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Rock Fest 2001


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It's a date. I challenge anyone else interested in the climbing scene in Leavenworth to meet me at the Icicle Crag at 8:00 am on Saturday. We'll do just that: head up to the road and pull weeds for an hour. Take a break (beer provided if it's hot! Like Lucky?) maybe pick up some trash, then head for the crags (or the clinics, if you're interested.) Who's down on this? Climbers: Put your muscle where your mouth is.

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Just what the Icicle needs, complete with a bouldering tour! And I used to complain about the Mountaineers showing up in multiple school buses! Can't wait to learn how to take my indoor "skills" outdoors and learn how to fall!

But seriously folks, have a good time promoting your gear, shops and gyms but count me OUT from your shameless commercialization. I think Kevin's idea about spending some time caring for the Icicle instead of just USING it is a truly awesome idea.

P.S. It ain't just the local teenagers leaving garbage at the crags! (The gri-gri squeezers in the gyms, for one, probably aren't taught their wilderness manners.)


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Oh whatever Dwayner. Who are you kidding. You can't ignore that climbing is completely comercialized. Big deal. Quite whinning!

Do you look at climbing mags ever? Where did you buy your gear? Did you make it? Or do you just solo everything because you are a bad ass?

Don't you use the Icicle every time you go there? Do you go out of your way to pick up trash, or pull weeds every time you go there?

I hate to be confrontational, but your bullshit generalizations about gym climbers piss me off. You sound like an elitist hypocrite. Get over it, it's all about havin' fun. We are all climbers whether you like it or not. And you know what, were are going to have fun whether you are there or not!

[This message has been edited by lambone (edited 05-28-2001).]

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Kevin and Max,

I'm in. even though I have never climbed in Leavenworth, I'd be stoaked to help. I've carried out lots of "shit" (literaly) from under The Captain, and believe it or not, it can be FUN!

One note:

I once learned in biology class that picking weeds can promote more growth, and actually spread them worse. Think of picking dandylions in the front yard. What happens to all those seeds? They float away in the breeze. This may not be the best time to pick 'um. Just a thought, I may be wrong.


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I'mabone! You're such an angry young man! It sure sounds like you make friends easily! Maybe that's why you're having loads of fun picking up trash from the base of the Captain rather than actually climbing it. Just a few comments:

Just because climbing is commercialized doesn't mean I need to approve or otherwise endore that fact. I believe that there is such thing as overcommercialization such as inviting everyone over to a climbing area to sell your crap.

Yes, I am a solo-climbing bad-ass.

The mags, when I have looked at them, make me puke.

Hypocrite? Because I own some gear? Read my comment above about commercialization.

I'd be more of a hypocrite if I actually wasted my time climbing in a gym.

I'm not keeping you or anyone else from having any fun.

By the way, for someone who has never been to Leavenworth, you sure have a big opinion about the Icicle!

Although I think the vast bulk of your message is bombastic folly, you make a good point about the weeds. I say, leave them be.

P.S. I'mabone! Take a valium and relax.


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Hey Kevin and Max!

Check out what Iambone has to say above about pulling weeds. I think he makes a good point. I would elaborate on that by considering whether pulling weeds at all is appropriate. They are part of the natural flora, you know, and should we be pulling them just because they might be inconvenient to climbers? Haul out trash? No question. Weeds? Give it some thought, eh? Any other opinions out there on uprooting plants? Is the Icicle forest service land? If so, you might want to ask them what their policy about removing natural vegetation.

good job, lads!

- Dwayner

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Knapweed is an introduced species, and the removal of this plant is encouraged by Chelan county and the Feds. I am sure that there is a proper way of doing it, and maybe some of the schucks that organized this stupid ass thing will contact the USFS for information on knapweed removal. If RAT reads this, I am sure he could help inform us, he is a world leading expert on weeds, pigs, and garbage.

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Ok Dwayner, I have cooled down now.

I work in a Gym so I took your comments a little personaly.

I argee that the Gym does attract Gapers, but for every one of them in the Gym there are three more that I'd rope up with any day.

Alot of cool folks with tons of experience train in the Gym. Tom Hornbein for example. Now he is a bad ass!

About El Cap. For every peice of litter, (encluding gum wrapers and cigeret butt), I have dropped of El Cap by accident I have picked up two at the base. Just a personal deed. I was a boyscout. It seems like it is the foreigners that drop their shit off El Cap. No respect.

If you hate gym climbers so much you should go to Rockfest and teach some solo techniques! That would get rid of a few!

One more thing; spotted knapweed is not a native species. It is encroaching roadsides all over the west and pushing out the true native vegitation.

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Hey Imabone,

So, you packed a bunch of shit away from the base of the Captain. What, may I ask, did you do with it? It's not altogether sanitary to keep that stuff up in your room, or whatever you do with it. Are your parents aware that this is going on in their home?

Regarding knapweed: the Icicle is so full of that, and it's so damn hardy. I once hiked up to Sam Hill with another ecologically-minded friend of mine, who was ed-ju-muh-catn' me on the nature of the evil weed, and we pulled a bundle up near the road's shoulder. On the way to Sam Hill, we soon realized that this shit is everywhere, and that our best efforts to eliminate it might be in vain.

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Pope, I haven't lived with my parents since 1994. They prefer not to know exactly what I do in Yosemite. I don't blame 'em.

As for shit bags. If they are paper, you can dump them in any porta potty or latrine. Or burn it in a pile in the rocks. If they are plastic, I have allways just tossed them in the garbage. Most people that huck use paper because it floats down. They are being so concious... I once pulled up onto the bivi under The Sheild roof to find a nice surprise tied to the anchor. The party above us sounded German or somethin. I allways use paper and haul it in a pipe. I hope that answers your question. Let me know if you have any better ideas. Maybe next time I'll ship it to Dwayner!

[This message has been edited by lambone (edited 05-28-2001).]

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Hey Imabone.

You must be a fellow solo climber because after reading some of your excretions above, I'm finding it increasingly hard to believe that anyone would climb with you. When you end your posts with a personally-directed wise-ass comments like above, you're perpetuating animosity with a potential stranger. You don't know who I am. I could be Tom Hornbein for all you know (by the way, I'm not) or someone else you'd feel embarassed popping off to. So watch the pie-hole, my friend, and if bags of doo start appearing on my porch, I know where they came from. Your xenophobic blaming of foreigners for messes in the mountains is naive. Yes, there are certain cultures in the world that have reputations for apparent ecological unconcern, but I'm sure the garbage I've seen in the Cascades didn't all originate from some "German or something" sounding folks. And the guys who steal climbing gear aren't secret agents from the former Soviet Union either. They're probably fellow climbers! So carry on, mister, get out of that gym, and enjoy your first trip to Leavenworth. (If I were you'd, I'd blow off that silly "Rock-fest", get up damn early in the morning and head up Snow Creek wall. You just might find it more satisfying than following a bunch of goofy-ass sketchpad-toting boulder-crimpers around the Icicle on the scheduled canyon tour!)


- Dwayner

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Jessssse, who's the one who needs to relax now! Chill out old timer, I was just kidding. Plus, how would I put poop on your door step if I don't even know who you are?

All I am saying, is in my experience I have noticed a lack of respect from SOME Euro climbers. Both towards the environment and towards so called "fellow climbers." I don't know how they act over there, but some of them just don't give a shit about how they act over here.

"And the guys who steal climbing gear aren't secret agents from the former Soviet Union either." Well actually your close, the last guys who stole my crap were a Spanish team at Camp I on Ama Dablam. They ate my cash of summit food, and took our hardwear to make one last push. Anyway, I don't care about that.

It won't be my first trip to Leavenworth, I am looking forward to trying to help some people who want to learn something usefull, and I don't need you to tell me to get out of the gym. Peace dog.

This is fun, way better than studying.


[This message has been edited by lambone (edited 05-28-2001).]

[This message has been edited by lambone (edited 05-28-2001).]

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dude you guys are harsh. perhaps stay on the westside.

no actually come out so I can be at index boulder crimpin, (he he) adding sit starts to Zoom and Heart of the country. probably ups the grade to v666. yessssss I also perfected a figure four leg lock, heel hook dyno, finger pocket twist to some casual route in BC, the one with the hanus glaicer. These new WAVE ALPINE tecniques can be made avalilable to you for a small fee. If you attend the rock fest. he he he hehihihjkheeeeeee. on the bright side maybe free beer todd will live up to his name, although I doubt it.. nic

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Dont forget your Stupid Checker Imabone. Or maybe you should see since you probably crank 5.11 in the gym if you can do some kewl Thin Fingers Leads tongue.gif


I'll be settin up the LZ for the choppers while tokin the fatty and I invited Real TV over to check out the festivities.


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Donna confided that this extreme sports stuff is growing old, and that she'd like to branch out and do perfume ads or maybe host the X-games. What a shame. She's much smarter than that...has so many more dimensions (three). BTW, mentioning dimensions.....

[This message has been edited by pope (edited 05-29-2001).]

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Listen up, you over-testosteronated horn-dogs! Thanks to "pope", and those of similar excessive hormone drive, my physique has become a topic of discussion at a couple of different lines on this board. Well try this:

a) any of you drool-monkeys out there don't stand a chance. After reading the various speculative nonsense (and total b.s. about Lynn Hill), I've decided that I'll no longer date climbers. Too many boys, too few men and it's increasingly hard to sort them out by age alone.

b) everything you heard from "pope" is true. I am a hairy slut. So hairy, in fact, that when me and "pope" were going out, I shaved his initials onto my back instead of getting the traditional tattoo. Don't worry guys, it has since grown back. I also rarely bathe and my rotting teeth make my mouth stink. Height: 3 ft. 5 and a flat head for setting beers on top. I'd love to continue my hyper-promiscuous life-style with all the Rock-Fest folks but my physician warned me it would likely cause a penicillin shortage in the Pacific Northwest.

I'm so sorry!!!!

Love, Donna

P.S. For my own good, I won't be attending the Rock Fest. That shoe demo will probably activate my credit card and I'll end up in debt. So many styles and colors! You know us ladies!!!......Please!!!!....

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