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  tvashtarkatena said:
  Hugh Conway said:
  minx said:
hugh, dead horses don't suck anyone


dear, you need to get out to Enumclaw more often.


Would you please stop beating that dead horse?


are you still worried the cops will find out about your equine love nest?

Posted (edited)

How dare you. Every horse in my custody has willingly consented to waive all video rights.


Fuck a horse. Kill an old lady. What's the difference? For my kind, the consequences are the same.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
  tvashtarkatena said:
How dare you. Every horse in my custody has willingly consented to waive all video rights.


Fuck a horse. Kill an old lady. What's the difference? For my kind, the consequences are the same.


no they're not. the horse can still kick you in the nuts

  tvashtarkatena said:

Yes, I would be happy to help in leading some classes on climbing for your troop. Promise I won't preach Atheism. PM me.


Will you teach them not to hate gay people?

  kevbone said:
Minx....its past your bedtime.....what are you doing up still?


Your a morning poster.....what up?


kevbone, that really creeps me out. just sayin

  minx said:
  kevbone said:
Minx....its past your bedtime.....what are you doing up still?


Your a morning poster.....what up?


kevbone, that really creeps me out. just sayin



What creeps you out? :cool:

  tvashtarkatena said:
How dare you. Every horse in my custody has willingly consented to waive all video rights.


Fuck a horse. Kill an old lady. What's the difference? For my kind, the consequences are the same.


Dude, that is SO HAWT!

  lizard_brain said:

Richard Dawkins says that there are probably more atheists than there are Jews in the world, but they tend to be so independent and such freethinkers that they don't tend to organize and form lobbying groups like religious groups as the Jews have.


Just sayin'.


Got to bring the Jews into it now, eh?

Guess what! You don't know from free-thinking!



  minx said:

great! maybe all of us atheist should get together, pick a really cool spot, and declare it our homeland.


Good idea! How about Antarctica? Really cool! And a great place to contemplate your meaningless existence in the midst of G-d's spectacular creation.

  Raindawg said:
And a great place to contemplate your meaningless existence in the midst of G-d's spectacular creation.


Hey, that meaninglessness of it all is my favorite part of living...! Why, hell, it's the quintessential LNT. Against that backdrop we create, propogate, and evolve a universe of stories which we try to pass from generation to generation for as long as we last. It's also not unlike the meaninglessness of rock - another medium we create our stories on. I consider all stories of gods as being rooted in fear which principally serve to placate and manipulate folks who can't live life with the ultimate boogey man - unanswered questions. Personally, the very idea of a god would remove all interest I have in doing FA's as it's the random meaninglessness that I'm counting on for a new story.

  pink said:
  dmuja said:


The "climbers on crusade" (according th VH) or whatever claim to want to just meet other climbers, hang out, help out bla bla.. yet all the while "KNOWING" that they have the only key to "salvation". With that kind of judgmental attitude already embedded in their little minds how would this be a basis for any kind of honest, open or even "casual" meeting?


Almost everything VH has said in his groups defense contradicts their own website. And Im not so sure that such a deeply held delusion as his/theirs does not in fact pose a danger in a mountaineering environment - "the forecast says no go, but I have heard the voice of the lord..."


Joseph,right on! What we have here, (to borrow a phrase) are wolves in sheep's garb. It really is just what the world doesn't need more of, shortsighted, preachy, condescending arrogance all rapped up in a nice package of smiles and deception.



well said



man, do you all have jobs? How do you post so much during the day? too much to read now, but I jumped to the end, seems the conversation went lame,...


I'm not going, nor do I have the time, to respond to much said, but I wanted to use this example (and there are others all over this board) of these judgmental and angry words used, without even knowing us. Just read above,... we are in your (dmuja) own words, and satisfyingly agreed by Pink "condescending, judgmental attitudes, wolves in sheep garb, arrogance, smiles packaged in nice deception, judgmental (did I say that)". Sounds like someone needs to point the finger in the other direction? Just a thought, but I was thinking maybe you ought to practice what you preach. I'm thinking I'm far from perfect and I may say some off things, but this is quite irrational, specially coming from climbers,...that is if you are serious climbers in the first place, maybe internet nerds, I don't know. I would think a climbing community would be a little more tolerant. I think if you got to know me, and I didn't tell you I was a Christian, I would be the guy in your workplace who works hard, and takes care of his friends, Christian or not, and I think we would dig each other, and I think you would speak differently of me. I think these internet forums are a facade of ranting and raving, placing prejudicial past experiences into present judgments, but each of us are different in person. Just a thought.


The difference is you're part of an extended fundamentalist community which seeks to spread it's influence across the globe. If you weren't, you'd wouldn't be taking your mission 'to places others can't or won't go' - and prayer wouldn't be the common reason you were on a mountain. I personally can't imagine the mountain or rock not being the essential reason I was there - it's the primacy of your mission and the fact you place it before, and drape it over, the mountain which so sets you apart from all the other folks there. The fact that you then go out of your way to let folks know the mountain is secondary to why you're there simply makes you that less welcome.

  underworld said:
i think the common element is actually the cc.com part that always goes to horse sex


Heh - last year I was climbing with some Canadians, and one of them said "Why is it that whenever I go out with Americans, the conversation always gets around to bestiality?"

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