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Bike are for wussies


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That one is good one, it is pretty amazing what these guys can do. Hell I have a hard enough time trying to the simplest things he does like 180 to reverse, 180 rotation on the front wheel and manual wheelies. I wish I would have started off as a kid.

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Another classic one!!!! Man some of those hucks are just off the hook. I remember seeing the full length videos of some of those clips. The one where he face plants his bars and breaks his goggles has gotta hurt. He was unconcious for a while after that kiss. Those guys are nuts, but also inspiring, what is possible. Make a 10 foot drop seem reasonable.

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I haven't heard much about that dude lately, I am wondering if still got a goal of 100 footer.


Hey Ken,


Josh f00ked himself up in November of 2005 trying to clear a 35 foot gap. Got tangled in his bike and ended up with a pretty lengthy hospital stay. The Jah Drop remains to be sent. A mere 55 footer....

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