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Tvash secret project conjecture thread

General Zod

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So Tvash is looking for help with A) welding and B) shooting interesting metal objects.


My theory is he's planning on making some kind of metal armor or whatnot and then shooting it to see how well it works.


(He thinks a shotgun is a good thing to have if you're being attacked by a tank so there might be some learning curve.)


Have a theory about what Tvash is up to now? Post it here.



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I'm guessing that he's hedging his bet on Obama winning. In the event that McCain wins, the materials being tested will go into the publicly funded construction of the new line of "Tvashie's Bomb Shelters". My guess is he's already been in prelimanary negotiations for the earmark.

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A bearing or sliding surface maybe. Is it hardened stainless steel? Carbide is about the only thing that will possibly drill that AFAIK. If you're skilled with a grinder you might be able to do something.


I'm no machinist though. More of an amateur that has cobbled together a few physics experiments.

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