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straighten ewe out


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i'm speaking ultimately, you pay. oj will pay , i will pay, w will pay


we need human justice in the mean time of course.


like you. i dont think abortion should be a legal matter,


It is legal. People can do as they wish. I wish to not have an 18 year payment plan. The whole morality thing is out of whack with reality. People have and do get pregnant when they merely intend to have sex. They can make a choice as to what they want to do with their (her) fetus. Personally, I don't care what people do about this except the last thing I want is the government telling us/her/me what to do about it based on someone else's morality.


The gene does not care what we think morally one way or another. The goal is to get those little genes to the next generation. For what? I have no I idea what for, but we reproduce none the less and populate the planet. Maybe we will figure out the whole meaning of life thing. But if we don't I'll still enjoy being here for a little while.

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The gene does not care what we think morally one way or another. The goal is to get those little genes to the next generation. For what? I have no I idea what for, but we reproduce none the less and populate the planet. Maybe we will figure out the whole meaning of life thing. But if we don't I'll still enjoy being here for a little while.


There is no objective meaning of life. If the observer creates their own meaning, then that is the meaning of (their) life. Otherwise, the universe is a collection of particles and forces capable of producing complex structures. Why the complex structures? Because it can.

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human life has a goal.

in everything we do , we manifest that quest. we all try the same things first. sex.food.power, bla blalbla.

if and when that leaves us unfulfilled, we try something else. until we find the highest goal there is to pursue. and then life starts.



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NYT. Google it.


It makes sense. Bible belt folks get married younger.


Don't suppose it is at all correlated with higher marriage rates in these same states.


Doesn't seem to be any higher. Also, folks who get married in a state don't necessarily choose to stay in that state, so that is not a reliable statistical measure. Take NV (marriage rate is 9 times the national average) and HI (3 times)...both have a relatively average divorce rate. Obviously, folks are getting married there but not staying (and divorcing) there.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Hey - we're playing the "Let's Confuse Physical and Moral Equivalence Game."


I have no problem with the notion of capitol punishment, but don't support the practice simply because there are too many factors that can confound the accurate determination of guilt for me to endorse it.


It's amazing to me that anyone would conflate the killing of an unborn child and the execution of an adult who willingly engaged anything that would qualify them for the noose. To argue that one can't be opposed to abortion and in favor of the death penalty is like arguing that anyone who opposes rape should also condemn consensual sex since both acts ultimately involve a man's erect penis penetrating a woman's vagina. Just because two actions share some fundamental physical characteristics with one another, this does not in any way make the two actions morally equivalent. I'm rather amazed that there are people who reach adulthood, much less pass through college, without learning to make such distinctions.



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The gene does not care what we think morally one way or another. The goal is to get those little genes to the next generation. For what? I have no I idea what for, but we reproduce none the less and populate the planet. Maybe we will figure out the whole meaning of life thing. But if we don't I'll still enjoy being here for a little while.


There is no objective meaning of life. If the observer creates their own meaning, then that is the meaning of (their) life. Otherwise, the universe is a collection of particles and forces capable of producing complex structures. Why the complex structures? Because it can.


Can't argue with that since it is my view as well.


In any case, the flowers in spring stimultae my mind and I think they are beautiful. That's pretty meaningful to me.

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Hey - we're playing the "Let's Confuse Physical and Moral Equivalence Game."


I have no problem with the notion of capitol punishment, but don't support the practice simply because there are too many factors that can confound the accurate determination of guilt for me to endorse it.


It's amazing to me that anyone would conflate the killing of an unborn child and the execution of an adult who willingly engaged anything that would qualify them for the noose. To argue that one can't be opposed to abortion and in favor of the death penalty is like arguing that anyone who opposes rape should also condemn consensual sex since both acts ultimately involve a man's erect penis penetrating a woman's vagina. Just because two actions share some fundamental physical characteristics with one another, this does not in any way make the two actions morally equivalent. I'm rather amazed that there are people who reach adulthood, much less pass through college, without learning to make such distinctions.



The things they didn't teach us in engineering school....damn.


Apparently your education skipped the discussion of homophones.

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Hey - we're playing the "Let's Confuse Physical and Moral Equivalence Game."


I have no problem with the notion of capitol punishment, but don't support the practice simply because there are too many factors that can confound the accurate determination of guilt for me to endorse it.


It's amazing to me that anyone would conflate the killing of an unborn child and the execution of an adult who willingly engaged anything that would qualify them for the noose. To argue that one can't be opposed to abortion and in favor of the death penalty is like arguing that anyone who opposes rape should also condemn consensual sex since both acts ultimately involve a man's erect penis penetrating a woman's vagina. Just because two actions share some fundamental physical characteristics with one another, this does not in any way make the two actions morally equivalent. I'm rather amazed that there are people who reach adulthood, much less pass through college, without learning to make such distinctions.



The things they didn't teach us in engineering school....damn.


Apparently your education skipped the discussion of homophones.




Yeah - left myself open to that one. I clearly suffer from homophonia.


My arguments here are consistent with your own, so I'm not sure why I got hit with the friendly fire. Maybe the irony-potential with the homophone thing was just too great to pass up.

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Good food for thought Arch.

"Apparent" is an important word there. The conflict is either apparent because it is there yet the conflicted person has not given enough critical thought to see it, OR it is apparent because the observer either does not understand or give the same weight to the reasons behind taking two "apparently" conflicting viewpoints.

One of these cases is always true, and we should be careful not to confuse ignorance with acceptable differences of opinion. Not accusing anybody here, but I'd love to hear some opinions from someone who would honestly take the stand I previously stated.

I'm not sure I am following you here...

Apparent means readily seen.

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Readily seen implies an observer. Basically, you said [readily seen] conflicts are a product of our complex intelligence, and I expounded on what creates the [readily seen] conflict in the eyes of an observer. Either the "conflicted" person has not given thought to the conflict, or he/she has placed different values on the issues at stake than the values of the observer. Essentially, I was just clarifying that not everyone with apparently conflicting views holds those views because of complex thought.

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The gene does not care what we think morally one way or another. The goal is to get those little genes to the next generation. For what? I have no I idea what for, but we reproduce none the less and populate the planet. Maybe we will figure out the whole meaning of life thing. But if we don't I'll still enjoy being here for a little while.


There is no objective meaning of life. If the observer creates their own meaning, then that is the meaning of (their) life. Otherwise, the universe is a collection of particles and forces capable of producing complex structures. Why the complex structures? Because it can.


Can't argue with that since it is my view as well.


In any case, the flowers in spring stimultae my mind and I think they are beautiful. That's pretty meaningful to me.


I don't really understand the need for God other than as a comfort. Big bang happens, stars form, galaxies form, supernovae happen, heavy elements are formed, organic molecules form in interstellar ice, ice becomes comets during formation of solar systems, planets form, comets hit planets, hijinks ensue, life evolves, intelligent life evolves, alcohol and cars are invented, I'm conceived in the back seat of a '49 Ford sedan, I'm here to type this shit on the WWW. How cool is that? What do we need Management for?

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