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tvash, you've always come across so anti-establishment wrt institutions of this pseudo-Christian first world! that must be one snappy whip your wife has ;)

I know this is tongue in cheek, but it always bothers me that men who are obviously in love with a woman and states it clearly in many different ways is usually called "pussy-whipped" or "hen-pecked" in one way or another before long. It is a sad comment on our society--the same society that continually enforces monogamy. I think it puts men in an unfair, sexist, and harmful double-bind.


Any man (or woman) that's worth much knows that comments like these are usually made my monkey's who aren't worth the air they breathe and/or the time it takes to listen to them.

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All I have is the air that I breath, and to loooooooove you.


I wouldn't be too hard on the El Pantera Escelando. It seemed like a good natured jab to me.


My wife and I discussed the consequences of infidelity before we got married, and both agreed to a zero tolerance policy up front. Willingly agreeing to that decision negated any need for hen-pecking later. Well, sort of. It turns out that 'fidelity' can have a broad array of definitions depending on one's sensitivity to the issue, but that's all part of the fun. Speaking of fun, whipping and double binding are still encouraged.



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don't make me post a monkey picture...


aw, archy, can't a guy have a little fun here and there? the guys who state it tongue-in-cheek are usually the ones who know exactly what's going on. I am deeply in love with the woman I'm going to marry next April, and I resonate with all the comments about making it work, choosing love, etc. I'm not afraid to admit I'm all hers, and I don't care what anybody thinks. I know exactly what he feels and I feel the same way.

My friends are all married and we all joke about the whip, but it's funny because we all know it's not true, that we're all seriously in love with our wives (or wife to be) and they're the most important person in our lives and therefore deserve the attention worthy of their position.

The one who honestly derides the commitment of another is selfish and likely jealous of losing a friend. That's no longer funny, and is worthy of your ire.

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don't make me post a monkey picture...


aw, archy, can't a guy have a little fun here and there? the guys who state it tongue-in-cheek are usually the ones who know exactly what's going on. I am deeply in love with the woman I'm going to marry next April, and I resonate with all the comments about making it work, choosing love, etc. I'm not afraid to admit I'm all hers, and I don't care what anybody thinks. I know exactly what he feels and I feel the same way.

My friends are all married and we all joke about the whip, but it's funny because we all know it's not true, that we're all seriously in love with our wives (or wife to be) and they're the most important person in our lives and therefore deserve the attention worthy of their position.

The one who honestly derides the commitment of another is selfish and likely jealous of losing a friend. That's no longer funny, and is worthy of your ire.


Walk the dog, do the dishes

Your lips are brown from kissing ass

Sorry guys I can't make it

Maybe next time, think I'll pass

Don't make her mad, don't make her sad

A fate for you that's worse than death

you're a slave and you don't know it

It always happens to the best



Pussywhipped, Pussywhipped

Don't you know you're pussywhipped

Pussywhipped, Pussywhipped

Don't you know you're pussywhipped


She wants to be involved with you

In every little thing you do

Always has to add her two cents

It's obvious who wears the pants

Your friends all hate you, you don't care

Cause you've been trapped in her lair

And hopefully on day you'll see

That pussy can be caught for free



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don't make me post a monkey picture...


aw, archy, can't a guy have a little fun here and there? the guys who state it tongue-in-cheek are usually the ones who know exactly what's going on. I am deeply in love with the woman I'm going to marry next April, and I resonate with all the comments about making it work, choosing love, etc. I'm not afraid to admit I'm all hers, and I don't care what anybody thinks. I know exactly what he feels and I feel the same way.

My friends are all married and we all joke about the whip, but it's funny because we all know it's not true, that we're all seriously in love with our wives (or wife to be) and they're the most important person in our lives and therefore deserve the attention worthy of their position.

The one who honestly derides the commitment of another is selfish and likely jealous of losing a friend. That's no longer funny, and is worthy of your ire.



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The one who honestly derides the commitment of another is selfish and likely jealous of losing a friend. That's no longer funny, and is worthy of your ire.







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Kewl. Downloading it right now.


I had a dream the other night that I was an astronaut walking on the moon. It was awesome, right up until the point when I realized that I also happened to be John Travolta, a born again version. Furthermore, I had a Christian musical debut scheduled when I returned to earth.


And you thought man-boobs were my biggest worry.

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Kewl. Downloading it right now.


I had a dream the other night that I was an astronaut walking on the moon. It was awesome, right up until the point when I realized that I also happened to be John Travolta, a born again version. Furthermore, I had a Christian musical debut scheduled when I returned to earth.


And you thought man-boobs were my biggest worry.


Not to mention what would happen to you at the hands of the Scientology mafia for leaving "the faith"

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