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Long Live Corporate Welfare!

Hugh Conway

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Can I haz hug? I am innocuosity personified. I am never contentious. I leave all agape in the wake of agape love.


I have Ray Steven's "Everybody's Beautiful" on repeat on my iPod.



what is wrong with you Dechristo is the subject of next week's topic. wait your turn like everyone else.

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Love was in the air up at Sno Pass today. I went up to Chair Peak. The skiing was awesome, particularly on shadowed, northern aspects.


I should know. I was watching everybody crank turns from my snowshoes.


I turned back at the climb's base because the snowpack was damn deep and deteriorating, and the wind was howling and my wittle pinkies were getting cold. Kind of glad I did; when I tried to drive home, I 90 was closed due to avalanche. I noticed several new slides, all very small, during my descent.

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Well......real, real bad news Porter. I had my new Aliens out today and did a review of them up on the rock climbing thread. Metolius just called and said you need to get out and use the fu*ers or send them back.


I'm very sorry dude! But it IS a climbing web site after all, best not to get sucked into a black hole:-) :wave: .

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ha...thanks for your thoughts there! I would be out using them this weekend with Pax and Fred out at Tieton but alas I had an obligation with the family. But I appreciate your thoughts about perspective. recovery with my leg has taken longer than usual but thats just an excuse isn't it?


btw, those cams are seeing use this weekend or I'd have my write up online (i need them for pics)! ;)


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Well hope your leg gets well soon Porter, it sucks to have to sit around - I think all of us have been there, maybe thats why K gets so cranky: and remember that you can sometimes just go laze in the sun with your buddies and maybe crank a 5.6 or 7 while it heals.

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It is in fact a gigantic castle of cards that is teetering after decades of rampant speculation and growing debt, all enabled by lack of transparency, and government credit policy.


I agree. Neat.


Can't....type...any...more...seven pitches of...moderate ice ...absolutely wrecked me. :cry::rolleyes:



So...so...sad. :moondance::cry::moondance:


So....much....ice...here..... :ooo:

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