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Last weekend


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my 7 year old absolutely hiked full japanese gardens, except for a hang in one spot (the reach over from the big fattie handjam to the face climbing crap at the top)...


we had to shut his trap down though...put him on iron horse to quiet his trash talking down... :lmao:

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my 7 year old absolutely hiked full japanese gardens, except for a hang in one spot (the reach over from the big fattie handjam to the face climbing crap at the top)...


we had to shut his trap down though...put him on iron horse to quiet his trash talking down... :lmao:


You gotta post some pics of the kids rockin hard routes.

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this weekend i climbed on friday


went to PDX on saterday and shopped and went to

barefoot sage spa


suprised by a suprise dinner party


sunday i climbed


and shopped more

ate leftovers

had cake

went home and watched dwayner on discovery

it was a good good weekend!!!

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Me too....


my 9 month old was leaning against a foot rest and turned around and leaned on his mother’s leg…..all by himself. We were stoked……I wonder if he will walk before one year.


I have been sticking my little girl on the metal bars in the window showing her how to step up on the bars and reach for the next one. She got a pretty good grip on them and hang by herself at 11 month. When we get back from the states it will be time to build a little micro wall for her.



As for myself, I spent both days with family on Lake Kivu that borders of Rwanda and Congo. I got out and rode both days pretty insane dowhhilling terrain. I describe is as seat down ass on the rear tire controlled sliding. Some places we were on terraces that had a 20 foot drop on the downhill side. I was wishing I have my body armor and full face to commit to the more technical sections.

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