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how i got into spray.


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Your first post? Do you mean this one or this one? It wasn't until reading your indignant complaint here and looking at Pink's first post that I made the connection. Frankly, both avatars come straight out the gate looking to spray, and when things went south with your bit about Beacon you led the way, the first person to get all aggro and testy about it.


it's a dim light, but a light no less. even minxy figured that one out.

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Your first post? Do you mean this one or this one? It wasn't until reading your indignant complaint here and looking at Pink's first post that I made the connection. Frankly, both avatars come straight out the gate looking to spray, and when things went south with your bit about Beacon you led the way, the first person to get all aggro and testy about it.



it's a dim light, but a light no less. even minxy figured that one out.


Ahemmmm...uh, excuse me...


I believe I was the first to imply this association. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Board=21&Number=599651&Searchpage=1&Main=45350&Words=%26quot%3BFlyingpink%26quot%3B+Dechristo&topic=0&Search=true#Post599651

So let us be accurate in giving credit where credit's due that all may bow to the evidence of the gossamer, ambience de flatulahhhnce, lightness of my intellect.


I'm deeply appalled at the conduct displayed here in The Cafe Sensitivioso; I confess...I've never felt so violated.



But, back to an address of the titled topic of this thread:


I had a weak moment during a lapse in my Methadone 'script.

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it's a dim light, but a light no less. even minxy figured that one out.


:laf: Well, we've all got to work with what we've got, eh? Until you began expressing your hurt feelings it hadn't occurred to me to care. Silly as it may seem, I actually looked into your allegations, which was what led to to wonder what was your "first" post. Frankly, I don't see that your complaint has much merit, but my links will allow others to come to their own conclusions. It reminds me of the Repo Man scene with Duke on the floor in the convenience store, "Society made me what I am."



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it's a dim light, but a light no less. even minxy figured that one out.


:laf: Well, we've all got to work with what we've got, eh? Until you began expressing your hurt feelings it hadn't occurred to me to care. Silly as it may seem, I actually looked into your allegations, which was what led to to wonder what was your "first" post. Frankly, I don't see that your complaint has much merit, but my links will allow others to come to their own conclusions. It reminds me of the Repo Man scene with Duke on the floor in the convenience store, "Society made me what I am."



not a complaint, just trying to bring attention to the matter. the matter being that theit are obvious favorites on this site. no big deal, i just like bathing in the truth.


i hope you don't care otherwise you would have another issue for your doctor to deal with.


therefore it's not like repo man at all other than you and john wayne are fags.


Edited by pink
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You two are gonna go through life thinking you're oppressed, never realizing that it's your own behavior that's causing all your problems.


and what real problems am i causing in the world of spray counterfuck. maybe your just to ignorant to the fact that this is just spray and were just tring to have a good time. so oppressed is not an emotion that i have ever felt being that i am a progressive white male.

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You two are gonna go through life thinking you're oppressed, never realizing that it's your own behavior that's causing all your problems.


and what real problems am i causing in the world of spray counterfuck. maybe your just to ignorant to the fact that this is just spray and were just tring to have a good time. so oppressed is not an emotion that i have ever felt being that i am a progressive white male.


Oh I'm sorry, I thought you started this thread with some whining about how this site is unfair. My bad!

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