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The new gestapo


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Oh how the true colors come out.


Mouthy Maxine


Rep. Maxine Waters, California Democrat, reportedly had former Los Angeles mayoral candidate and homeless activist Ted Hayes arrested for disorderly conduct outside her Capitol Hill office several days ago, then requested he remain quiet about his apprehension.


"[T]o have a citizen arrested because they disagree is beyond the pale and begs the question, why do they care more about illegal aliens than they dotheir own constituents?" Washington columnist Nina May wrote this week on the Renaissance Women Web site.


Mrs. May was to have met with Mr. Hayes on June 19 when he was on Capitol Hill meeting with a lawmaker about illegal immigration. She later learned of his arrest when he couldn't keep the appointment.


"Ted's concern with the [proposed immigration] bill is that, as a black man who has worked with the homeless and disadvantaged for years, he sees anamnesty bill as one more obstacle for poor blacks to overcome," Mrs. May wrote."He sees the illegal aliens in his home area of Los Angeles putting aninsurmountable burden on the social welfare and education system, and sees jobs that would ordinarily go to his people ... going to the illegals.


"And when he speaks out about it, he is castigated as a racist, called names, slandered and threatened."


Mr. Hayes had stopped in to see Mrs. Waters, who he has known for more than 20 years, only to have her walk past him and into the hallway.


"Ted got up to follow her asking why ... ? To this query she spun around and responded, 'You are full of [expletive], You are full of [expletive], Ted Hayes,' " Mrs. May wrote.


At that point, a U.S. Capitol Police officer responded and placed Mr. Hayes in handcuffs. He was charged with disorderly conduct, a police spokesman confirmed yesterday.


According to the columnist, Mrs. Waters' office later called Mr. Hayes and expressed concern "that this story of his arrest not be leaked to the press,and not get back to her district."


Mrs. Waters declined to speak to Inside the Beltway yesterday.



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Currently I'm too busy with the Texas Schutzstaffel to be bothered with the Gestapo. And given how racist bastards such as yourself bag on blacks and hispanics I don't really see how it's your business anyway - except possibly as a sourse of Nazi-like glee at the conflicting misfortunes of others. But, good to know all you victimal, white males are still predictably manipulable - and gosh darn it, there's nothing like a dose of Rovinal every two years for keeping a real man regular and stiff all over.

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Oh how the true colors come out.


Mouthy Maxine


Rep. Maxine Waters, California Democrat, reportedly had former Los Angeles mayoral candidate and homeless activist Ted Hayes arrested for disorderly conduct outside her Capitol Hill office several days ago, then requested he remain quiet about his apprehension.


"[T]o have a citizen arrested because they disagree is beyond the pale and begs the question, why do they care more about illegal aliens than they dotheir own constituents?" Washington columnist Nina May wrote this week on the Renaissance Women Web site.


Mrs. May was to have met with Mr. Hayes on June 19 when he was on Capitol Hill meeting with a lawmaker about illegal immigration. She later learned of his arrest when he couldn't keep the appointment.


"Ted's concern with the [proposed immigration] bill is that, as a black man who has worked with the homeless and disadvantaged for years, he sees anamnesty bill as one more obstacle for poor blacks to overcome," Mrs. May wrote."He sees the illegal aliens in his home area of Los Angeles putting aninsurmountable burden on the social welfare and education system, and sees jobs that would ordinarily go to his people ... going to the illegals.


"And when he speaks out about it, he is castigated as a racist, called names, slandered and threatened."


Mr. Hayes had stopped in to see Mrs. Waters, who he has known for more than 20 years, only to have her walk past him and into the hallway.


"Ted got up to follow her asking why ... ? To this query she spun around and responded, 'You are full of [expletive], You are full of [expletive], Ted Hayes,' " Mrs. May wrote.


At that point, a U.S. Capitol Police officer responded and placed Mr. Hayes in handcuffs. He was charged with disorderly conduct, a police spokesman confirmed yesterday.


According to the columnist, Mrs. Waters' office later called Mr. Hayes and expressed concern "that this story of his arrest not be leaked to the press,and not get back to her district."


Mrs. Waters declined to speak to Inside the Beltway yesterday.



Interesting that it's not in the public record anywhere like other Capitol Police arrests.....Seems like the liberal media is up to their old tricks again.


Oh, wait, this came from a conservative "news" source? My bad, I have to believe it.

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When it comes to stalking gawking gestapo stalkers stalking stalking gestapos -- and the hopes of two evil legislators who would impeach our beloved Vice President -- we owe it to ourselves to take Snout seriously.


Moreover, even more serious questions arise here from the spray. And so, my fellow Americans, I ask you: If a zorse could shit shit, what kind of shit would a shitting zorse shit?

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Mr. Hayes had stopped in to see Mrs. Waters, who he has known for more than 20 years, only to have her walk past him and into the hallway.


"Ted got up to follow her asking why ... ? To this query she spun around and responded, 'You are full of [expletive], You are full of [expletive], Ted Hayes,' " Mrs. May wrote.


At that point, a U.S. Capitol Police officer responded and placed Mr. Hayes in handcuffs. He was charged with disorderly conduct, a police spokesman confirmed yesterday.


So, what's been editted out here? "Ted got up to follow her asking why ... ? To this query she spun around and etc etc"


There seems to be a bit of the story missing in the middle there, replaced by "..." It's an odd bit of writing, that clearly indicates something has been omitted. So what was the rest of Mr Hayes' question, and why doesn't the writer want us to know? Is it possible that somewhere in the "..." part of the exchange, he said or did something to warrant a charge of disorderly conduct?

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