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Lotta liberals are OK with McCain. That's fine, but just realize he has an 82% lifetime rating with the American Conservative Union.


yeah this one has really surprised me. the guy is an intolerant good ol' boy, and some "progressives" sing his virtues. amazing.


Like Reagan, people like him despite disagreeing with him on many issues, because he speaks his mind and is forthcoming. McCain is viewed as a maverick, and that's appealing in this time of focus groups, polling, trial balloons and rehearsed speeches.


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hehehe, won't answer the questions about your voting, but will attack others about theirs?


What are you asking? Did I vote democrat? Yes…..





ummm...duh. you've pretty much got your dick in DK's mouth. we knew you voted dem. raging friggin liberal

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"The last complete census in Iraq conducted in 1997 found 4.05 million households in the country, a figure ORB used to calculate that approximately 1.03 million people had died as a result of the war, the researchers found."



I disagree with one point made here. This is not a war…..it is an occupation. Let’s get this straight please.


If you voted for Bush EVER….you are ass much to blame. I can not even fathom what mind set you were in to think that that moron would be a good leader. He is a semi intelligent genial frat boy. The only thing he should be able lead is a small town.


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"The last complete census in Iraq conducted in 1997 found 4.05 million households in the country, a figure ORB used to calculate that approximately 1.03 million people had died as a result of the war, the researchers found."



Nuff said.


The same assclowns accused Clinton of 500000+ deaths due to the economic sanctions. Guess your memory is short, boner.


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The Gore/Kerry/Edwards/you fill in the blanks "would have/would be a disaster" comments are the mental midget equivalent of a "Hey, look over there!" distraction. They have the intellectual depth of a parking lot puddle.


They are the moron's answer to the Bush legacy, usually followed up with a "Yeah, but Bush wasn't true to the conservative movement."


Um, with the exception of fiscal responsibility, Bush was completely true to conservative ideals: A bloated military, a foreign policy completely reliant on military power, the infusion of Christianity into politics (sorry conservatives, you've been pandering to those folks for 30 years now, so it's become part of your 'movement'), a blind trust of private corporations, and the lowest priority given to the environment. It is the conservative movement and it's failed ideas that has brought this country down to its present level, not the Bush administration. McCain will simply bring more of the same; his ideas are nearly identical to Bush's in substance, and the downward slide will continue should he be elected.



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thank you for the reply.


my point is directed at your comment below.




... you voted in Bush, therefore you have the blood of all the DEAD from this occupation on your hands……how does that feel?



it is widely accepted that the UN sanctions vigorously endorsed by bill clinton, madeleine albright, al gore, and most democrats throughout the '90's resulted in the death of perhaps 1 million iraqis, mainly children and the elderly. it was a slow death crawl, a siege really, every bit as barbaric as the current war conducted by bush and his cronies, and in some ways worse, since the screws were kept tight even though the results were obvious to all (with this current war, nothing much will seemingly stop the blood-shed, certainly not a withdrawal).


so, using your logic, you have as much blood on your hands as any republican.



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it is widely accepted that the UN sanctions vigorously endorsed by bill clinton, madeleine albright, al gore, and most democrats throughout the '90's resulted in the death of perhaps 1 million iraqis, mainly children and the elderly. it was a slow death crawl, a siege really, every bit as barbaric as the current war conducted by bush and his cronies, and in some ways worse, since the screws were kept tight even though the results were obvious to all (with this current war, nothing much will seemingly stop the blood-shed, certainly not a withdrawal).


so, using your logic, you have as much blood on your hands as any republican.




Apples and oranges brother….IMO. That is not the same as sending 180,000 of our troops over to Iraq because (as Mattp stated) those damn people over there built there country on top of our oil. We are actively occupying a country that did not attack us. And it is a proven fact that there were no WMD there. We were lied too…….Why are we still there? Money. Republicans = money.

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No its your fault.

No its YOUR fault.



Let's move forward. This is our country, lets all take responsibility for where we're at in this moment. Every action a US president takes in tems of foreign relations could be construed to have life-or-death consequences (though some are more obvious than others). This blame game will surely be played on the actions of whoever we elect this time around no matter who it is.


So, if you don't like what has occured in the past on either side, then think long and hard about which candidates are most capable of working outside of those old political constructs (hmmmmmmmm I can think of one on each side).


Prize fight!


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Actually, didn't somebody point out that most Republicans today are poor white trash? You know, like the creepy sort who crawled from the movie screen when Deliverance was produced -- you know, that movie from the 70s that had the great song called Dueling Banjos. A brilliant piece of work, that song. Too bad the guy who wrote that splendid medley will forever have his masterpiece associated with inbred rapists and Republicans. (I know, I know, it's not right to defame inbred rapists by suggesting they are Republicans, but hey, this is Spray. And nothing I say will make it any worse, not even wayward compliments paid to the scum of the Earth.)

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