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I would post a TR, but I only go on boring climbs.


But at least I do them often.



Will you define a "boring" climb please.....thanks in advance!


Boring, not greatly imaginitive or exciting... Usual stuff. I'm no great climber - 5.6 is my comfort range. 5.8 on a good day. I've done a 5.10 pitch once in my life. The last climbs I did were the East Ridge of Ingalls, West Ridge of Stuart, Becky Route on Liberty Bell & South Arete of SEWS, Scramble route on Adams, Coleman Glacier on Baker... All in the last 6 weekends or so. Pretty basic weekend warrior stuff. Took last weekend off and climbed into Starbucks.


What I mean by 'boring', is - who wants to hear about those routes? I don't! Let's hear some good stuff. There's been some pretty good TR's lately. I may come up with something good next season (hint), but I sure as hell ain't gonna put up a TR for the Becky Route on Liberty Bell! ZZZZzzzZZZZzzzz....

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Again, I'm not saying it is necessary or required for anyone to be a contributer. But if you aren't actually contributing a lot, then don't expect much leniency if you crap in the important forums. It has nothing to do with how hard you climb, how long you have been climbing, or anything like that. I'm done with this thread, and pink now knows how he earned his title, which he can now enjoy in perpetuity.

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Again, I'm not saying it is necessary or required for anyone to be a contributer. But if you aren't actually contributing a lot, then don't expect much leniency if you crap in the important forums. It has nothing to do with how hard you climb, how long you have been climbing, or anything like that. I'm done with this thread, and pink now knows how he earned his title, which he can now enjoy in perpetuity.


hey oly, when you were given a mod position i think you misunderstood and thought they said god postition.


when did i crap in an important forum? i think i might know what your talking about.

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More importantly, it's just a title on an internet board.


I'm the Fat Kid. I'm not exactly fat. It's all good.


your right, it is all good. i just like knowing who is slinging the shit. i think it's funny, call me what you want.

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