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"These people" are fundamentally no different than those fuhqs that wanted to kill the school teacher for letting her students name their Teddy bear "Mohammed." Remember this one?


Once again, Islam, ostensibly a religion of tolerance and peace, shows it's true fundamentalist colors. No one seemed to get this irony in the thread above, so I won't try to convince anyone again.


But I will say this: These motherfuckers have their heads firmly and deeply sunk into their asses, which are stuck in the Seventh Century. Islam has been called one of the world's "great religions," but it is little more than one man's way of empowering himself over his contemporaries and doing so by the sword. Mohammed literally cherry-picked the tenets of his "religion" from Judaism, Christianity and other religions of the time. Anyone who did not agree and submit was murdered in the name of Allah. With such a powerful reason to agree, converts were lining up at the local mosque to become Muslims and Mohammed was soon solidly in power and was never to release it, even 1400+ years later. His minions today have been told the lie that is Islam for so long that they believe it unconditionally. They are born into it, raised in it and are brainwashed to believe that it is their solemn duty to go out and convert the world to it. They believe it is their birthright to kill anyone who does not convert and that the laws of the various nations around the world against murder are of no consequence in the quest to turn the world to Islam. They think Islam gives them the right to murder infidels with impunity because Allah has commanded it.


To make it short and to the point, for an infidel to allow the naming of a kid's Teddy bear "Mohammed", or to draw a cartoon with Mohammed wearing a "bomb-turban", is like a Christian calling Christ "that bearded homo who ran around Judea with 12 other queers." To say such a thing may be offensive to some, but anyone of a tolerant persuasion would forgive the sayer and offer to bring "the Word of God" to him. Our tolerant, peaceful, fundamentalist Muslim friends would just kill the sayer of such a thing as it compares to Islam. The former is tolerant and forgiving; the latter is neither.


Fundamentalism and extremism in any form is unacceptable in today's world. Look around and become enlightened.


I expect joblo will chime in here with some "peace, love, and understanding Kumbaya" shortly. :rolleyes:



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To make it short and to the point, for an infidel to allow the naming of a kid's Teddy bear "Mohammed", or to draw a cartoon with Mohammed wearing a "bomb-turban", is like a Christian calling Christ "that bearded homo who ran around Judea with 12 other queers."


Exactly how far back would we need to go in American history for this statement to get you burned alive, incarcerated, or committed? How many years?

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I was of the impression that there are hundreds of millions of Muslims (billion perhaps?) around the world and that not all of them, or even a majority of them are not quite so reactionary, violent and intolerant. But I could be wrong. I haven't done a poll or anything. Perhaps it is all black and white. Good and evil. All Muslims around the world are intolerant and violently so. And Islam in general and in totality is evil.


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more like 400. Is that the (implied) admission that you were after, prole? That we Americans have had our own little problems with religious intolerance? I'm not ashamed to admit the truth.


Still, it shows that most of the rest of the world, at least, has evolved and can respect alternate viewpoints.

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I was of the impression that there are hundreds of millions of Muslims (billion perhaps?) around the world and that not all of them, or even a majority of them are not quite so reactionary, violent and intolerant. But I could be wrong. I haven't done a poll or anything. Perhaps it is all black and white. Good and evil. All Muslims around the world are intolerant and violently so. And Islam in general and in totality is evil.


Read all the way to the end, chucK...


Fundamentalism and extremism in any form is unacceptable in today's world.

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Once again, Islam, ostensibly a religion of tolerance and peace, shows it's true fundamentalist colors.


This sentence seems to impugn all of Islam not just fundamentalists.



And I agree that the treatment of women in fundamentalist Islam is repugnant. Are woman as powerless and valueless among all practicing muslims or do we just hear about the worst?


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Once again, Islam, ostensibly a religion of tolerance and peace, shows it's true fundamentalist colors.


This sentence seems to impugn all of Islam not just fundamentalists.



And I agree that the treatment of women in fundamentalist Islam is repugnant. Are woman as powerless and valueless among all practicing muslims or do we just hear about the worst?

They are property. They are something to be controlled. I learned this quickly within the first couple of weeks of my Arabic class. Even the "tolerant" have a view that most free women and free men would consider reprehensible.

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Once again, Islam, ostensibly a religion of tolerance and peace, shows it's true fundamentalist colors.


This sentence seems to impugn all of Islam not just fundamentalists.

yeah, you're right. That was a little too harsh, and is too all-inclusive. What I'm really ranting about is the fundamentalists. As others here know, I have several Muslim friends that do not think as the fundies do. My apologies, there.



And I agree that the treatment of women in fundamentalist Islam is repugnant. Are woman as powerless and valueless among all practicing muslims or do we just hear about the worst?

I would think that what we hear most about is the worst. From what I've read, there are those who consider themselves practicing Muslims that do not subscribe to the practice of female genital mutiliation, among one of the more horrific tenets, as well as many other tenets of "true" Islam.


Sufism is one that immediately comes to mind. You can read about it here.

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