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I had it done three years ago. LOVE IT!! I couldn't be happier.


After wearing glasses or contacts since 8th grade, can't tell you how great it is to have perfect vision. No more contacts ferkin' with my eye or popping out (the contact lens, not my eyeball); no more glasses fogging up or slipping down my nose.


I had it done at PCLI in Bellevue (www.pcli.com). It was quick (about 10 minutes in the chair) and painless. And they guarantee the work, i.e., you can have it redone for free if you need to, if you complete a follow-up check-up schedule.


Nice people, nice office. Coffee and snacks.


I couldn't recommend it more highly for lasik candidates (it's not for every pair of eyes), especially athletes, for whom dealing with contacts or glasses is especially onerous.


I had discomfort in one eye the first day, but slept mostly to keep the eye closed, and woke up Day 2 with no pain and perfect vision.


It really feels like a miracle. No shit.

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With any biological upgrade, make sure you leave it as long as you can. It's not like getting a new computer. When you modify your body, it becomes more difficult to take advantage of later, better upgrades. Like if you get a chip implanted in your brain, later on when they come out with a headset that works by contact and doesn't require implants, you will feel pretty dumb.

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I had it done three years ago. LOVE IT!! I couldn't be happier.


After wearing glasses or contacts since 8th grade, can't tell you how great it is to have perfect vision. No more contacts ferkin' with my eye or popping out (the contact lens, not my eyeball); no more glasses fogging up or slipping down my nose.


I had it done at PCLI in Bellevue (www.pcli.com). It was quick (about 10 minutes in the chair) and painless. And they guarantee the work, i.e., you can have it redone for free if you need to, if you complete a follow-up check-up schedule.


Nice people, nice office. Coffee and snacks.


I couldn't recommend it more highly for lasik candidates (it's not for every pair of eyes), especially athletes, for whom dealing with contacts or glasses is especially onerous.


I had discomfort in one eye the first day, but slept mostly to keep the eye closed, and woke up Day 2 with no pain and perfect vision.


It really feels like a miracle. No shit.




Hey thanks for a real answer man! I'm thinking of getting it done in another couple of years after my prescription has been stable for a period of five years.....


My only main conern, which is a real and warranted one, is: what if they fuck up????!!!! Then your eyes are finished!


Uhhhh........... :eek:

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Got mine done for ~ 1250 per eye with Dr. John Jarstad at the Evergreen Eye Clinic.


Very happy with the results. My folks got their eyes done their and also had very good results/experiences.


This was before the "no blade" thing came along, so that may have affected prices. My wife just got hers done a few months ago with the "no blade" option, and the tab was $4500. Seemed to be roughly the going rate out here, but pretty much everything is more expensive.



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I had Lasik surgery two years ago and I have never been happier! Don't go the cheap route, they are your eyes after all. I went with the best and most expensive place ($3300 both eyes) and it was worth it. Very professional, all questions answered etc. It is a joy to see in the morning no contact issues, I could go on. just do it. If there is a danger for you (cornea too thin) your doctor will tell you so.

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Thank you.


I'm giving this serious thought. Contacts aren't the worst thing in the world, they are just a pain in the ass! Plus, whenever its windy and dusty, which it often is in the mountains, yur fcuked........ And glasses are even worse. You can't even think of building up a sweat with fogging up.

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