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Home Defense Firearm Suggestions?


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After considering a number of options (ice tools, sack of doorknobs, stick, bear spray, fists, baseball bat), and based on some comments by pathetic left-coast douche bags willing to sit on their ass and do nothing while their friends get beat up, or the disease of fear that pervades our society and makes a person stay in their house and do nothing while their neighbor gets beat to death at two in the morning, I've decided to arm the homestead with a gun.



-A gun works at a distance

-A gun requires no special training or expertise, other than when to use it

-A gun gives you the option of applying lethal force to defend yourself

-A wife with a gun is "stronger" than a determined male attacker without one

-An attacker might have a gun too

-Nothing makes a person do what you want them to do like a gun pointed at their face.


So, any suggestions for home defense weapon and ammunition? I'm thinking either 12 gauge combat shotgun with buck shot or 9mm Hydrashoks, but I want something the wife could use too.


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"A gun requires no special training or expertise, other than when to use it"



Uhm, yeah, exactly. Hense Americas statistics for the thousands of wankers who kill each other every year because of stupidity.


Go to Canada if you are so f***ing scared of getting murdered.......


-Only in this country do people fear each other this much. PATHETIC.

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I won't have a gun in my house, but can see the merits of a shotgun over a handgun for home deterrence/defense.

- easier to aim

- low-powered individual rounds less likely to continue into the next room, or the neighbors'

- no temptation to concealed-carry it around in public


ps. people will probably disagree with your second item. edit: too late

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-A gun requires no special training or expertise, other than when to use it

















HOLY CRAP. Did he shoot himself in the foot? He was limping afterwards!


So Choada boy, get your gun. Then you too can have fun being one of the retards who accidently shoots his wife dead.

Edited by i_like_sun
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Yeah that's pretty harsh, even for spray. Firearms exist, are legal, and despite their notorious and inevitable involvement in most of the nation's worst crimes and accidents, are owned responsibly by millions of people in the U.S. You should probably find a better way to deal with it than making comments like that.

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Only in this country do people fear each other this much. PATHETIC.


Let's see: neighbor gets the shit beat out of him for no reason, neighbor wakes up and fights attacker out of house, multiple women raped during home invasions two blocks away. Plus, I don't really care what you think, dip shit.

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So, any suggestions for home defense weapon and ammunition? I'm thinking either 12 gauge combat shotgun with buck shot or 9mm Hydrashoks, but I want something the wife could use too.


Never felt the need to have a gun in the house (yes, I've trained to use them but don't feel the need to have any despite having lived in some shitty neighborhoods). First off, if you want the wife to use it, make sure she goes through a safety course first, yourself included if you haven't. Last thing we need is more untrained noobs out there buying guns. Second, if you want the wife to use it, stop thinking I want the 12 gauge auto combat how-itzer with laser sights and a grenade launcher. It might make *you* feel safer but what are you going to do, leave it lying around the living room? Consider something that takes a .410 shotshell. It might not satisfy your bloated testosterone urges but you should be able to have it in something small that the wife can use and you don't have to be as good a shot as you might have to be with a 9mm. Besides, if your wife (or you) misses the target (and you probably will), you're less likely to kill one of your neighbors or one of your neighbors kids. Best solution, take time to think about it and ask yourself if this what you really want/need.


PS. Mods, I know you don't like Dan He Who Shall Not Be Named but if I can't spell how-itzer without a hyphen, that's stupid.



Edited by foraker
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After considering a number of options (ice tools, sack of doorknobs, stick, bear spray, fists, baseball bat), and based on some comments by pathetic left-coast douche bags willing to sit on their ass and do nothing while their friends get beat up, or the disease of fear that pervades our society and makes a person stay in their house and do nothing while their neighbor gets beat to death at two in the morning, I've decided to arm the homestead with a gun.



-A gun works at a distance

-A gun requires no special training or expertise, other than when to use it

-A gun gives you the option of applying lethal force to defend yourself

-A wife with a gun is "stronger" than a determined male attacker without one

-An attacker might have a gun too

-Nothing makes a person do what you want them to do like a gun pointed at their face.


So, any suggestions for home defense weapon and ammunition? I'm thinking either 12 gauge combat shotgun with buck shot or 9mm Hydrashoks, but I want something the wife could use too.



Relax. I'll be right over to clean up the neighborhood.






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Here's a suggestion:




Sure. Just stand there and do nothing.

Well, that's exactly what you did. Right?


Actually, I argued with my boyfriend about whether we should do anything while the guy got his ass kicked, then abandoned the guy at the fire station. Then I went and got my glasses so I could see that he'd healed up after a year, you fucking coward.


Unless you are prepared to offer advice on a gun brand, model, caliber, and ammunition, you're a waste of ones and zeros and an instigating piece of shit.


BTW: My neighbor's out of the hospital with four broken vertebral processes and a chipped eye socket, a spectacular black eye, huge bruises across his back, swelling on the back of his head and neck, plus a bit finger he got while head-locking one of the fuckers. I told him I felt bad that I hadn't gotten out there sooner, in glasses and boxers, but he figures I might have saved his life, and I at least kept him from getting beat worse.

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I don't own a gun, but I've heard Glock's are nice and light....plastic composite. One of my post college roommates had one (I discovered long after he moved in). He was an interesting guy.




FWIW - if you are so blind without your glasses, firing a handgun might have its complications. In this case, however, a couple shots out the window, into the air probably would have stopped the assault.








Edited by ericb
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Go to Canada if you are so f***ing scared of getting murdered.......


Here's a thought....in America we have the right to bear arms, and the right to own a hand gun. This law has been around since antiquity. If you don't like it, why don't YOU move to Canada?

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I have one of these lil pups.






Nothing else quite says "BACK THE FUCK OFF MOTHERFUCKER in such an understated, yet definitive manner when you draw down and/or slide the reciever back. Additionaly, you are less likely to have bullets fly through 2 houses and kill a neighbors kid.


BUT, you'll get some kick, don't know what your wife is like....


BTW, highly consider taking the CW classes. Good luck Choda, damn if thats a good neighborhood....

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In this case, however, a couple shots out the window, into the air probably would have stopped the assault.


A gloriously bad idea unless you don't care where the bullet lands.

Often illegal as well if I'm not mistaken.


Have a look at the Taurus .45/.410.


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-A gun requires no special training or expertise, other than when to use it


Because this bit of retardation hasn't been quoted enough.


Do you really think you can shoot someone when it comes down to it? There are plenty of soldiers who've been trained for years who can't when it comes down to it.

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