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Bearly alive


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Yesterday morning I heard a metal clank outside my bedroom window (which was open). I get up and look out and what do I see?




So I go back to bed and doze off for about 10 min and I hear a louder clanking. I get back out of bed and look out the window a second time. And what do I see?


A fucking bear.


He had knocked over my BBQ and was prying the grill part off so he could have a taste of the tri tip I had the night before. Yummy. He got bored though and started walking around the house. I was sort of scampering around trying not to make noise and scare him. I lost sight of him at the back of the house where there are no windows. I go back into my bedroom and what do I see?


The fucking bear!


This time he is stepping up on my back porch and looking into a full-glass door to my bedroom. I decided that was getting too close for comfort and clapped then shook my hands. I could tell he couldn't see me (the glass is sorta mirrorish when looking from the outside). So I clapped, yelled and stepped forward and tapped at the glass right where his nose was. I looked right into his beady little eyes and could see the moment when he realized I was right there. He took off; but boy, what an experience!!!


I just wish I had gotten a bear rug out of the deal. That way, I wouldn't have shit directly on my floor.

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Archy, thats fucking rad! Where do you live that has bears? I'm guessing it was a black bear.....


I had a neat bear experience a couple years ago. I was up in the Ruth Mountain area spending a few days climbing and lolligagging with my old man. One morning I woke up early and hiked up to the wilderness toilet to do my thing, and while I was sitting there I heard some rustling in the bushes directly in front of me. I finished, stood up and pulled up my trousers, then I saw what it was. A mother and two cubs, all three [standing up] looking at me. I almost fucking lost myself! Carefully and SLOWLY, I picked up my stuff and started to walk away. The three of them then took off into the brush.



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Archy, thats fucking rad! Where do you live that has bears? I'm guessing it was a black bear.....


I had a neat bear experience a couple years ago. I was up in the Ruth Mountain area spending a few days climbing and lolligagging with my old man. One morning I woke up early and hiked up to the wilderness toilet to do my thing, and while I was sitting there I heard some rustling in the bushes directly in front of me. I finished, stood up and pulled up my trousers, then I saw what it was. A mother and two cubs, all three [standing up] looking at me. I almost fucking lost myself! Carefully and SLOWLY, I picked up my stuff and started to walk away. The three of them then took off into the brush.




Note to self: whistle loudly while using an open, backcountry shitter.



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It was about 10:30 in the evening. I heard him out at the chicken house tearin' shit up, so, I walked about a third of the way to the coop with a flashlight and a .357. Making some noise and shining the flashlight in his direction, he looked my way so that I could see his eys shining back. The two bright coals, his eyes, were a good distance apart - a big fucker.


I fired a shot just over his head. Then, silence. I thought, "oh, shit, maybe I hit him", which didn't make sense because I'm a fair shot, but, still, it was at night...and, I was aiming for just over his head. I took a step toward the coop. Almost before my foot hit the ground, he let out a roar that tensed me mightily immediately followed by the sounds of oak brush breaking as he rushed toward me in the dark.


I turned and ran for the door. It was one of those times where you don't know if you're gonna get caught from behind when you must stop to open the door. As soon as I had the glass storm door closed behind me, I whirled with the gun, ready to fire. All I saw through the glass were the black silhouettes of Ponderosa pines swaying against the night sky. I promptly closed the 1 3/4 door.


That bear didn't come back all summer, thankfully.

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