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I was at a local crag recently and had set up a TR for a couple of new climber friends of mine. Another group of noobs came along looking for the climb we were on. I told them we'd be done with it a few minutes.


We finished climbing. I went up, broke down the anchor, rapped down and pulled the rope. As I packed my rope, one of the noobs asked, "Are you taking that rope with you?"


"Yes," I replied.


"Well the book says that this is a TR. Can you leave it?"


"No. It's mine." I said.


"Can you tell us where the climbs with ropes are?"





oh that's funny stuff! :lmao:

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So, a guy at work finds out I'm a climber and looks at me real suspiciously... "Oh yeah? What gym do you climb at?"


Aren’t we all stupid at one time or another? Ok, I never asked, “Where are the climbs with ropes?”, but hey, let’s face it. If we did not know any better and were reading a TR of “Climbs with Ropes” depending on your source and frame of mind you might think the NPS or some other government agency maintains roped routes.


Unfortunately that might have been me asking “which gym do you climb at?” Sorry. Like I said, “…at one time or another”, - just call me stupid and ship me off to Portland.


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Friend of mine was getting married and had an interview with the ceremony pastor dude. Ralph explained that he worked for Seattle City Water and that he was a naturalist. The pastor paused, took a deeo breath, and said, "Well, I've never done that before, but if you really want to get married in the nude I suppose I could do that."


Yeah, he got the job.

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