go out, give me a call. I haven't heard Rush Limbaugh for years, so it's unlikely that you or your daddy, MattP, know much about the people you regularly bash here either. The one time I met you, you seemed slow and heavy.

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Ya know Fairweather I find it amusing that you have an attraction with linking me and others directly with TTK and MattP. While I can't speak for everybody had I never interacted with TTK or MattP I would strongly disagree with a large percentage of your political opinions.


Early in the race for the president you displayed an astounding lack of understanding of survey statistics (math) when surveys showed a 50 50 race.


It seems that now in your bitterness over the outcome of the election you're still off the deep end.


I find the thought of you possessing a weapon in National Parks alarming. Better take advantage of your, "right," soon. It won't last long. You remember the 60 day rule on laws signed by a lame duck pres ;)

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Ya know Fairweather I find it amusing that you have an attraction with linking me and others directly with TTK and MattP. While I can't speak for everybody had I never interacted with TTK or MattP I would strongly disagree with a large percentage of your political opinions.


Early in the race for the president you displayed an astounding lack of understanding of survey statistics (math) when surveys showed a 50 50 race.


It seems that now in your bitterness over the outcome of the election you're still off the deep end.


I find the thought of you possessing a weapon in National Parks alarming. Better take advantage of your, "right," soon. It won't last long. You remember the 60 day rule on laws signed by a lame duck pres ;)


It wasn't an executive order, it was a rules change at the cabinet level. Apparently you haven't studied civics or math in quite some time. (You sure didn't have that C^2 thing down when you determined how far back to set vertex AC a while ago. ;) ) Bitter about Obama winning? Not at all. These are exciting times.

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Very cool news indeed, though I won't be carrying while climbing... but DEFINITELY when visiting parks in AK, MT, etc.


No, you probably won't. The restrictions go park by park, and I doubt that Denali NP, for example, given their appropriate 'wildlife comes first' policy, is going to suddenly cater to dumbshit yahoos who don't know how to travel safely in bear country.


My advice if you're too lazy or stupid to learn how to travel safely in bear country is to stay in the safe little toy parks where there are none.


The quickness in which you produced such an influentcial and "informed" opinion (not only about my motivations, but what the NPS is actually going to do) is staggering. Do you normally convince and motivate others that you're thoughts/opins are superior? It didn't work here.


Basically, I think the 2nd amendment gives me the right to carry responsibly. I'm not talking a shoulder fire nuke, but a gun. It doesn't MATTER what YOU think about my choices. This as MY right to choose and carry. BTW, YOU have the right too. And if I do something wrong or stupid w/ the gun (like shooting wildlife or signs, which I wouldn't do) then I PAY THE CONSEQUENCES!

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Don't worry, Fairweather. We are not all some monolithic block, the cc.com liberals. In fact, I once complained about Tvash's carrying on in an insulting fashion - similar to how I complained about your insult that is out of place here - and his response was somewhat like yours here in suggesting that because he went climbing more than most posters around here (and he had the added claim that he posted a lot of trip reports) he was somehow to be perceived as more justified or more tolerable when he cut loose in spray. Here, you suggest that because you climb or hike or ride every weekend you are justified in sneering at Mr. K's skiing?


I realize you and some others don't like it when I dog on the bait and bash style that passes for argument around here. Some don't like it when you and some others take every opportunity to sneer and smear. You in fact grow indignant when somebody speculates about your lifestyle or values or home life - right?


Don't for a minute think that the fact that you get out every weekend justifies putting down somebody else because they don't get out as much as you. If we're measuring dick size around here, I'm sure you realize that there are a lot of posters with more impressive climbing resume's than yours or who may drive bigger pick ups.

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Don't worry, Fairweather. We are not all some monolithic block, the cc.com liberals. In fact, I once complained about Tvash's carrying on in an insulting fashion - similar to how I complained about your insult that is out of place here - and his response was somewhat like yours here in suggesting that because he went climbing more than most posters around here (and he had the added claim that he posted a lot of trip reports) he was somehow to be perceived as more justified or more tolerable when he cut loose in spray. Here, you suggest that because you climb or hike or ride every weekend you are justified in sneering at Mr. K's skiing?


I realize you and some others don't like it when I dog on the bait and bash style that passes for argument around here. Some don't like it when you and some others take every opportunity to sneer and smear. You in fact grow indignant when somebody speculates about your lifestyle or values or home life - right?


Don't for a minute think that the fact that you get out every weekend justifies putting down somebody else because they don't get out as much as you. If we're measuring dick size around here, I'm sure you realize that there are a lot of posters with more impressive climbing resume's than yours or who may drive bigger pick ups.


Actually, Matt, that was a complete mischaracterization of my response to your opinion (and, after all, it was just your personal opinion, however you'd like to imagine it as a some kind of consensus), but typical of Spray's most passive aggressive personality. You shared an opinion with me, I disagreed, and you've pretty much been a prick ever since.


So here's the deal: Spray is voluntary. Any time you wish to stop participating, be our guest. If you, as a moderator, feel that the posting rules have been violated, by all means, ban that person. Otherwise, you may now kindly shut the fuck up and quit whining.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Very cool news indeed, though I won't be carrying while climbing... but DEFINITELY when visiting parks in AK, MT, etc.


No, you probably won't. The restrictions go park by park, and I doubt that Denali NP, for example, given their appropriate 'wildlife comes first' policy, is going to suddenly cater to dumbshit yahoos who don't know how to travel safely in bear country.


My advice if you're too lazy or stupid to learn how to travel safely in bear country is to stay in the safe little toy parks where there are none.


The quickness in which you produced such an influentcial and "informed" opinion (not only about my motivations, but what the NPS is actually going to do) is staggering. Do you normally convince and motivate others that you're thoughts/opins are superior? It didn't work here.


Basically, I think the 2nd amendment gives me the right to carry responsibly. I'm not talking a shoulder fire nuke, but a gun. It doesn't MATTER what YOU think about my choices. This as MY right to choose and carry. BTW, YOU have the right too. And if I do something wrong or stupid w/ the gun (like shooting wildlife or signs, which I wouldn't do) then I PAY THE CONSEQUENCES!


Actually, the NPS and other agencies will determine when and if you can carry, not you, regardless of how you interpret the 2nd amendment.


Thankfully, for the rest of us, every idiot out there does not get to decide this for themselves.

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One thing we can decide for ourselves is which ballpark we are going to visit this summer. For me it's several!


Start off in Chicago and go see the Cubs and the Sox..then move off to Milwaukee and see the Brewers finally head off to see the Twins and then fly back to Seattle.


It’s great to be the “decider”!


Oh yea I might slip in a quick trip to see the Padres!


All that travelling without a gun!


In Tahoe once while getting ready to hike to a cliff just a few minutes off of US #2 my partner straped on a Glock. A week later he strapped it on at Vantage!

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Basically, I think the 2nd amendment gives me the right to carry responsibly. I'm not talking a shoulder fire nuke, but a gun. It doesn't MATTER what YOU think about my choices. This as MY right to choose and carry. BTW, YOU have the right too. And if I do something wrong or stupid w/ the gun (like shooting wildlife or signs, which I wouldn't do) then I PAY THE CONSEQUENCES!


I believe the 2nd amendment gives me the right to run naked through the park shouting "In Shallah"

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Actually, Matt, that was a complete mischaracterization of my response to your opinion ... and you've pretty much been a prick ever since.


If you, as a moderator, feel that the posting rules have been violated, by all means, ban that person. Otherwise, you may now kindly shut the fuck up and quit whining.


Woah. Down boy. I believe my "characterization" was accurate as far as it goes. I said you indicating something along those lines and I believe you clearly did. But whatever.


As far as who is being a prick or whether I should use my moderator powers to ban somebody? I believe it is fair game to offer my opinion as to what takes place around here. I'm sorry you don't like it. Because the rules of engagement as we have maintained them permit being obnoxious in spray, I have not set to ban anybody or asked that any moderator delete any spray posts simply because something said was obnoxious. And passive aggressive? The reason you are pissed at me, and have carried a grudge for six months, is precisely because I came out and directly criticized you. I have not said anything else defaming or ciriticizing you, or undermined your aruguments in some other context or anything else other than simply stating I disagree.


Carry on. Arguing about "you're the asshole; no you are" is stupid. I count myself as being stupid for commenting on this at all.

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