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How did cc.com miss this one!?!?!?!


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Helmet might be nice.


If the sperm donor would have worn a helmet, this conversation would not be taking place.


that's lame. why do you assume this was an unplanned pregnancy?


I am not assuming anything, rather simply trying to be funny. Sorry I missed the mark.



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Helmet might be nice.


If the sperm donor would have worn a helmet, this conversation would not be taking place.


that's lame. why do you assume this was an unplanned pregnancy?


I am not assuming anything, rather simply trying to be funny. Sorry I missed the mark.



we interupt this bitch fight to remind you that nothing ever said in spray should be taken seriously, even if it is between two women, unless of course the women involved need the men to take it as such.

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listen here, ye of no phoenetic pronunciation- (yes, you and the symbol formerly know as prince)- if you think that's a bitch fight, then you better start taking things even less seriously until you are told otherwise by the women of this board. sheesh--some purple symbol loving fairy is spoutin off about the board bitches.

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Minx –


One way the quality of the personal choice can be assessed is to see how she would react to a bad case outcome. If something happened would she regret her decision? Would she do something different is a very similar decision presented itself again in the future?


Two people go to Vegas and one looses $1,000 gambling and the other wins $1,000. Both go away happy. I would say that it is evidence that the looser made a good decision when the choice to go gamble was made. A happy winner is not evidence of a good decision.


My guess is that she would not be a happy looser.


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PP- essentially you're right but there is a flaw in that argument. What if she decided to cross the street at the wrong time, or drive to work in the rain, or continue and exercise class? Any of these simple seemingly low risk decisions could have bad outcomes. Anytime there is a bad outcome to a pregnacy, there is going to be regret.


again, you and i seem to agree....mostly.

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It’s not a flaw Minx. It is supporting evidence not substantive proof. If there was a bad outcome and she became pregnant again would she the second time around make the same choice with regard to climbing? What would you think about the decision if she did? What if she changed her mind and decided not to climb the second time around. Would you consider that choice reasonable?


What if instead of a climbing accident she tripped on the tread leaving her house and lost her baby. What would you think if she chose never to leave her house during a second pregnancy?


An alternate way to look at it is what would you think if she had no regret? What if there was a bad outcome and she said “the chance to climb XXXX for the 30th time was worth it.”


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listen here, ye of no phoenetic pronunciation- (yes, you and the symbol formerly know as prince)- if you think that's a bitch fight, then you better start taking things even less seriously until you are told otherwise by the women of this board. sheesh--some purple symbol loving fairy is spoutin off about the board bitches.



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