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2nd Amendment freedoms restored in National Parks?


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That won't survive into next year and shouldn't. The Valley full of guns - what a great idea. You've clearly never been in the woods in the midwest during the first week of deer season when every wack job from St. Louis and Chicago celebrates the annual Budweiser hunt-and-drink-athon. It's a wonder the self-and-buddy-inflicted casualty rate isn't higher than it is, though it's already high enough to prove Darwin was correct about evolution.

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And a poster in the Denver Post forum pointed out a tangible by product: Enabling poachers. Unless of course, the whole idea is to open up the parks to hunting? Another result will be even further increase in emphasis on law enforcement in the parks-- :tdown: already way too much of that and nowhere near enough funding for maintainance, trails, road repair, interpretation, biologists, etc.


Gun rights advocates, notably the National Rifle Assn., have said the ban infringes on their 2nd Amendment rights to bear arms and their ability to defend themselves from predators, both human and animal.


"If you're hiking in the backcountry and there is a problem with a criminal or an aggressive animal, there's no 911 box where you can call police and have a 60-second response time," said Gary S. Marbut, president of the Montana Shooting Sports Assn.


I'm sorry, but what a crock of shit. Paranoid hyperbole with a political agenda behind it. Humans and animals have co-existed within the parks for a hundred years with a minimal number of serious incidents. And violent assaults?!? Most of those if you ever read NPS crime reports come from drunk BillyBobs beating each other up after one too many around a campfire. Now imagine the same demographic with a bunch of loaded weapons. Then everyone else really would want a gun.



I'm not against guns, or hunting, but the National Parks are and should remain free of these activities.

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Guns are legal to carry on virtually all USFS land, including wilderness areas--at least in this state. (Not sure about National Monuments) Can you demonstrate where problems have arisen? Do a citizen's constitutionally protected rights end at the gate to a national park? Does free speech end there too? A clear case can be made, in rare instances, for the banning of open or concealed carry weapons--like courthouses, aircraft, even taverns, but there is no compelling case to be made for suspending a law-abiding citizen's rights on open public property. It's just possible that this "rule" is being flaunted even as we speak. Hell, an NPS ranger at Wrangell-St Elias even offered my group the use of a shotgun during my last visit. When I confessed that we were already armed, he simply gave me a thumbs-up.

Edited by Fairweather
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Yes, thankfully, because you'd probably be dead after your first round.




I like Denali NP's take on wildlife verses humans: the safety of the wildlife comes first. Take the time to learn proper bear safety, respect their environment, leave your gun at home (you won't need it if you do the above), and STFU, you pussies. If you don't like it, then, by all means, stay out of bear country altogether. Please.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Maybe you should spend some time in the ring or on the mat before you go callin' people pussies, my not-so-little dunce. It's creeps like you--taking uninvited pictures of other people's wives and daughters--that make me want to to carry a gun...not to mention take a shower. Fuck off, chubby little follower.

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Rumor has it, you couldn't even get out of the tent at Colchuck Lake you were so "exhausted" from the approach, so, no, I don't think you would last long in the ring with me. I hear you didn't care much for taking point in Liloowet either. Get any nice (uninvited) girlie shots while you were up there, perv?

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Well, pussy pussy, I still had the flu at Colchuk Lake, and the Lillooet pics speak for themselves regarding your second comment, which is pretty funny, considering that you couldn't lead your way up a fudgesickle.


And what is this 'getting in the ring' stuff? Are you challenging me to something puss puss? Did you mail order a set of balls or something? Or am I gonna go another no show round with your poser ass?

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I've had your chunky, braggarts ass on "ignore user" for over a month now and thought, just maybe, you would avail yourself to civility if I resumed engaging you. Guess I was wrong. You're a punk with a serious personality defect. The ring? I doubt I could keep myself from hurting you badly.


worthless sacks of shit like TTK never change. best to put him on ignore. he thrives off the negative energy.


as for challenges, let's not forgot how that puss backed down from Pope.



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