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Child abuse


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not likely that you know what kind of parent i am because of some posts on here...I could make the same comment about you and the potential of your offspring, but that would be presumptuous...


FWIW, my kids flat out rock...they are upstanding, respectful kids...kick ass in school, try hard in sports, listen to teachers and are generally pleasant people to be around.


Maybe, its in spite of me, not because of me...but i like to think that i have a fair bit of influence...


most of the times a simple word or brief discussion over the merits or lack of merits of some of their choices is enough to "fix" issues...


I do not discipline them lightly, and conversely, its not pleasant when it comes to that...for me or them...


Do not pretend to tell others the *right* way of parenting...if i look over at *your* situation and see some *out of control* punk kid running the show, I just might have some *choice* words for you.


You come off as a total arrogant asshole with no real regard for what the situation really is...


a kumbaya to you, asshole...


whatever rudy. my kid is better than your kids.

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What Kevbone described to me sounded “unsightly” at best, though I don’t know if I’d go so far as to pronounce it child abuse. C’mon: tweaking the kid’s shoulder to make him yelp in pain? When I even see a bitchy parent publicly and harshly berating their child who appears to be doing nothing wrong I feel bad for the kid and disapproving of the parent but maybe that is just me. I try to remind myself that I really don’t now much about the relationship between those people from where I stand, walking behind the next shopping cart (kind of like how it is questionable in my book to evaluate other’s marriages based on what I observe at a cocktail party) but of course we look at the people we meet and formulate our judgments.


The question as to when or whether to intervene is different: here I would say that the abuse has to go way beyond what was described. Even if I’m right that the parent it being abusive, I’d probably be wrong to confront them in public and in front of their child. First of all, it is not my business. Second of all, I don’t have any way to know what impact my intervention may have – positive or negative.


As to disciplinary methods and parenting, it sounds to me as if several here are missing the mark. My dad used to use a leather belt on occasion yet we as children used to fear the shaming that went along with my parents’ version of “go to your room” more than the actual belt. Also, apart from actual methods, my parents were at times considered among the more lax of those among my friends in terms of discipline. Hell: they let me camp out and go mountain climbing unsupervised at age eight (maybe it was nine), even if it was only Mount Monadnock.


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Thanks matt for the non spray answer. All i know is a 6 foot 230 pound man pinched a 5 year olds shoulder in a spot that clearly caused him pain. He did it over and over until the kid was screaming for his to stop. All because the dad wanted the kid to be quiet. I was standing beside them the entire time and the kid was not being crazy or over bearing. All he wanted was to watch some movie. I am sure it left a buise.


Inflicting pain on a child is unessessary. EVER AT ANYTIME! IMO

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not likely that you know what kind of parent i am because of some posts on here...I could make the same comment about you and the potential of your offspring, but that would be presumptuous...


FWIW, my kids flat out rock...they are upstanding, respectful kids...kick ass in school, try hard in sports, listen to teachers and are generally pleasant people to be around.


Maybe, its in spite of me, not because of me...but i like to think that i have a fair bit of influence...


most of the times a simple word or brief discussion over the merits or lack of merits of some of their choices is enough to "fix" issues...


I do not discipline them lightly, and conversely, its not pleasant when it comes to that...for me or them...


Do not pretend to tell others the *right* way of parenting...if i look over at *your* situation and see some *out of control* punk kid running the show, I just might have some *choice* words for you.


You come off as a total arrogant asshole with no real regard for what the situation really is...


a kumbaya to you, asshole...


whatever rudy. my kid is better than your kids.

I'll take that wager and give you odds... ;)

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your view is highly biased and compromised...but in my *unbiased* and very *professional* point of view as a totally competent and first rate dad, my kids would totally dominate any situation...they have to, or they'll be receivin' a whippin' they'll never forget...kevbonebedamned... ;):lmao:

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I know you think size does matter.
and probably why i don't think you matter at all

POTD! And it's wasn't even 8:00 yet!


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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thread drift


I'm watching batman begins with my 8 yo son last night (is that child abuse? There, it's not thread drift) and bruce wayne gets out of his lamborgini with two women. I laughed and said, "Blake, he has TWO women!"


And my son says, "Duh dad. He IS rich."



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I'm watching batman begins with my 8 yo son last night (is that child abuse?


Why would that be child abuse?


Ironically enough, it's because of activist non-disciplinarians like yourself that this kid got pinched repeatedly. The dad is likely one do give him a good swat at home, and probably would prefer to do the same in public since the key to successful discipline is consistency. Since wackos like you would call CPS on him, he's forced to pinch repeatedly instead of giving a one good swat that likely would have put an end to his pissy behavior.

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I'm watching batman begins with my 8 yo son last night (is that child abuse?


Why would that be child abuse?


Ironically enough, it's because of activist non-disciplinarians like yourself that this kid got pinched repeatedly. The dad is likely one do give him a good swat at home, and probably would prefer to do the same in public since the key to successful discipline is consistency. Since wackos like you would call CPS on him, he's forced to pinch repeatedly instead of giving a one good swat that likely would have put an end to his pissy behavior.


Excellent point, Eric, and one I almost posted myself.


When I was little and misbehaving in public, my mother would pinch me. And they were painful as hell - she would get a tiny fold of skin and pinch hard. This was presumably to avoid making a commotion (e.g. if she swatted me) and always in a public place with a lot of people around. Much quieter and very effective to give a quick painful pinch then a swat. Also less embarassing for me as a kid since nobody knew what was going on.


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