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more like 400. Still, it shows that most of the rest of the world, at least, has evolved and can respect alternate viewpoints. Is that the admission that you were after, prole?


Closer to 40 for the committed or incarcerated part. Don't forget assassinated abortion doctors either. Anyway, which part of the world were you talking about? Kenya, Chad, Timor, Colombia, Russia, India, Louisiana, Mexico? All embroiled in some form of religious/racial/ethnic/gender violence totally unrelated to the historic rise of militant political Islam. Your idiotic essentializing of Islam is an ideological leftover from a debunked and failed foreign policy initiative. Get a context.


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Glad to see the punch pulled away from the direction of calling all Islam a fundamentalist tyranny -- such an overreaching outlook is a mistake that presents the pitfall of blinding us to the fundamentalist transgressions committed in our our own, predominantly Judeo-Christian culture.


About the ubiquity of misogyny in Muslim cultures: While it seems clear that in Arabia women are considered property and treated terribly, I'm thinking conditions are far less severe in a better part of the non-Arabic cultures that comprise the majority of the Islamic world.

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more like 400. Still, it shows that most of the rest of the world, at least, has evolved and can respect alternate viewpoints. Is that the admission that you were after, prole?


Closer to 40 for the committed or incarcerated part. Don't forget assassinated abortion doctors either.

Again, you point out the intolerants/fundamentalists; the crux of my argument. Nothing new here.


Anyway, which part of the world were you talking about? Kenya, Chad, Timor, Colombia, Russia, India, Louisiana, Mexico? All embroiled in some form of religious/racial/ethnic/gender violence totally unrelated to the historic rise of militant political Islam.

Again, in almost every single case, these areas of violence are begun and fueled by religious intolerance of one form or another. I never suggested that Islam was the "bad boy" for all the world's ills. This thread began as a discussion of radical Islamists plotting the death of infidels. You've hijacked it to insinuate that I believe that all of the world's problems are caused by Muslims. Shame on you.


Your idiotic essentializing of Islam is an ideological leftover from a debunked and failed foreign policy initiative. Get a context.

Non sequitor. You know not my political, philosophical, nor spiritual persuasions.

You imply that my views are idiotic. Your location says it all...

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Sobo, You're the one that suggested that the Muslim World take a look around at the rest of the world and evolve or become enlightened. Where should "they" look?


Furthermore, this,

Once again, Islam, ostensibly a religion of tolerance and peace, shows it's true fundamentalist colors.

is bigoted nonsense, and inconsistent with your subsequent statements

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Sobo, You're the one that suggested that the Muslim World take a look around at the rest of the world and evolve or become enlightened. Where should "they" look?


Furthermore, this,

Once again, Islam, ostensibly a religion of tolerance and peace, shows it's true fundamentalist colors.

is bigoted nonsense, and inconsistent with your subsequent statements


:lmao: you'd last less than a week in an islamic theocracy


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Sobo, You're the one that suggested that the Muslim World take a look around at the rest of the world and evolve or become enlightened. Where should "they" look?


Furthermore, this,

Once again, Islam, ostensibly a religion of tolerance and peace, shows it's true fundamentalist colors.

is bigoted nonsense, and inconsistent with your subsequent statements


:lmao: you'd last less than a week in an islamic theocracy


Do you ever just shut the fuck up?


It's funny how these Islam threads never have a single Muslim participant...just a bunch of stupid fucking white morons who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground regarding that topic.


"Oh, but I've read a lot about it..."


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Don't need a Muslim participant to justify folks' opinions on this thread.

You tell 'em Mable! Jus don't let 'em worry yer pretty 'lil air-filled head about it too much, 'cause we's a Christian country an take good care of our wimens. Well, most of us, anyway. But not them Demcrats. Why, dey is tryin' ta nomnate a wimen fer president--ya can be damn sure no Laura friggin Bush gonna pullin' that kinda shit, not on a good, Christian watch, no sir. Any ways, keep yer chin up, don't dribble too much, and tell them pervs back in Demnark it's ok to be different. Especially if it's not here, where we is a Christians form the very start and know better then to do shit that will make us burn in hell.


Vote Huckabee -- ten commands is all yer ever gonna need!

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we should send trashie to islamofascistan and see how he likes wearing a burqa to cover up his assets from the lustful eyes of all those admiring swarthy men



but his eyes are soooo come-hither...the huge tease...

Edited by RuMR
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Don't need a Muslim participant to justify folks' opinions on this thread.


especially if they're moronic

pot kettle black...errr, in your case potbelly kettle black...

No kidding. And these opinions, especially Sobo's, don't seem like they came from the mouths of fools who didn't think them through.

Since when did an opinion instantly get labled "moronic" as soon as it diverged from one's own? What a flat world to live in...

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