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Best rock climber


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Step 1:


"Hey everybody! Tommy, Beth and Chris are coming to town to send the sickness!"





Step 2:

Await their arrival at the crags.



Step 3:

Prepare your shine boxes:



Step 4:

False alarm! Just another rumor floating about at the gym.




Step 5:

Buy another magazine and some dorky "climbing" videos with loud annoying soundtracks that you think are REALLY HIP and then go back to the gym and await the next rumor.






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You really need to watch Blue Velvet! It's a NW classic.


i saw that when i was like 15.


the thing about having a terrible memory is that i can reread books or see movies again and it's almost like i have never seen them before.


*shrugs* yet another way that i am not like other people. i almost never quote movies.

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So by Kevbone standards a 5.8 is actually a 5.9+ :wazup:



Dont even know if I should get into it with you about grade.....grades are just opinions of a bunch of climbers. A consensus! I thought Clean and Jerk was hard for the grade. You ever climbed it?



Are you telling me you have never been on a route that did not feel as hard or harder that what the guide gave it? I find that hard to believe.

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