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How did you celebrate Earth Day?


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Sorry Steven, but the onus of proof falls on the group making the claim. I hear a lot about these "scientists" claiming they know with certainty, yet I haven't spoken to a single professor in person who's not at least somewhat skeptical. I'll grant that most of these teach astronomy and/or physics, but the point is, there are a lot more educated folks than you think out there who aren't convinced.

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Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously




More glaciers to climb? Sweet!


From a peer-reviewed article (Pike et al. 2008) I was reading just today:


"The recent rate of glacial loss in the Coast Mountains is approximately double that observed for the previous two decades". Hmm?


There could be other factors at work besides ambient temperature. Think soot.

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Sorry Steven, but the onus of proof falls on the group making the claim. I hear a lot about these "scientists" claiming they know with certainty, yet I haven't spoken to a single professor in person who's not at least somewhat skeptical. I'll grant that most of these teach astronomy and/or physics, but the point is, there are a lot more educated folks than you think out there who aren't convinced.

Prove it.

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I chopped down some rain forest, clubbed a baby seal, sponsored a whale hunt, drilled for oil in the ANWR, bought an H4, took a ride in the Concorde, and I didn't recycle a goddamned thing all day. Then I had sex in a pile of 50 sweaty people that I didn't know from Adam, none of whom were wearing deorderant. Did I miss anything?


what...no meth?

Ooooooo, yer right! OK, so I take back what I said about not recycling a damned thing. I recycled my piss so I could refine the meth out of it. Then I got high on the new batch of meth I made from it. Then pulled out a few teeth... rather easily, I might add.

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[b]Sorry Steven, but the onus of proof falls on the group making the claim.


Apparently this is is not the case if you are claiming that some country is affiliated with a terrorist organization, or is hiding atomic or biologic weapons. Also not the case if you are claiming you landed a man on the moon. :rolleyes:


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i was riding on a concrete slab, down a river of useless flab it was such a beautiful day i heard a witchdoctor say, "i'll turn you into a toadstool" i'm looking for the joke with a microscope my muscle's twitching on your words if you're on the streets you lose your nerves divinity throws you a curve sticks you and then you go beserk abhoaring no inspiration. i'm looking for the joke with a microscope page out of a comic book a chicken hanging on a hook a river and a babbling brook a sermon and a teenage hook shaking my hand at your fake face a suicide a certain look a microphone a loose guitar people feeling near and far stupidity a mental scar put cruel into cruelty as life goes by you in a blurr an achoholic has gone far everything just goes to far i was pissing on the desert sands, when the desert whispered to me, "damn! isn't this a shame? things will never be the same..." i run this gas and oasis now i'm looking for the joke with a microscope i was a teenage dinosaur, stoned and obsolete i didn't get fucked and i didn't get kissed i got so fucking dense using my head for an ashtray now i'll tell you who i am i'm the repo-man and i'm looking for the joke looking for the joke i'm looking for the joke with a microscope

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Alarmism: Gore's Inconvenient Truth

"Hurricane Expert Reassesses Link to Warming


By Andrew C. Revkin

New OrleansNew Orleans after Katrina struck. (Associated Press)


A fresh study by a leading hurricane researcher has raised new questions about how hurricane strength and frequency might, or might not, be influenced by global warming. Eric Berger of the Houston Chronicle nicely summarized the research on Friday.

Kerry EmanuelKerry Emanuel of M.I.T. (Jodi Hilton for The New York Times)


The research is important because the lead author is Kerry Emanuel, the M.I.T. climate scientist who in the 1980’s foresaw a rise in hurricane intensity in a human-warmed world and in 2005, just a few weeks before Hurricane Katrina swamped New Orleans, asserted in a Nature paper that he had found statistical evidence linking rising hurricane energy and warming.


That work was supported by some subsequent studies, but refuted by others. Despite the uncertainty in the science, hurricanes quickly became a potent icon in environmental campaigns, as well as in “An Inconvenient Truth,” the popular climate documentary featuring former Vice President Al Gore. The message was that global warming was no longer a looming issue and was exacting a deadly toll now..

--source: Hurricances and...


Or alarmism:


10 of the Most Important Economic Events of the Last 10 Years: Collapsing the Economy in the Buildup to World War III




Contrast video with one of Steven Schneider speaking: At the Edge: On modeling the future

Edited by STP
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