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Yuppie ass holes


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It's my job to be an asshole. Somebody has to be Out for Justice.

I guess I've been a little testy, huh? I've been dealing with someone who was Hard to Kill.

Okay kevbone- I like you a little. But don't expect no love. You'll have to go fishing with BrownNose for that. yelrotflmao.gif

now i like this shit for brains cunt. mr seegal is a hhhhoooot. spam.gif

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It's my job to be an asshole. Somebody has to be Out for Justice.

I guess I've been a little testy, huh? I've been dealing with someone who was Hard to Kill.

Okay kevbone- I like you a little. But don't expect no love. You'll have to go fishing with BrownNose for that. yelrotflmao.gif

now i like this shit for brains cunt. mr seegal is a hhhhoooot. spam.gif


Rednose used the C... word, im offended, will moderator please ban him? cry.gif

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This is a biased site. As soon as you get “marked”, then its turns to fun time. Flyingpig (a fellow banned buddy) got banned strictly because a moderator didn’t like him.


Certain people have targets on their head because they make stupid and/or offensive comments not contributing anything to the discussion. Flyingpig was one of these people. His banning had less to do with moderators (and many others on this site) not liking him and much more to do with his behavior. With comments such as:

i will be thinking about shivering on that ledge while i am fucking your mom in the ass.

i did your mom real slow, with other climbers waiting their turn w/o a condom.

oh boy! i love it when cj, pussy squirts. do you shave your pussy bald, or do you have a full blown bush? please, please don't hit me with your puss.

what did he expect? Even spray has its limits.

I also noticed you left out the part about how flyingpig was warned several times about his comments. I'm sure it must have slipped your mind...

And as far as your comment

Matter of fact, this post I’m writing will probably be deleted within the hour.

I notice your post is still up. blush.gif

It’s a very republican run site.

Even I'm not sure what the hell this means. You think republicans run this site? It's run in a republican fashion? What exactly is republican about this site? If anything I've noticed more of a liberal lean from most users of this site (but certainly not all).

Don't try to make it look like flyingpig was banned for no good reason just because he's your "buddy". All one has to do is look through his posts to find motivation to get rid of him.

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What ever, what you failed to leave out was the conversation flyingpig was having with the others. They too were being just as offensive. Yet they are still here. Flyingpig was warned, he did not know that. You are full of it.

Edited by kevbone
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Flyingpig (a fellow banned buddy) got banned strictly because a moderator didn’t like him. Otherwise he would be here to fling you shit. You are posting and spraying a whole bunch of vulgar shit. Personally I don’t

have a problem with it, but some moderator will. That’s how it works here. Matter of fact, this post I’m writing will probably be deleted within the hour. It’s a very republican run site.

So keep up the good work. And keep fighting.


See the rest of you at smith this weekend. Later bitches




Andrew got banned? Wow. Pretty much could climb circles around about everyone who posts here with an exception or 2. Maybe he was a bit too nasty eh?


I don't think that Brownose will need to worry. Everybody hates yuppies (defined as "Young Urban Professional"). Abiet, most of the users on this site are yuppies. They are in deep denial of this fact though so he'll be fine I'm sure.


Like moi. I use to be a Yuppie, but now I'm too old (not Young anymore) so I too can hate the bastards with the rest of you with a clear conciouse. Guess I'm a Olfpie. Which must acrynoym out as "Old Fucking professional". My neighbor tells me that some goddamn Peregrine is attacking my cat last couple of days - so I have something to complain about too.


Course I can get a new, younger model cat for free. Hmmmmmmm.


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Rural vets don't make the big bucks like the FeeFee and Fido vets that recommend what nail polish is non-toxic etc. Dr. Bob was an Iditarod vet from the LA area. Had a million dollar practice but was unhappy, so he moved to Big Lake Alaska bought a bar called the Ship Ahoy and provided free medical aid for the mushers during the run to Nome.

Dr. Bob had his happiest years up north. He died in his bar one Saturday night while serving drinks.

We party up a storm with the residents from around the lake when the crab season ends. Cocaine, home grown Thunderfuck, and loads of booze make the time inland go fast as well as your money. friday.gif

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