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I acutally can't wait to hear about all of the credit cards from B of A given out to illegals with "George Washington" or Arnold Schwartzenegger" on them! Anyone know what their "high introductory fee" and high interest rates are going to be?


I'd say this is worse than Oregon giving illegal immigrants driver's licenses without any proof of age, citizenship, or a ss#.


Or maybe it is a consiracy by the Feds to find out how many illegal immigrants are actually in the US? Free money? They will come out of the woodwork for sure!


That money is not free and you are right about the high introductory fees.


Good thing I invensted in BoA stock. It's been doing real nice.

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Heck yeah, it's free! Someone pays $500 intro to get the credit card under the name George Washington and gives his address at some house where there are 15 illegals staying in a 2 bedroom house. Then the card holder bolts after maxing out the card at say $2000, never to be heard from again. What is B of A going to do? Mark it on his credit report? Oh wait, B of A didn't have a ss# to access the individual's credit report, or a real name, or even a birth certificate. Good luck on getting their money back. I guess they will just have to pawn off their losses onto all of their other law-abiding patrons....... :rolleyes:

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Got out of bed, wasn't feeling too good


With my wallet and my passport, a new pair of shoes


The sun is shining so I head for the park,


With a bottle of Tequila, and a new pack of cigarettes




I got a cousin and she got a friend,


Who thought that her aunt knew a man who could help


At his apartment I knocked on the door,


He wouldn't come out until he got paid.


Now don't tell anybody what I wanna do


If they find out you know that they'll never let me through,





It's no fun being an illegal alien


No, it's no fun being an illegal alien




Down at the office had to fill out the forms


A pink one, a red one, the colours you choose,


Up to the counter to see what they think


They said "it doesn't count man, it ain't written in ink".


I don't trust anybody, least not around here, cos




It's no fun being an illegal alien, I tell ya


It's no fun being an illegal alien, no no no no no


It's no fun being an illegal alien, I mean it when I tell ya



It's no fun being an illegal alien,


An illegal alien, O.K.






Consideration for your fellow man


Would not hurt anybody, it sure fits in with my plan


Over the border, there lies the promised land


Where everything comes easy, you just hold out your hand




Keep your suspicions, I've seen that look before


But I ain't done nothing wrong now, is that such a suprise


But I've got a sister who'd be willing to oblige


She will do anything now to help me get to the outside




So don't tell anybody what I wanna do


If they find out you know that they'll never let me through,





It's no fun being an illegal alien, I tell ya


It's no fun being an illegal alien, and it's getting me down


It's no fun being an illegal alien, no no no no no


It's no fun being an illegal alien, yeah yeah yeah




It's no fun (not much fun) being an illegal alien, I tell ya



It's no fun being an illegal alien, I tell ya


It's no fun being an illegal alien, no no no


It's no fun (not bloody much fun) being an illegal alien,


It's no fun being an illegal alien, and that's what I am.



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Ya, I think the house analogy is absurd. Maybe you should get some Pat Buchanan talking points regarding demographics and say something like by 2020 the demographic structure will look like an hourglass shape with older, more affluent white folks at the upper part and younger, less affluent Hispanics at the lower part. The white (European-American) population is aging while the Hispanic population who in their fertile years may quite possibly will change the face of America, most notably on the West Coast and Southwest.


Regarding other countries problems, here's a blurb concerning Muslim immigration. For instance, "...Muslim immigrants had a reputation for manipulating the values of Western countries, taking advantage of their hospitality and tolerance." Isn't this what's it's all about? Reaction against the perceived threat of changing values and the core issues such as the dominant language and other cultural indicators?


Maybe our politicians should put pressure on the Mexican government to reform their society and economics so that the 'safety valve' of immigration to the US isn't required.


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we militarized our border with mexico only after we passed a 'free trade agreement' with them and other southern countries.those agreements were garantees for our big business at the expense of their small farms etc.. the predicted outcome would be an influx of immigrants ,now out of work as a result of agricultural subsidies to US farmers. hence the cheap labour.

when you conquer a country ,(with arms or 'laws') you inherit its citizens. those are second class beige americans we are talking about!


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These are not US citizens and just because they sneak across any border it does not entitle them to any rights which other citizens posses. Being born in any given country does not grant rights as a US Citizen. If they don't like it here they can go back where they came from.


Illegal Immigration is a gaping hole for national security.


I say come here legally or go back where you came from.

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The Honorable Tom Harkin

731 Hart Senate Office Building

Phone (202) 224 3254

Washington DC , 20510


Dear Senator Harkin,


As a native Iowan and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue

Service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted

The Department of Homeland Security in an effort to determine the

Process for becoming an illegal alien and they referred me to you.


My primary reason for wishing to change my status from U.S.

Citizen to illegal alien stems from the bill which was recently

Passed by the Senate and for which you voted. If my understanding of this bill's

Provisions is accurate, as an illegal alien who has been in the

United States for five years, all I need to do to become a citizen

Is to pay a $2,000 fine and income taxes for three of the last five

Years. I know a good deal when I see one and I am anxious to get

The process started before everyone figures it out.


Simply put, those of us who have been here legally have had to pay

Taxes every year so I'm excited about the prospect of avoiding two

Years of taxes in return for paying a $2,000 fine. Is there any way that I

Can apply to be illegal retroactively? This would yield an excellent

Result for me and my family because we paid heavy taxes in 2004

And 2005.


Additionally, as an illegal alien I could begin using the local

Emergency room as my primary health care provider. Once I have stopped

Paying premiums for medical insurance, my accountant figures I could

Save almost $10,000 a year.


Another benefit in gaining illegal status would be that my

Daughter would receive preferential treatment relative to her law

School applications, as well as "in-state" tuition rates for many

Colleges throughout the United States for my son.


Lastly, I understand that illegal status would relieve me of the

Burden of renewing my driver's license and making those burdensome

Car insurance premiums. This is very important to me given that I

Still have college age children driving my car.


If you would provide me with an outline of the process to become

Illegal (retroactively if possible) and copies of the necessary

Forms, I would be most appreciative. Thank you for your assistance.




Your Loyal Constituent,

Donald Ruppert

Burlington , IA


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These are not US citizens and just because they sneak across any border it does not entitle them to any rights which other citizens posses. Being born in any given country does not grant rights as a US Citizen. If they don't like it here they can go back where they came from.


Illegal Immigration is a gaping hole for national security.


I say come here legally or go back where you came from.


A technical correction: Rights protected by the US Constitution apply to all 'persons' on our soil (regardless of citizenship status). This principle has never been successfully challenged. Having said that, citizens enjoy many more rights than those enumerated in the Constitution (such as the right to vote). These addition rights are not afforded to illegal aliens.

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These are not US citizens and just because they sneak across any border it does not entitle them to any rights which other citizens posses. Being born in any given country does not grant rights as a US Citizen. If they don't like it here they can go back where they came from.


Illegal Immigration is a gaping hole for national security.


I say come here legally or go back where you came from.


Again, the problem isn't the workers - it's the employers. If one carried all the rightwing's irrational, patriotic bullshit to it's logical conclusion you would have to say the employers are traitors. The employers are the ones imposing on our education and health system by shifting labor costs off of themselves where they rightfully belong and onto us - the U.S. taxpayers. Hysterical rhetoric from the right is designed to keep the focus on the illegal aliens and off the employers and corporations who are the ones rapaciously screwing us at every turn.

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