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Smoking pot and climbing thread


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Just wondering though, do you think you are actually SAFER smoking than not?

not climbing, but driving - an anecdote: coming back from beacon rock one sunny afternoon in a most enlightened state of mind, while also sipping a cold frosty one from the elegant skamania market, i got cut off by some jackass pulling out onto 14 in washougal - usually i'm a very aggressive driver, and in an entirely sober state would no doubt have speed up, yelled at the guy, and tried to pass him. instead, i just turned up "kinky reggae" and went back to jam'n. about 30 seconds later, the jackass, now a good 200 yards ahead of me, gets in a near fatal accident. the car in front of him bizarrely decides to cut a u-turn w/o checkign his mirror, and he t-bones it at 50 mph. if i had been sober, i'd have been up there, racing along at 70 or so. as it was, i was able to calmly set my pale ale down while slowly steering my way through the debris cloud, laughing my ass off (not saying my enlightenment makes me a better human being).


this kind of thing is very true in the alpine - the weather looks iffy and scary - i'm stoned, i'll be extra cautious


at the crag - paranoia - double check knot, gear, shoes, helmet, holds, everything. it certainly doesn't improve my climbing technique though! i've probably ended up welding my feet and hands in cracks more frequently while feeling The Fear.


Well there you go.... a pretty reason to smoke it if you got it!

I have to admit Ivan, you make a good (or at least interesting) point. Thanks for the insight.


Maybe it would do me some good too if I were to rehook up with Mr. Stinky since I often experience said "fuck you-ism" on the road. Wonder if it would help!?!?!

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trashterkatenana, that was you? My bad! Are you sure you weren't high? Maybe I misunderstood.


"Trash someohow managed to arrest me and survive unhurt aided by a tangle that jammed in the belay device" "We were using an pre-existing old sling as a directional (only a mild swing would have resulted had it failed). It held through 6 laps, including a bit of hangdogging."


I do not ice climb and wouldn't pretend to understand. I only came across the story after Jens came around to "self-promote" himself in another forum.


Hey, I understand using an old sling, sometimes it just gets too heavy and tedious to carry and use your own.


Your last line is hilarious. Can I use that in my 4th grade classroom? They'll love it without the "shit" part, maybe I'll just use "do-do" or "#2".


trashterkatenana, maybe you can help me out with something. The kids in my classroom always say, "Can't wait till 4:20!" What does this mean? I know it has something to do with marijuana, but I am unsure.


trashterkatenana, please be gentle, I realize this is in the "Spray" forum.


I am a "good guy", just don't understand how to spray. You guys sound really hard-core, I'm sure I could learn alot from you.





...Like checking your sources?


There has to be more to learn. 4:20 maybe the kids are just bored and want to get out of your class?

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Cindy66, would you like to go on a date? You sound like a really interesting person and I would love to get to know you better.


I'll wait for your response off-line.


Scratch that, I think you and catbirdseat would make a better couple.




Stewart ......Now stewy let me give you words of advice......


don't give me reason to spray .



Oh Stewart can hunt with the big dogs. He took you hunting didnt he? Ruff.....ruff.







I don't hunt,I climb

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Take a chill pill, and just play it by ear. Despite whatever has been communicated between the two of you, you are under no obligation to be "nice", or "hospitable", "in a good mood", or to fuck his eyes out.


Have fun meeting someone in person you've only known otherwise, but don't think you're obligated to make it more (better) than it turns out to be. He's the one who made the decision to make the trip, you don't need to manufacture any responsibility of your own that he feels it was worth it.

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smoke em if you got em


:grlaf: :grlaf: :grlaf: :grlaf: :grlaf: :grlaf: :grlaf: :grlaf:

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:grlaf: :grlaf: :grlaf: :grlaf:

:grlaf: :grlaf: :grlaf: :grlaf:

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The guy is a sweetheart,and I have been talking to him since my SO passed away.....so its the first encounter with the opposite sex..LMAO.....yep scared shitless


I'd say the only real question left then is whether you should light up before meeting him. However, I personally think stoned blind-dating is way, way more dangerous than leading in the same condition...

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