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what a load of shit!


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ok, here is a good one. from craigslist in Vancouver: http://vancouver.craigslist.org/tfr/227779125.html

here it goes:

We are in search of volunteers to be extras in a film based on one of the most incendiary uprisings in a generation. "Battle in Seattle" takes an in depth look at the five days that rocked the world in 1999 as tens of thousands of people took to the streets in protest of the World Trade Organization. This will be a unique opportunity to participate in the production of an extraordinary film. The location will be in the Vancouver area and food will be provided throughout each day. This is a topical & controversial independent feature and our budget is low. We are seeking activists with a passion for taking it to the streets when the cameras are rolling, who are willing to volunteer their time to be part of a film that will tell a story of profound global importance, a story the mass media suppressed and a story that is, in itself, a movement for human rights and environmental justice.


nice load of double standart crap. first of all- they are filming about seattle in vancouver! with exchange rate of 90c i don't think they are gaining any real value. but then these "socially responsible" assholes are trying to scam their way in industry. being extra on a movie set is a job, sometimes a very shitty job. and not to pay people minimum wage for their time i hardly call "socially responsible". I am sure that director, grips, camera crew and producer and editors will work for free- don't think so. and i am sure that once the move goes into distribution all of them will donate all the earnings to right cause. i am sure though, that the right cause in this case will be their bank account.

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I was working downtown when all that went down - it was pretty surreal to turn on CNN and see an overhead shot of the madness just a couple of blocks away.


One morning on the way into work I got a flat. I had to change it amidst a sea of people dressed like sea turtles. Weird.


I'll go if I can be a random Anarchist throwing bricks through windows!

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Hey dumb Pollock


were you calling him an abstract painting or attempting a racial slur? i think the pejorative for polish folks only has one "l"



One "l" is correct, but there is only one "o", and no "c". As one who would know, it's spelled "Polak". Thank you.


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