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Please Kevbone, work on your witty reparte, maybe ask a few folks before you post to make sure it's entertaining. Even if it isn't entertaining, please make sure it doesn't screw up the thread. Your posts are so bad they could f_ck up an Uncle Tricky TR.


Hey fender 4......why dont you go eat a dick!



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Holy FUCK kevbone, wipe your fucking chin because your brains are leaking through your hare-lip. I can't believe you had the audacity to start a thread devoted to sucking off a poster who got so fucking sick of your tired ass that he just decided not to engage you in sparring matches anymore.


Your are so fucking stupid that you don't even realize that every single one of your posts seems expressly conceived only to prove exactly how stupid you are.


Take a little bit of advice from myself and others. Post a little less, read a little more, and spend more time with your family, so that someday your boy won't be a fucking mouth-breathing, pointless waste of SPONCH, like you.

Edited by E-rock
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Holy FUCK kevbone, wipe your fucking chin because your brains are leaking through your hare-lip. I can't believe you had the audacity to start a thread devoted to sucking off a poster who got so fucking sick of your tired ass that he just decided not to engage you in sparring matches anymore.


Your are so fucking stupid that you don't even realize that every single one of your posts seems expressly conceived only to prove exactly how stupid you are.


Take a little bit of advice from myself and others. Post a little less, read a little more, and spend more time with your family, so that someday your boy won't be a fucking mouth-breathing, pointless waste of SPONCH, like you.

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Holy FUCK kevbone, wipe your fucking chin because your brains are leaking through your hare-lip. I can't believe you had the audacity to start a thread devoted to sucking off a poster who got so fucking sick of your tired ass that he just decided not to engage you in sparring matches anymore.


Your are so fucking stupid that you don't even realize that every single one of your posts seems expressly conceived only to prove exactly how stupid you are.


Take a little bit of advice from myself and others. Post a little less, read a little more, and spend more time with your family, so that someday your boy won't be a fucking mouth-breathing, pointless waste of SPONCH, like you.


...and learn to use a dictionary.


People cringe when you post that you find them funny.



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Holy FUCK kevbone, wipe your fucking chin because your brains are leaking through your hare-lip. I can't believe you had the audacity to start a thread devoted to sucking off a poster who got so fucking sick of your tired ass that he just decided not to engage you in sparring matches anymore.


Your are so fucking stupid that you don't even realize that every single one of your posts seems expressly conceived only to prove exactly how stupid you are.


Take a little bit of advice from myself and others. Post a little less, read a little more, and spend more time with your family, so that someday your boy won't be a fucking mouth-breathing, pointless waste of SPONCH, like you.



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Please Kevbone, work on your witty reparte, maybe ask a few folks before you post to make sure it's entertaining. Even if it isn't entertaining, please make sure it doesn't screw up the thread. Your posts are so bad they could f_ck up an Uncle Tricky TR.


Hey fender 4......why dont you go eat a dick!




Case in point. It's a good picture, but nothing original.


"Eat a dick" is about as lame an insult as you can get. Check out some insults from classic cc.commers. Trask had a flair for creativity as did Polish Bob and Caveman.

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Holy FUCK kevbone, wipe your fucking chin because your brains are leaking through your hare-lip. I can't believe you had the audacity to start a thread devoted to sucking off a poster who got so fucking sick of your tired ass that he just decided not to engage you in sparring matches anymore.


Your are so fucking stupid that you don't even realize that every single one of your posts seems expressly conceived only to prove exactly how stupid you are.


Take a little bit of advice from myself and others. Post a little less, read a little more, and spend more time with your family, so that someday your boy won't be a fucking mouth-breathing, pointless waste of SPONCH, like you.


E rock…Thank god I don’t take ANYTHING serious on this site, or I might have to come over and really f…. you up. As far as being stupid enough that I don’t realize that ever single one of my posts only go to prove how stupid I am, You wrong….I do realize that. THAT’S THE POINT! Or more to the point….THAT’S MY POINT.

You are just as much as a tool as I am….hell you’re the one who took the time to respond to my DRIVEL. And that’s exactly what it is….drivel/spray/nonsense/no good. Call it what you will. The only difference is, I know that my posts mean NOTHING, where you actually think your helping the world become a better place. WRONG….you are a tool and so am I!


Sticks and stones may break my bones by names can never hurt me!


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Holy FUCK kevbone, wipe your fucking chin because your brains are leaking through your hare-lip. I can't believe you had the audacity to start a thread devoted to sucking off a poster who got so fucking sick of your tired ass that he just decided not to engage you in sparring matches anymore.


Your are so fucking stupid that you don't even realize that every single one of your posts seems expressly conceived only to prove exactly how stupid you are.


Take a little bit of advice from myself and others. Post a little less, read a little more, and spend more time with your family, so that someday your boy won't be a fucking


mouth-breathing, pointless waste of SPONCH, like you.





pictured from left to right: e-rock, archenemy, dechristo, mr. phil, fenderfour.2250611.jpg

Edited by pink
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