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  underworld said:
hyper-active = excuse (it's not my fault..it's their condition)




The greatest of all of the polite fictions that we nod and smile at when around people with children that they've never taught to behave properly. I'd wager that about 5% of hyperactive kids actually behave the way they do for purely biological reasons, and the rest comes down to parenting.


Just not worth alienating the folks with the kids that they don't know how to raise, though. I take some comfort in the fact that they will ultimately suffer the most as a consequence of their child-rearing styles, though.

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  JayB said:
  underworld said:
hyper-active = excuse (it's not my fault..it's their condition)




The greatest of all of the polite fictions that we nod and smile at when around people with children that they've never taught to behave properly. I'd wager that about 5% of hyperactive kids actually behave the way they do for purely biological reasons, and the rest comes down to parenting.


Just not worth alienating the folks with the kids that they don't know how to raise, though. I take some comfort in the fact that they will ultimately suffer the most as a consequence of their child-rearing styles, though.





Maybe the fat kids would have a better chance not bein fat if their fat parents didnt think every new diet craze was their ticket to looking like a fitness model. Also even though im sure a few people really have bad genetics to be in shape but fat people say their problem is glandular probably doesnt help show the kids they're in control either.

And ADD was alot less prevalent when people would actually put their kids over their knee instead of taking away their friggin nintendo WI

  KaskadskyjKozak said:


It's the lawyers' fault.


You're not going to blame the nasty liberals? On this issue, I'd agree you might actually have a bit of a point if you were to rant about politically correctness.


Really, though, it is those right wing Christians and all their family values.

  archenemy said:
How sad.

What will they ban next?


This kind of thing is happening for one major reason - lawsuits, or fear of them.


Most teachers would be fine with letting kids play tag etc, but parents (most people in general) these days carry their attorneys phone number around with them and are quick to pull it out any time they believe their kid is "getting picked on". The trigger word unfortunately is "harassment". Unfortunately, this is the predominate force behind setting up policy for most organizations these days, not intelligence or common sense.

  dmuja said:
  archenemy said:
How sad.

What will they ban next?


This kind of thing is happening for one major reason - lawsuits, or fear of them.


Most teachers would be fine with letting kids play tag etc, but parents (most people in general) these days carry their attorneys phone number around with them and are quick to pull it out any time they believe their kid is "getting picked on". The trigger word unfortunately is "harassment". Unfortunately, this is the predominate force behind setting up policy for most organizations these days, not intelligence or common sense.


As I said - it's the lawyers' fault.


They are scum who suck all joy out of our lives.

  dmuja said:
note matt, Im not blaming lawyers, just the hyper active overly defensive/greedy parents.


many of those parents don't have lawyers, but those lawyers are just looking for an ambulance to chase and readily available. like flies on shit.


You have on the one hand parents who have one child, where one parent stays at home and micromanages every aspect of that kid's life. Then you have the single parent family or those where both parents work. So some kids are getting too much attention, while others are not getting enough.


The parents who over-protect their children seek to extend that protection in the schools by imposing rules. The best solution is more adult supervision, not rules. We should reduce class sizes.


Maybe you read a different article. I don’t see anything indicating that this action was taken out of fear of lawsuits. I think somebody is worried about protecting the children, allright, but probably it is those right wing Christians. Look at the location: COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.

  mattp said:
Maybe you read a different article. I don’t see anything indicating that this action was taken out of fear of lawsuits. I think somebody is worried about protecting the children, allright, but probably it is those right wing Christians. Look at the location: COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.


Trust me, no conservative is opposed to tag.


  lizard_brain said:
  kevbone said:
  Dechristo said:
The ban at this school may be due to laziness. Repeatedly correcting hyper-active kids and mollifying uptight parents requires a lot more time and energy than simply banning games.


Hyper-active kids……dude…..most children are “hyper-active”. Why you got to put the label on?


"hyper-active" = $$$


Oh yeah.....I forgot....how sad.

  Adam13 said:
Maybe the fat kids would have a better chance not bein fat if their fat parents didnt think every new diet craze was their ticket to looking like a fitness model. Also even though im sure a few people really have bad genetics to be in shape but fat people say their problem is glandular probably doesnt help show the kids they're in control either.

And ADD was alot less prevalent when people would actually put their kids over their knee instead of taking away their friggin nintendo WI


The fat kid is not pleased.

  fenderfour said:
  Adam13 said:
Maybe the fat kids would have a better chance not bein fat if their fat parents didnt think every new diet craze was their ticket to looking like a fitness model. Also even though im sure a few people really have bad genetics to be in shape but fat people say their problem is glandular probably doesnt help show the kids they're in control either.

And ADD was alot less prevalent when people would actually put their kids over their knee instead of taking away their friggin nintendo WI


The fat kid is not pleased.


Fatty, fatty, two-by-four....




anyone notice how diving boards (and particularly the high dives) have all but disappeared from newer public pools and the ones that have them have severely restricted their use?


Man, no more backslaps and bellyflops for botched gainers/flips...damn it was fun bein' a kid years ago...

Posted (edited)
  lizard_brain said:
  underworld said:
the fat kids played tag when i was a kid.


they usually lost, but still played. then beat up the scrawny ones.



...the cycle of life


and the funny thing about those fat kids back then is that they were usually pretty damn active playing sports...so their "problem" really was genetic...fit fat kids...one of my best friends was pretty damn tubby but was decent on the soccer field and basketball court and was a pretty good swimmer to boot...i'd say they were healthier then


the ones these days are inactive, mashed potato brained nintendo playin' tv-watchin' turds...like their folks...

Fat kids were a rarity when I was a kid. There might have been one, MAYBE two per class. They were different. Now they are the norm.

Edited by RuMR

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