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how long until Bristol's Baby Daddy


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This is one of the most distasteful threads I've ever read on this site.


really? This one doesn't really stand out that much to me. Hmm. I mean, I guess it's distasteful, but not THAT much.


The threads cheering Jesse Helms' death, for instance, were in much worse taste. There were some pretty nasty ones about Obama's and McCain's spouses, too, I think.


I mean, this one IS distasteful, but seems pretty tame, actually, by spray standards. Seems weird to call it out. Whatever, maybe I'm just pure evil.


WTF is wrong with you people? Do you act like this in person? Even your president elect has gone on the record that families are off limits.


You mean, he's not YOUR president-elect, too? Just ours? Huh.


That is all.

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This is one of the most distasteful threads I've ever read on this site.


I'll shoot the moon.


Palin is a pathological liar - the record speaks for itself. She will lie about anything and everything no matter how bizarre. Why not fake a pregnancy? If it were her daughter Palin's own conduct would be more explicable than rushing back to Alaska after her water broke without consulting a DR

And she's most likely a lame fuck bitch who gives a 2 second blowjob once every leap year if you get her drunk! Theres some shit about Todd fucking around on her?


Wow. Take your meds ace. Got a lot of anger towards a woman whom has done little, if any to anger you. Might want to take a step back and analyze your anger.

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it was a cheap shot at woman i don't like. sorry if it was offensive to some of you but it is by far not the most offensive post. there's been more offensive things on the climbing board let alone half the drivel in spray. i'll start pointing things out everytime, i'm offended.


as a woman, i find Palin to be an embarrassing representative. i resent her holier than thou attitude regarding teenage pregnancy. i posted a bit of tongue in cheek sarcasm at a very public situation. terribly sorry if i offended y'all.


i'll just be quiet from now on.

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I don't see why you have to apologize just because some people have a hard-on for Palin.


Have you heard the latest news?


Fox News reports that Palin didn't know Africa was a continent and did not know the member nations of the North American Free Trade Agreement -- the United States, Mexico and Canada -- when she was picked for vice president.


The New York Times reports that McCain aides were outraged when Palin staffers scheduled her to speak with French President Nicholas Sarkozy, a conversation that turned out to be a radio station prank.


Newsweek reports that Palin spent far more than the previously reported $150,000 on clothes for herself and her family.


Several publications say she irked the McCain campaign by asking to make her own concession speech on election night.


The tension is likely to continue or get worse. Lawyers for the Republican National Committee are heading to Alaska to try to account for all the money that was spent on clothing, jewelry and luggage, according to The New York Times.


haha, have you heard the latest on her shopping spree?


It turns out that Mrs Palin had been authorized to go out and buy three new suits for the Republican convention in St Paul and three additional suits for the campaign. Party officials expected the shopping trip to cost between $20,000 and $25,000 - by no means peanuts, but a model of frugality when compared to the final bill.



:lmao: Palin didn't know Africa was a continent????

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Palin has exposed behaviors that exemplify everything that is WRONG with the new Republican party.

Having read alot about who she is, where she came from, how she got there, and reports from people who worked under her, I have no doubt that she would be leading the charge against a Democrat in her situation if she were not so vulnerable herself.

Her former collegues agree unanimously that Palin is out for Palin and will stop at nothing. I found ZERO reports from people who worked with her and felt any loyalty to her.


She will self destruct.



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This is one of the most distasteful threads I've ever read on this site.


really? This one doesn't really stand out that much to me. Hmm. I mean, I guess it's distasteful, but not THAT much.


The threads cheering Jesse Helms' death, for instance, were in much worse taste. There were some pretty nasty ones about Obama's and McCain's spouses, too, I think.


I mean, this one IS distasteful, but seems pretty tame, actually, by spray standards. Seems weird to call it out. Whatever, maybe I'm just pure evil.


WTF is wrong with you people? Do you act like this in person? Even your president elect has gone on the record that families are off limits.


You mean, he's not YOUR president-elect, too? Just ours? Huh.


That is all.


I've long suspected that John is not merely foreign, but alien.

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WTF is wrong with you people? Do you act like this in person?


These "people" are simply evil - and full of hate. It's bottom of the barrel stuff from bottom-feeders. Par for the course from a day in Spray.



Hey Kojak, glad to see you're back. Don't worry about responding to this kind of stuff though. Fairweather's compiling it all for his libtard hate-collage that he'll be presenting at the next Party meeting. They're looking for new leadership.


FW!!! I need you to look up in your libtard hatabase when I first predicted an Obama landslide so I can chestbeat. Will you do that for me, buddy? Hey, we're all Americans now. I just got my citizenship back.

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it was a cheap shot at woman i don't like. sorry if it was offensive to some of you but it is by far not the most offensive post. there's been more offensive things on the climbing board let alone half the drivel in spray. i'll start pointing things out everytime, i'm offended.


as a woman, i find Palin to be an embarrassing representative. i resent her holier than thou attitude regarding teenage pregnancy. i posted a bit of tongue in cheek sarcasm at a very public situation. terribly sorry if i offended y'all.


i'll just be quiet from now on.


CC has helped me grow some thick skin over the years so I wasnt offended per say... I just wondered if you all really meant what you were saying (do you?). Having known a few people (parents and parents to be) who have been in that situation I cant help but feel empathetic to their situation independent of their party affiliation.


And I'm not trying to come across as holier then though... I know Ive caught myself taking pleasure in others fuck ups... Limbaugh's pill popping comes to mind... but I try not to as doing so is stooping to their level IMO.


But regardless: please dont stop posting Minx. I think you are one of the few that makes solid contributions in spray. And yes... they have been far far worse threads on cc.


Tvrashtalker: "freak" is what I most commonly hear.

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John, as an alien, you're probably not aware that "freak" in the modern vernacular is a compliment. Perhaps your kettleballs prevent you from achieving a similar status.


Interesting article in the most recent New Yorker about evangelical sexual practices and attitudes (eeeewwww!!!). It turns out the they're far more disturbed by teen sexual activity than teen pregancy, whereas with non-evangelicals it's the opposite. Having pre-M sex is a moral trangression, but a baby is a gift from God.


Ironically, evangelical teens are also among the most sexually active. Furthermore, they are frequently taught that condoms don't work very well in their 'abstention' education, so they don't use them reliably. It's no surprise that evangelical teen pregnancy rates are higher than just about any other group.


Finally, evangelical teens get married after unplanned pregnancies far more often than other groups. Predictably, the divorce rate in the Bible Belt is the nation's highest.


If the Evangelicals care about saving marriage so much, perhaps they might look in the mirror rather than towards San Francisco.



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I hate Palin too and for all the reasons mentioned. I just seems to me that maybe with as much as there is to bitch about her people could just leave this one issue alone. Her kid and her bf were thrown into the limelight for something that in all likelihood has been terrifying and hurtful experience. Then to follow it up with a joke about a third term abortion? Have you ever seen what an aborted fetus looks like? How fucking hollow are some of you people?

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look jon, i was not passing judgement on the kid for making the choice to keep the baby, or even getting pregnant in the first place. it was just really bothers me that first we find out the young lady is preggers and THEN suddenly there is going to be wedding. i actually feel sorry for the B/F in this situation.


third term abortion is certainly distasteful, and needless to bring up. i still find the whole situation ironic.

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From the sounds of it like mother like daughter, eh? minx i wasn't trying to get all up in your grill, sorry, it's nothing personal, i'd just rather see people talk about her shopping spree as when 100s of thousands of people are losing their jobs or starving and retires are all of the sudden looking at having to work an extra 5 years.

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look jon, i was not passing judgement on the kid for making the choice to keep the baby, or even getting pregnant in the first place. it was just really bothers me that first we find out the young lady is preggers and THEN suddenly there is going to be wedding. i actually feel sorry for the B/F in this situation.


third term abortion is certainly distasteful, and needless to bring up. i still find the whole situation ironic.


Non issue. VPs are limited to 2 terms.



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From the sounds of it like mother like daughter, eh? minx i wasn't trying to get all up in your grill, sorry, it's nothing personal, i'd just rather see people talk about her shopping spree as when 100s of thousands of people are losing their jobs or starving and retires are all of the sudden looking at having to work an extra 5 years.


not a bad point really jon. there's plenty of palin flaws to discuss w/o this one. this is just a personal pet peeve of mine.

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My Friends, Sarah's story is not one that's going to end well. As the end of this campaign has highlighted, Sarah has become a bit of a monster. The clothes, the travel, the adoration of millions of vapid twits just like her has all gone to her head. Her polarizing and divisive politics and personal style has probably made her radioactive for a party that will in the coming years will be looking to reconnect with American voters. She represents the apex and the end of the old GOP way of doing things. She'll go back to Alaska where her constituency has gotten a real hard close look at what she's about: a suburban primadonna with dictatorial tendencies and an accident waiting to happen. Reelection would seem unlikely even if she sought it. Todd, the down-to-earth snowmobile racing (WTF?) hubby has probably also seen enough of this beauty queen turned Lady Macbeth and is sick of taking care of the kids. He's out of there. In order to maintain the highs she experienced during her fifty minutes of fame, Sarah will turn to speed drugs, cocaine at the beginning, harder stuff when the money starts to run out. Hard drugs make people that are already crazy go completely bat-shit. Drug-fueled helicopter wolf-hunting trips will increase and morph into all night fly-bys of small Alaskan villages using heavy machine guns. Mad ravings about Matt Damon and Katie Couric will be heard between bursts of gunfire. Her bloodlust will become legendary. She will eventually be hunted down to an isolated cabin where she's kept a heavily-armed harem of AIP henchmen fed moose-flesh, steroids and red-devils. You can guess the rest...

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My Friends, Sarah's story is not one that's going to end well. As the end of this campaign has highlighted, Sarah has become a bit of a monster. The clothes, the travel, the adoration of millions of vapid twits just like her has all gone to her head. Her polarizing and divisive politics and personal style has probably made her radioactive for a party that will in the coming years will be looking to reconnect with American voters. She represents the apex and the end of the old GOP way of doing things. She'll go back to Alaska where her constituency has gotten a real hard close look at what she's about: a suburban primadonna with dictatorial tendencies and an accident waiting to happen. Reelection would seem unlikely even if she sought it. Todd, the down-to-earth snowmobile racing (WTF?) hubby has probably also seen enough of this beauty queen turned Lady Macbeth and is sick of taking care of the kids. He's out of there. In order to maintain the highs she experienced during her fifty minutes of fame, Sarah will turn to speed drugs, cocaine at the beginning, harder stuff when the money starts to run out. Hard drugs make people that are already crazy go completely bat-shit. Drug-fueled helicopter wolf-hunting trips will increase and morph into all night fly-bys of small Alaskan villages using heavy machine guns. Mad ravings about Matt Damon and Katie Couric will be heard between bursts of gunfire. Her bloodlust will become legendary. She will eventually be hunted down to an isolated cabin where she's kept a heavily-armed harem of AIP henchmen fed moose-flesh, steroids and red-devils. You can guess the rest...


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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I don't see why you have to apologize just because some people have a hard-on for Palin.


Palin's lack of education and basic understanding of our country sickens me. This doesn't mean you should say such things. Especially when you don't have the balls to say them in person.


Why don't you guys that have these misogynistic things to say about women try talking like that to a man sometime eh? You wanna be a tough guy, stop picking on women; especially women that are a 1000 miles away from you.


Shut up or man up. Choice is yours.

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John, as an alien, you're probably not aware that "freak" in the modern vernacular is a compliment. Perhaps your kettleballs prevent you from achieving a similar status.


Interesting article in the most recent New Yorker about evangelical sexual practices and attitudes (eeeewwww!!!). It turns out the they're far more disturbed by teen sexual activity than teen pregancy, whereas with non-evangelicals it's the opposite. Having pre-M sex is a moral trangression, but a baby is a gift from God.


Ironically, evangelical teens are also among the most sexually active. Furthermore, they are frequently taught that condoms don't work very well in their 'abstention' education, so they don't use them reliably. It's no surprise that evangelical teen pregnancy rates are higher than just about any other group.


Finally, evangelical teens get married after unplanned pregnancies far more often than other groups. Predictably, the divorce rate in the Bible Belt is the nation's highest.


If the Evangelicals care about saving marriage so much, perhaps they might look in the mirror rather than towards San Francisco.



True 'nuff

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